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Cho Y. Lam

Cho Y. Lam, PhD

Languages spoken: Cantonese, English

Academic Information

Departments Primary - Population Health Sciences

Academic Office Information

Research Associate Professor

Research Statement

Dr. Lam’s work focuses on cancer prevention in underserved populations, specifically targeting the elimination of tobacco-related cancer and health disparities. Individuals with low socioeconomic status (SES) are more likely to use tobacco, have difficulty quitting, and bear a heavier burden of cancer morbidity and mortality. He leads and collaborates in projects that apply innovative mobile health technologies to examine tobacco cessation among low SES populations. Specifically, these projects investigate the mechanisms by which social, psychological, physiological, and environmental determinants influence low SES tobacco users’ ability to quit and stay quit, develop Just-in-Time-Adaptive-Interventions (JITAIs) for tobacco cessation, and examine tobacco users’ receptivity to these kinds of treatments. Dr. Lam is also interested in the development of strategies to engage underserved tobacco users to evidence-based cessation treatments in real world settings. He has conducted research to implement tobacco cessation treatments in community mental health centers, and is currently working on a pragmatic clinical trial that uses multi-level strategies to connect low SES tobacco users who receive medical care at community health centers to tobacco quit line.

Education History

Postdoctoral Fellowship University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
Predoctoral Fellow
Residency University of Mississippi Medical Center
Predoctoral Resident
Binghamton University
Graduate Training California State University, Fresno
University of Manitoba

