Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Heather Tanana (12/10/2021). Synching Science and Policy to Address Climate change in Tribal Communities. 36.
- Elizabeth Kronk Warner (07/25/2021). Indian Country Post-McGirt: Implications for Traditional Energy Development and Beyond. 45.
- Heather Tanana (06/17/2021). Water is Life: Law, Systemic Racism, and Water Security in Indian Country. Health Secur, 19.
- John Ruple (12/01/2020). NEPA at 50: An Empirical Analysis of NEPA in the Courts. 66.
- John Ruple (07/2020). Debunking the Myths Behind the NEPA Process. 35.
Book Chapter
- Elizabeth Kronk Warner (07/2021). Law of Environmental Protection, Chapter 24 Climate Change, Tribal Sections 24:26-24:30. Environmental Law Institute.
- Heather Tanana et al (02/01/2022). Recommendations for Operational, Administrative, Policy, and Regulatory Reform. Water & Tribes Initiative. Water & Tribes Initiative.
- Heather Tanana (05/2021). Universal Access to Clean Water for Tribes in the Colorado River Basin. Water & Tribes Initiative. Water & Tribes Initiative.
- Heather Tanana (03/2021). Beyond the Pandemic: Historical Infrastructure, Funding, and Data Access Challenges in Indian country. Public Health Law Watch (2). Public Health Law Watch.
- Aila Hoss (08/2020). Upholding Tribal Sovereignty and Promoting Tribal Public Health Capacity During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Public Health Law Watch (1). Public Health Law Watch.