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Grant R. Sunada

Grant R. Sunada, MPH, PhD

Languages spoken: English

Academic Office Information

Research Interests

  • Document Mediating and Moderating Relationships Between Social Determinants, Health Behaviors, Provider Behaviors, and Mental/Physical Health Outcomes
  • Identify and Address Determinants of Health Inequities and Health Behaviors Through Community-Driven Research, Capacity Building, and Systems Change

Education History

Doctoral Training University of Utah School of Medicine
Brigham Young University College of Health and Human Performance
Undergraduate Utah State University
Undergraduate Utah State University

Selected Publications

Journal Article

  1. Drits-Esser D, Coulter H, Mannello M, Sunada GR, Alder SA, Davis F, Lee D, Mukundente V, Napia E, Ralls B, Rickard S, Tavake-Pasi F, Stark LA (2019). The Community Faces Model: Community, university and health department partners thriving together for effective health education. 2(1), 10.
  2. Buder I, Zick C, Waitzman N, Simonsen S, Sunada GR, Digre K (2018). It takes a village coach: cost-effectiveness of an intervention to improve diet and physical activity among minority women. J Phys Act Health, 15(11), 819-826.
  3. Simonsen SE, Digre KB, Ralls B, Mukundente V, Davis FA, Rickard S, Tavake-Pasi F, Napia EE, Aiono H, Chirpich M, Stark LA, Sunada G, Keen K, Johnston L, Frost CJ, Varner MW, Alder SC (2015). A gender-based approach to developing a healthy lifestyle and healthy weight intervention for diverse Utah women. Eval Program Plann, 51, 8-16. (Read full article)