Selected Publications

Journal Article

  1. Vinci C, Lam CY, Etcheverry PE, Correa-Fernandez V, Cano M, Cinciripini PM, Wetter DW (2024). Co-action and changes in alcohol use during a smoking cessation attempt. Addiction. (Read full article)
  2. Schlechter CR, Del Fiol G, Jones DR, Orleans B, Gibson B, Nahum-Shani I, Maxfield E, Locke A, Cornia R, Bradshaw R, Wirth J, Jaggers SJ, Lam CY, Wetter DW (2023). Increasing the reach of evidence-based interventions for weight management and diabetes prevention among Medicaid patients: study protocol for a pilot Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomised Trial. BMJ Open, 13(11), e075157. (Read full article)
  3. Ji L, Li Y, Potter LN, Lam CY, Nahum-Shani I, Wetter DW, Chow SM (2023). Multiple imputation of missing data in multilevel ecological momentary assessments: an example using smoking cessation study data. Front Digit Health, 5, 1099517. (Read full article)
  4. Cinciripini PM, Minnix JA, Robinson JD, Kypriotakis G, Cui Y, Blalock JA, Lam CY, Wetter DW (2023). The effects of scheduled smoking reduction and precessation nicotine replacement therapy on smoking cessation: Randomized controlled trial with compliance. JMIR Form Res, 7, e39487. (Read full article)
  5. Schlechter CR, Reese TJ, Wirth J, Gibson B, Kawamoto K, Siaperas T, Pruhs A, Dinkins CP, Zhang Y, Friedrichs M, George S, Lam CY, Pierce JH, Borsato EP, Cornia RC, Stevens L, Martinez A, Bradshaw RL, Kaphingst KA, Hess R, Del Fiol G, Wetter DW (2024). Rapid-cycle designs to adapt interventions for COVID-19 in safety-net healthcare systems. Transl Behav Med, 13(6), 389-399. (Read full article)
  6. Pluta K, Hohl SD, DAngelo H, Ostroff JS, Shelley D, Asvat Y, Chen LS, Cummings KM, Dahl N, Day AT, Fleisher L, Goldstein AO, Hayes R, Hitsman B, Buckles DH, King AC, Lam CY, Lenhoff K, Levinson AH, Minion M, Presant C, Prochaska JJ, Shoenbill K, Simmons V, Taylor K, Tindle H, Tong E, White JS, Wiseman KP, Warren GW, Baker TB, Rolland B, Fiore MC, Salloum RG (2023). Data envelopment analysis to evaluate the efficiency of tobacco treatment programs in the NCI Moonshot Cancer Center Cessation Initiative. Implement Sci Commun, 4(1), 50. (Read full article)
  7. Sobolev M, Anand A, Dziak JJ, Potter LN, Lam CY, Wetter DW, Nahum-Shani I (2023). Time-varying model of engagement with digital self reporting: Evidence from smoking cessation longitudinal studies. Front Digit Health, 5, 1144081. (Read full article)
  8. Potter LN, Schlechter CR, Nahum-Shani I, Lam CY, Cinciripini PM, Wetter DW (2022). Socio-economic status moderates within-person associations of risk factors and smoking lapse in daily life. Addiction, 118(5), 925-934. (Read full article)
  9. Ullah MA, Chatterjee S, Fagundes CP, Lam C, Nahum-Shani I, Rehg JM, Wetter DW, Kumar S (2022). mRisk: Continuous risk estimation for smoking lapse from noisy sensor data with incomplete and positive-only labels. Proc ACM Interact Mob Wearable Ubiquitous Technol, 6(3). (Read full article)
  10. Potter LN, Schlechter CR, Shono Y, Lam CY, Cinciripini PM, Wetter DW (2022). An ecological momentary assessment study of outcome expectancies and smoking lapse in daily life. Drug Alcohol Depend, 238, 109587. (Read full article)
  11. Vinci C, Lam C, Schlechter CR, Shono Y, Vidrine JI, Wetter DW (2021). Increasing treatment enrollment among smokers who are not motivated to quit: a randomized clinical trial. Transl Behav Med, 12(1). (Read full article)
  12. Hopkins PD, Spears CA, Hoover DS, Li L, Cambron C, Potter LN, Cinciripini PM, Lam CY, Wetter DW (2022). Trajectories of motivation and self-efficacy during a smoking quit attempt: An ecological momentary assessment study. Psychol Addict Behav, 36(1), 78-89.
