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Outpatient Clinics

P&CCM fellows attend a continuity clinic one-half day each week throughout the duration of the fellowship. These clinics occur on alternating weeks at the University of Utah and a non-University site, which could include the Schmidt Chest Clinic at IMC or the Pulmonary Clinics at the George E. Wahlen VA Medical Center. Fellows are assigned a panel of patients to follow at each site. Clinic faculty provide teaching and patient-care advice. 

On months spent in research activities the fellow attends sub-specialty clinics within the practice of pulmonary medicine for one-half day each week for a total of 26 weeks. These opportunities include (but are not limited to): sleep medicine, pulmonary vascular disease, cystic fibrosis, asthma, lung transplantation, lung cancer, interstitial lung disease, and management of the patient with neuromuscular disease. 

Fellows also attend the Salt Lake County Tuberculosis Clinic during the third year of training.