  13. Nahum-Shani I, Potter LN, Lam CY, Yap J, Moreno A, Stoffel R, Wu Z, Wan N, Dempsey W, Kumar S, Ertin E, Murphy SA, Rehg JM, Wetter DW (2021). The mobile assistance for regulating smoking (MARS) micro-randomized trial design protocol. Contemp Clin Trials, 110, 106513. (Read full article)
  14. Schlechter CR, Del Fiol G, Lam CY, Fernandez ME, Greene T, Yack M, Schulthies S, Nelson M, Bohner C, Pruhs A, Siaperas T, Kawamoto K, Gibson B, Nahum-Shani I, Walker TJ, Wetter DW (2021). Application of community - engaged dissemination and implementation science to improve health equity. Prev Med Rep, 24, 101620. (Read full article)
  15. Kawamoto K, Kukhareva PV, Weir C, Flynn MC, Nanjo CJ, Martin DK, Warner PB, Shields DE, Rodriguez-Loya S, Bradshaw RL, Cornia RC, Reese TJ, Kramer HS, Taft T, Curran RL, Morgan KL, Borbolla D, Hightower M, Turnbull WJ, Strong MB, Chapman WW, Gregory T, Stipelman CH, Shakib JH, Hess R, Boltax JP, Habboushe JP, Sakaguchi F, Turner KM, Narus SP, Tarumi S, Takeuchi W, Ban H, Wetter DW, Lam C, Caverly TJ, Fagerlin A, Norlin C, Malone DC, Kaphingst KA, Kohlmann WK, Brooke BS, Del Fiol G (2021). Establishing a multidisciplinary initiative for interoperable electronic health record innovations at an academic medical center. JAMIA Open, 4(3), ooab041. (Read full article)
  16. Vinci C, Cambron C, Lam C, Wetter DW (2021). Perceived discrimination and smoking lapse among Mexican Americans: An ecological momentary assessment study. Health Psychol, 40(6), 388-397. (Read full article)
  17. Salloum RG, DAngelo H, Theis RP, Rolland B, Hohl S, Pauk D, LeLaurin JH, Asvat Y, Chen LS, Day AT, Goldstein AO, Hitsman B, Hudson D, King AC, Lam CY, Lenhoff K, Levinson AH, Prochaska J, Smieliauskas F, Taylor K, Thomas J, Tindle H, Tong E, White JS, Vogel WB, Warren GW, Fiore M (2021). Mixed-methods economic evaluation of the implementation of tobacco treatment programs in National Cancer Institute-designated cancer centers. Implement Sci Commun, 2(1), 41. (Read full article)
  18. Kwon S, Wan N, Burns RD, Brusseau TA, Kim Y, Kumar S, Ertin E, Wetter DW, Lam CY, Wen M, Byun W (2021). The validity of MotionSense HRV in estimating sedentary behavior and physical activity under free-living and simulated activity settings. Sensors (Basel), 21(4). (Read full article)
  19. Gibson B, Kramer H, Weir C, Fiol G, Borbolla D, Schlechter CR, Lam C, Nelson M, Bohner C, Schulthies S, Sieperas T, Pruhs A, Nahum-Shani I, Fernandez ME, Wetter DW (2021). Workflow analysis for design of an electronic health record-based tobacco cessation intervention in community health centers. JAMIA Open, 4(3), ooaa070. (Read full article)
  20. Nitturi V, Chen TA, Kyburz B, Martinez Leal I, Correa-Fernandez V, OConnor DP, Williams T, Garey L, Stacey T, Wilson WT, Lam C, Reitzel LR (2020). Organizational characteristics and readiness for tobacco-free workplace program implementation moderates changes in clinician's delivery of smoking interventions within behavioral health treatment clinics. Nicotine Tob Res, 23(2), 310-319. (Read full article)
  21. Potter LN, Lam CY, Cinciripini PM, Wetter DW (2019). Intersectionality and smoking cessation: Exploring various approaches for understanding health inequities. Nicotine Tob Res, 23(1), 115-123. (Read full article)
  22. Reese TJ, Schlechter CR, Potter LN, Kawamoto K, Del Fiol G, Lam CY, Wetter DW (2021). Evaluation of revised US Preventive Services Task Force Lung Cancer Screening Guideline among women and racial/ethnic minority populations. JAMA Netw Open, 4(1), e2033769. (Read full article)
  23. Potter LN, Haaland BA, Lam CY, Cambron C, Schlechter CR, Cinciripini PM, Wetter DW (2020). A time-varying model of the dynamics of smoking lapse. Health Psychol, 40(1), 40-50. (Read full article)
  24. Moreno A, Wu Z, Yap J, Lam C, Wetter DW, Nahum-Shani I, Dempsey W, Rehg JM (2021). A robust functional EM Algorithm for incomplete panel count data. Adv Neural Inf Process Syst, 33, 19828-19838. (Read full article)
  25. Cambron C, Hopkins P, Burningham C, Lam C, Cinciripini P, Wetter DW (2020). Socioeconomic status, mindfulness, and momentary associations between stress and smoking lapse during a quit attempt. Drug Alcohol Depend, 209, 107840. (Read full article)
  26. Cambron C, Lam CY, Cinciripini P, Li L, Wetter DW (2019). Socioeconomic status, social context, and smoking lapse during a quit attempt: An ecological momentary assessment study. Ann Behav Med, 54(3), 141-150. (Read full article)
  27. Fernandez ME, Schlechter CR, Del Fiol G, Gibson B, Kawamoto K, Siaperas T, Pruhs A, Greene T, Nahum-Shani I, Schulthies S, Nelson M, Bohner C, Kramer H, Borbolla D, Austin S, Weir C, Walker TW, Lam CY, Wetter DW (2020). QuitSMART Utah: an implementation study protocol for a cluster-randomized, multi-level Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial to increase Reach and Impact of tobacco cessation treatment in Community Health Centers. Implement Sci, 15(1), 9. (Read full article)
  28. Cambron C, Haslam AK, Baucom BRW, Lam C, Vinci C, Cinciripini P, Li L, Wetter DW (2019). Momentary precipitants connecting stress and smoking lapse during a quit attempt. Health Psychol, 38(12), 1049-1058. (Read full article)
  29. Vinci C, Guo L, Spears CA, Li L, Correa-Fernndez V, Etcheverry PE, Lam CY, Hoover DS, Wetter DW (2017). Socioeconomic indicators as predictors of smoking cessation among Spanish-Speaking Mexican Americans. Ethn Health, 24(7), 841-853. (Read full article)
  30. Garey L, Neighbors C, Leal IM, Lam CY, Wilson WT, Kyburz B, Stacey T, Correa-Fernndez V, Williams T, Zvolensky MJ, Reitzel LR (2019). Tobacco-related knowledge following a comprehensive tobacco-free workplace program within behavioral health facilities: Identifying organizational moderators. Patient Educ Couns, 102(9), 1680-1686. (Read full article)
  31. Spears CA, Li L, Wu C, Vinci C, Heppner WL, Hoover DS, Lam C, Wetter DW (2019). Mechanisms linking mindfulness and early smoking abstinence: An ecological momentary assessment study. Psychol Addict Behav, 33(3), 197-207. (Read full article)
  32. Correa-Fernndez V, Wilson WT, Kyburz B, OConnor DP, Stacey T, Williams T, Lam CY, Reitzel LR (2019). Evaluation of the Taking Texas Tobacco Free Workplace Program within behavioral health centers. Transl Behav Med, 9(2), 319-327.
  33. Versace F, Stevens EM, Robinson JD, Cui Y, Deweese MM, Engelmann JM, Green CE, Karam-Hage M, Lam CY, Minnix JA, Wetter DW, Cinciripini PM (2017). Brain responses to cigarette-related and emotional images in smokers during smoking cessation: No effect of varenicline or bupropion on the late positive potential. Nicotine Tob Res, 21(2), 234-240. (Read full article)
  34. Tsai MH, Li TC, Li CI, Gritz ER, Lam C, Chiu CF, Liu CS, Lai CC, Hsu WY, Tam-Maury I, Lu IY, Lin CC (2018). Development and preliminary validation of a mandarin Chinese language questionnaire measuring betel quid dependency among adults in Taiwan. Psychiatry Res, 271, 153-160. (Read full article)
  35. Vinci C, Haslam A, Lam CY, Kumar S, Wetter DW (2018). The use of ambulatory assessment in smoking cessation. Addict Behav, 83, 18-24. (Read full article)
  36. Haslam AK, Correa-Fernndez V, Hoover DS, Li L, Lam CY, Wetter DW (2018). Anhedonia and smoking cessation among Spanish-speaking Mexican-Americans. Health Psychol, 39(9), 814–819.
  37. Cofta-Woerpel L, Lam C, Reitzel LR, Wilson W, Karam-Hage M, Beneventi D, Cofer J, Baker E, Wetter DW, Cinciripini PM, Blalock J (2018). A tele-mentoring tobacco cessation case consultation and education model for healthcare providers in community mental health centers. Cogent Med, 5(1). (Read full article)
  38. Cui Y, Engelmann JM, Xian J, Minnix JA, Lam CY, Karam-Hage M, Cinciripini PM, Robinson JD (2018). Pharmacological intervention and abstinence in smokers undergoing cessation treatment: A psychophysiological study. Int J Psychophysiol, 123, 25-34. (Read full article)
  39. Vinci C, Li L, Wu C, Lam CY, Guo L, Correa-Fernndez V, Spears CA, Hoover DS, Etcheverry PE, Wetter DW (2017). The association of positive emotion and first smoking lapse: An ecological momentary assessment study. Health Psychol, 36(11), 1038-1046. (Read full article)
  40. Samaha HL, Correa-Fernandez V, Lam C, Wilson WT, Kyburz B, Stacey T, Williams T, Reitzel LR (2017). Addressing Tobacco Use Among Consumers and Staff at Behavioral Health Treatment Facilities Through Comprehensive Workplace Programming. Health Promot Pract, 18(4), 561-570. (Read full article)
  41. Ma WF, Li CI, Gritz ER, Tam-Maury I, Lam CY, Lin CC (2017). A symbol of connectedness between the self and the tribal home: Betel quid in the lives of indigenous Taiwanese. Hu Li Za Zhi, 64(3), 65–73.
  42. Versace F, Engelmann JM, Deweese MM, Robinson JD, Green CE, Lam CY, Minnix JA, Karam-Hage MA, Wetter DW, Schembre SM, Cinciripini PM (2017). Beyond Cue Reactivity: Non-Drug-Related Motivationally Relevant Stimuli Are Necessary to Understand Reactivity to Drug-Related Cues. Nicotine Tob Res, 19(6), 663-669. (Read full article)
  43. Correa-Fernandez V, Wilson WT, Shedrick DA, Kyburz B, L Samaha H, Stacey T, Williams T, Lam CY, Reitzel LR (2017). Implementation of a tobacco-free workplace program at a local mental health authority. Transl Behav Med, 7(2), 204-211. (Read full article)
  44. Lin CC, Tam-Maury I, Ma WF, Lam CY, Tsai MH, Lin MT, Li CI, Liu CS, Li TC, Chiu CF, Lu IY, Gritz ER (2017). Social and cultural context of betel quid consumption in Taiwan and implications for prevention and cessation interventions. Subst Use Misuse, 52(5), 646-655.
  45. Etcheverry PE, Waters AJ, Lam C, Correa-Fernandez V, Vidrine JI, Cinciripini PM, Wetter DW (2016). Attentional bias to negative affect moderates negative affect's relationship with smoking abstinence. Health Psychol, 35(8), 881-890. (Read full article)
  46. Aigner CJ, Cinciripini PM, Anderson KO, Baum GP, Gritz ER, Lam CY (2016). The association of pain with smoking and quit attempts in an electronic diary study of cancer patients trying to quit. Nicotine Tob Res, 18(6), 1449-55. (Read full article)
  47. Cui Y, Tang R, Lam CY, Cinciripini PM, Robinson JD (2016). The influence of personality traits on smokers' affect, withdrawal and cessation intervention outcome. Addict Behav, 54, 7-11. (Read full article)
  48. Kumar S, Abowd GD, Abraham WT, alAbsi M, Beck JG, Chau DH, Condie T, Conroy DE, Ertin E, Estrin D, Ganesan D, Lam C, Marlin B, Marsh CB, Murphy SA, Nahum-Shani I, Patrick K, Rehg JM, Sharmin M, Shetty V, Sim I, Spring B, Srivastava M, Wetter DW (2015). Center of excellence for mobile sensor data-to-knowledge (MD2K). J Am Med Inform Assoc, 22(6), 1137-42. (Read full article)
  49. Cui Y, Robinson JD, Engelmann JM, Lam CY, Minnix JA, Karam-Hage M, Wetter DW, Dani JA, Kosten TR, Cinciripini PM (2015). Reinforcement sensitivity underlying treatment-seeking smokers' affect, smoking reinforcement motives, and affective responses. Psychol Addict Behav, 29(2), 300-311. (Read full article)
  50. Ratcliff CG, Lam CY, Arun B, Valero V, Cohen L (2014). Ecological momentary assessment of sleep, symptoms, and mood during chemotherapy for breast cancer. Psychooncology, 23(11), 1220-8. (Read full article)
  51. Businelle MS, Ma P, Kendzor DE, Reitzel LR, Chen M, Lam CY, Bernstein I, Wetter DW (2014). Predicting quit attempts among homeless smokers seeking cessation treatment: an ecological momentary assessment study. Nicotine Tob Res, 16(10), 1371-8. (Read full article)
  52. Cano M, Lam CY, Chen M, Adams CE, Correa-Fernndez V, Stewart DW, McClure JB, Cinciripini PM, Wetter DW (2014). Positive smoking outcome expectancies mediate the association between negative affect and smoking urge among women during a quit attempt. Exp Clin Psychopharmacol, 22(4), 332-40. (Read full article)
  53. Ostroff JS, Burkhalter JE, Cinciripini PM, Li Y, Shiyko MP, Lam CY, Hay JL, Dhingra LK, Lord-Bessen J, Holland SM, Manna R (2014). Randomized trial of a presurgical scheduled reduced smoking intervention for patients newly diagnosed with cancer. Health Psychol, 33(7), 737-47. (Read full article)
  54. Adams CE, Chen M, Guo L, Lam CY, Stewart DW, Correa-Fernndez V, Cano MA, Heppner WL, Vidrine JI, Li Y, Ahluwalia JS, Cinciripini PM, Wetter DW (2014). Mindfulness predicts lower affective volatility among African Americans during smoking cessation. Psychol Addict Behav, 28(2), 580-5. (Read full article)
  55. Versace F, Engelmann JM, Robinson JD, Jackson EF, Green CE, Lam CY, Minnix JA, Karam-Hage MA, Brown VL, Wetter DW, Cinciripini PM (2014). Prequit fMRI responses to pleasant cues and cigarette-related cues predict smoking cessation outcome. Nicotine Tob Res, 16(6), 697-708. (Read full article)
  56. Watkins KL, Regan SD, Nguyen N, Businelle MS, Kendzor DE, Lam C, Balis D, Cuevas AG, Cao Y, Reitzel LR (2014). Advancing cessation research by integrating EMA and geospatial methodologies: associations between tobacco retail outlets and real-time smoking urges during a quit attempt. Nicotine Tob Res, 16 Suppl 2, S93-101. (Read full article)
  57. Lam CY, Businelle MS, Aigner CJ, McClure JB, Cofta-Woerpel L, Cinciripini PM, Wetter DW (2014). Individual and combined effects of multiple high-risk triggers on postcessation smoking urge and lapse. Nicotine Tob Res, 16(5), 569-75. (Read full article)
  58. Kendzor DE, Businelle MS, Reitzel LR, Castro Y, Vidrine JI, Mazas CA, Cinciripini PM, Lam CY, Adams CE, Correa-Fernandez V, Cano MA, Wetter DW (2014). The influence of discrimination on smoking cessation among Latinos. Drug Alcohol Depend, 136, 143-8. (Read full article)
  59. Lam CY, Businelle MS, Cofta-Woerpel L, McClure JB, Cinciripini PM, Wetter DW (2014). Positive smoking outcome expectancies mediate the relation between alcohol consumption and smoking urge among women during a quit attempt. Psychol Addict Behav, 28(1), 163-72. (Read full article)
  60. Robinson JD, Versace F, Lam CY, Minnix JA, Engelmann JM, Cui Y, Karam-Hage M, Shete SS, Tomlinson GE, Chen TT, Wetter DW, Green CE, Cinciripini PM (2013). The CHRNA3 rs578776 variant is associated with an intrinsic reward sensitivity deficit in smokers. Front Psychiatry, 4, 114. (Read full article)
  61. Minnix JA, Versace F, Robinson JD, Lam CY, Engelmann JM, Cui Y, Brown VL, Cinciripini PM (2013). The late positive potential (LPP) in response to varying types of emotional and cigarette stimuli in smokers: a content comparison. Int J Psychophysiol, 89(1), 18-25. (Read full article)
  62. Cinciripini PM, Robinson JD, Karam-Hage M, Minnix JA, Lam C, Versace F, Brown VL, Engelmann JM, Wetter DW (2013). Effects of varenicline and bupropion sustained-release use plus intensive smoking cessation counseling on prolonged abstinence from smoking and on depression, negative affect, and other symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. JAMA Psychiatry, 70(5), 522-33. (Read full article)
  63. Cui Y, Versace F, Engelmann JM, Minnix JA, Robinson JD, Lam CY, Karam-Hage M, Brown VL, Wetter DW, Dani JA, Kosten TR, Cinciripini PM (2013). Alpha oscillations in response to affective and cigarette-related stimuli in smokers. Nicotine Tob Res, 15(5), 917-24. (Read full article)
  64. Businelle MS, Lam CY, Kendzor DE, Cofta-Woerpel L, McClure JB, Cinciripini PM, Wetter DW (2013). Alcohol consumption and urges to smoke among women during a smoking cessation attempt. Exp Clin Psychopharmacol, 21(1), 29-37. (Read full article)
  65. Lam CY, Gritz ER (2012). Incorporating behavioral research to examine the relationship between betel quid chewing and oral cancer in Taiwan. Biomedicine, 2(4), 160-6.
  66. Versace F, Lam CY, Engelmann JM, Robinson JD, Minnix JA, Brown VL, Cinciripini PM (2012). Beyond cue reactivity: blunted brain responses to pleasant stimuli predict long-term smoking abstinence. Addict Biol, 17(6), 991-1000. (Read full article)
  67. Novy DM, Lam C, Gritz ER, Hernandez M, Driver LC, Koyyalagunta D (2012). Distinguishing features of cancer patients who smoke: pain, symptom burden, and risk for opioid misuse. J Pain, 13(11), 1058-67. (Read full article)
  68. Cui Y, Robinson JD, Versace F, Lam CY, Minnix JA, Karam-Hage M, Dani JA, Kosten TR, Wetter DW, Brown VL, Cinciripini PM (2012). Differential cigarette-related startle cue reactivity among light, moderate, and heavy smokers. Addict Behav, 37(8), 885-9. (Read full article)
  69. Lam CY, Robinson JD, Versace F, Minnix JA, Cui Y, Carter BL, Wetter DW, Cinciripini PM (2012). Affective reactivity during smoking cessation of never-quitters as compared with that of abstainers, relapsers, and continuing smokers. Exp Clin Psychopharmacol, 20(2), 139-50. (Read full article)
  70. Engelmann JM, Versace F, Robinson JD, Minnix JA, Lam CY, Cui Y, Brown VL, Cinciripini PM (2012). Neural substrates of smoking cue reactivity: a meta-analysis of fMRI studies. Neuroimage, 60(1), 252-62. (Read full article)
  71. Robinson JD, Lam CY, Carter BL, Wetter DW, Cinciripini PM (2012). Negative reinforcement smoking outcome expectancies are associated with affective response to acute nicotine administration and abstinence. Drug Alcohol Depend, 120(1-3), 196-201. (Read full article)
  72. Versace F, Engelmann JM, Jackson EF, Costa VD, Robinson JD, Lam CY, Minnix JA, Brown VL, Wetter DW, Cinciripini PM (2011). Do brain responses to emotional images and cigarette cues differ? An fMRI study in smokers. Eur J Neurosci, 34(12), 2054-63. (Read full article)
  73. Versace F, Minnix JA, Robinson JD, Lam CY, Brown VL, Cinciripini PM (2011). Brain reactivity to emotional, neutral and cigarette-related stimuli in smokers. Addict Biol, 16(2), 296-307. (Read full article)
  74. Robinson JD, Lam CY, Carter BL, Minnix JA, Cui Y, Versace F, Wetter DW, Cinciripini PM (2011). A multimodal approach to assessing the impact of nicotine dependence, nicotine abstinence, and craving on negative affect in smokers. Exp Clin Psychopharmacol, 19(1), 40-52. (Read full article)
  75. Blalock JA, Lam CY, Minnix JA, Karam-Hage M, Gritz ER, Robinson JA, Cinciripini PM (2011). The effect of mood, anxiety and alcohol use disorders on smoking cessation in cancer patients. J Cogn Psychother, 25(1), 82-96.
  76. Minnix JA, Robinson JD, Lam CY, Carter BL, Foreman JE, Vandenbergh DJ, Tomlinson GE, Wetter DW, Cinciripini PM (2011). The serotonin transporter gene and startle response during nicotine deprivation. Biol Psychol, 86(1), 1-8. (Read full article)
  77. Versace F, Robinson JD, Lam CY, Minnix JA, Brown VL, Carter BL, Wetter DW, Cinciripini PM (2010). Cigarette cues capture smokers' attention: evidence from event-related potentials. Psychophysiology, 47(3), 435-41. (Read full article)
  78. Carter BL, Paris MM, Lam CY, Robinson JD, Traylor AC, Waters AJ, Wetter DW, Cinciripini PM (2010). Real-time craving differences between black and white smokers. Am J Addict, 19(2), 136-40. (Read full article)
  79. Cinciripini PM, Blalock JA, Minnix JA, Robinson JD, Brown VL, Lam C, Wetter DW, Schreindorfer L, McCullough JP, Dolan-Mullen P, Stotts AL, Karam-Hage M (2010). Effects of an intensive depression-focused intervention for smoking cessation in pregnancy. J Consult Clin Psychol, 78(1), 44-54. (Read full article)
  80. Zevallos JP, Mallen MJ, Lam CY, Karam-Hage M, Blalock J, Wetter DW, Garden AS, Sturgis EM, Cinciripini PM (2009). Complications of radiotherapy in laryngopharyngeal cancer: effects of a prospective smoking cessation program. Cancer, 115(19), 4636-44. (Read full article)
  81. Waters AJ, Carter BL, Robinson JD, Wetter DW, Lam CY, Kerst W, Cinciripini PM (2009). Attentional bias is associated with incentive-related physiological and subjective measures. Exp Clin Psychopharmacol, 17(4), 247-57. (Read full article)
  82. Carter BL, Lam CY, Robinson JD, Paris MM, Waters AJ, Wetter DW, Cinciripini PM (2009). Generalized craving, self-report of arousal, and cue reactivity after brief abstinence. Nicotine Tob Res, 11(7), 823-6. (Read full article)
  83. Lam CY, Robinson JD, Carter BL, Wetter DW, Minnix JA, Cinciripini PM (2008). Nicotine differentially inhibits the acoustic startle reflex in African American and Caucasian American smokers. Addict Behav, 33(12), 1521-8. (Read full article)
  84. Carter BL, Lam CY, Robinson JD, Paris MM, Waters AJ, Wetter DW, Cinciripini PM (2008). Real-time craving and mood assessments before and after smoking. Nicotine Tob Res, 10(7), 1165-9. (Read full article)
  85. Waters AJ, Carter BL, Robinson JD, Wetter DW, Lam CY, Cinciripini PM (2007). Implicit attitudes to smoking are associated with craving and dependence. Drug Alcohol Depend, 91(2-3), 178-86. (Read full article)
  86. Robinson JD, Lam CY, Minnix JA, Wetter DW, Tomlinson GE, Minna JD, Chen TT, Cinciripini PM (2007). The DRD2 TaqI-B polymorphism and its relationship to smoking abstinence and withdrawal symptoms. Pharmacogenomics J, 7(4), 266-74. (Read full article)
  87. Robinson JD, Cinciripini PM, Carter BL, Lam CY, Wetter DW (2007). Facial EMG as an index of affective response to nicotine. Exp Clin Psychopharmacol, 15(4), 390-9. (Read full article)
  88. Robinson JD, Cinciripini PM, Tiffany ST, Carter BL, Lam CY, Wetter DW (2007). Gender differences in affective response to acute nicotine administration and deprivation. Addict Behav, 32(3), 543-61. (Read full article)
  89. Lam CY, Minnix JA, Robinson JD, Cinciripini PM (2006). A brief review of pharmacotherapies for smoking cessation. J Natl Compr Canc Netw, 4(6), 583-9. (Read full article)
  90. Cinciripini PM, Robinson JD, Carter BL, Lam C, Wu X, de Moor CA, Baile WF, Wetter DW (2006). The effects of smoking deprivation and nicotine administration on emotional reactivity. Nicotine Tob Res, 8(3), 379-92. (Read full article)
  91. Carter BL, Robinson JD, Lam CY, Wetter DW, Tsan JY, Day SX, Cinciripini PM (2006). A psychometric evaluation of cigarette stimuli used in a cue reactivity study. Nicotine Tob Res, 8(3), 361-9. (Read full article)
  92. Cinciripini PM, Tsoh JY, Wetter DW, Lam C, de Moor C, Cinciripini L, Baile W, Anderson C, Minna JD (2005). Combined effects of venlafaxine, nicotine replacement, and brief counseling on smoking cessation. Exp Clin Psychopharmacol, 13(4), 282-92. (Read full article)
  93. Lam CY, Pepper CM, Ryabchenko KA (2004). Case identification of mood disorders in Asian American and Caucasian American college students. Psychiatr Q, 75(4), 361-73. (Read full article)

Book Chapter

  1. Gritz ER, Lam CY, Vidrine DJ, Fingeret MC (2008). Cancer prevention: Tobacco dependence and its treatment. In DeVita VT, Lawrence TS, Rosenberg SA (Eds.), Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology (8th Edition, pp. 593-607). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Conference Proceedings

  1. Chatterjee S, Moreno A, Lizotte SL, Akther S, Ertin E, Fagundes CP, Lam C, Rehg JM, Wan N, Wetter DW, Kumar S (2020). SmokingOpp: Detecting the smoking 'opportunity' context using mobile sensors. Proc ACM Interact Mob Wearable Ubiquitous Technol, United States, 4(1). (Read full article)
  2. Chatterjee S, Hovsepian K, Sarker H, Saleheen N, alAbsi M, Atluri G, Ertin E, Lam CY, Lemieux A, Nakajima M, Spring B, Wetter DW, Kumar S (2016). mCrave: Continuous estimation of craving during smoking cessation. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing, 863–874.