Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Tanner CT (01/01/2020). Social expectancy and age-related macular degeneration research; A scoping review of the literature. . 10.
- Pokharel M (10/01/2019). Health communication roles in Latino, Pacific Islander, and Caucasian Families: A qualitative investigation. . 1-11.
- Tjia J, DeSanto-Madeya S, Mazor KM, Han P, Nguyen B, Curran T, Gallagher J, Clayton MF (2019). Nurses' Perspectives on Family Caregiver Medication Management Support and Deprescribing. J Hosp Palliat Nurs, 21(4), 312-318. (Read full article)
- Kane L, Clayton MF, Baucom BR, Ellington L, Reblin M (2019). Measuring Communication Similarity Between Hospice Nurses and Cancer Caregivers Using Latent Semantic Analysis. Cancer Nurs. (Read full article)
- Kane L (07/01/2019). Measuring Communication Similarity Between Hospice Nurses and Cancer Caregivers Using Latent Semantic Analysis. .
- Lambert de Diesbach PB (07/01/2019). The Caregivers Quality of Life Cancer-Index (CQOL-C) in Spain: An Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Caregivers of Ambulatory and Hospitalized Patients With Cancer .
- Himes DO, Gibbons DK, Birmingham WC, Beckstrand RL, Gammon A, Kinney AY, Clayton MF (2019). Female family members lack understanding of indeterminate negative BRCA1/2 test results shared by probands. J Genet Couns, 28(5), 950-961. (Read full article)
- Clayton MF, Iacob E, Reblin M, Ellington L (2019). Hospice nurse identification of comfortable and difficult discussion topics: Associations among self-perceived communication effectiveness, nursing stress, life events, and burnout. Patient Educ Couns. (Read full article)
- Hulett JM, Fessele KL, Clayton MF, Eaton LH (2019). Rigor and Reproducibility: A Systematic Review of Salivary Cortisol Sampling and Reporting Parameters Used in Cancer Survivorship Research. Biol Res Nurs, 21(3), 318-334. (Read full article)
- Reblin M, Baucom BRW, Clayton MF, Utz R, Caserta M, Lund D, Mooney K, Ellington L (2019). Communication of emotion in home hospice cancer care: Implications for spouse caregiver depression into bereavement. Psychooncology, 28(5), 1102-1109. (Read full article)
- Himes DO, Davis SH, Lassetter JH, Peterson NE, Clayton MF, Birmingham WC, Kinney AY (2019). Does family communication matter? Exploring knowledge of breast cancer genetics in cancer families. J Community Genet. (Read full article)
- Oliver DP, Tappana J, Washington KT, Rolbiecki A, Craig K, Demiris G, Schafer C, Winjobi M, Clayton MF, Reblin M, Ellington L (2019). Behind the doors of home hospice patients: A secondary qualitative analysis of hospice nurse communication with patients and families. Palliat Support Care, 1-5. (Read full article)
- Canary H E (01/07/2019). Family health history tools as communication resources: Perspectives from Caucasian, Hispanic, and Pacific Islander families. 19, 126-43.
- Xu J, Yang R, Wilson A, Reblin M, Clayton MF, Ellington L (2018). Using Social Network Analysis to Investigate Positive EOL Communication. J Pain Symptom Manage, 56(2), 273-280. (Read full article)
- Haynes-Lewis H, Clayton MF, Viswanathan S, Moadel-Robblee A, Clark L, Caserta M (2018). Distress and Supportive Care Needs of Ethnically Diverse Older Adults With Advanced or Recurrent Cancer. Oncol Nurs Forum, 45(4), 496-507. (Read full article)
- Haynes-Lewis H (07/01/2018). Distress and supportive care needs of ethnically diverse older adults with advanced or recurrent cancer. . Oncol Nurs Forum, 45(4), 496-507.
- Tanner C T (07/01/2018). Conducting research with older adults with vision impairment: Lessons learned and recommended best practices. Gerontol Geriatr Med, epub ahead of print.
- Hudson J, Reblin M, Clayton MF, Ellington L (2018). Addressing cancer patient and caregiver role transitions during home hospice nursing care. Palliat Support Care, 1-8. (Read full article)
- Han CJ, Chi NC, Han S, Demiris G, Parker-Oliver D, Washington K, Clayton MF, Reblin M, Ellington L (2018). Communicating Caregivers' Challenges With Cancer Pain Management: An Analysis of Home Hospice Visits. J Pain Symptom Manage, 55(5), 1296-1303. (Read full article)
- Ellington L, Cloyes KG, Xu J, Bellury L, Berry PH, Reblin M, Clayton MF (2017). Supporting home hospice family caregivers: Insights from different perspectives. Palliat Support Care, 16(2), 209-219. (Read full article)
- Terrill AL, Ellington L, John KK, Latimer S, Xu J, Reblin M, Clayton MF (2017). Positive emotion communication: Fostering well-being at end of life. Patient Educ Couns, 101(4), 631-638. (Read full article)
- Ellington L, Clayton MF, Reblin M, Donaldson G, Latimer S (2017). Communication among cancer patients, caregivers, and hospice nurses: Content, process and change over time. Patient Educ Couns, 101(3), 414-421. (Read full article)
- Oliver DP, Washington K, Demiris G, Wallace A, Propst MR, Uraizee AM, Craig K, Clayton MF, Reblin M, Ellington L (2017). Shared Decision Making in Home Hospice Nursing Visits: A Qualitative Study. J Pain Symptom Manage, 55(3), 922-929. (Read full article)
- Lai D, Cloyes KG, Clayton MF, Doyon K, Reblin M, Beck AC, Ellington L (2018). WE'RE THE EYES AND THE EARS, BUT WE DON'T HAVE A VOICE: PERSPECTIVES OF HOSPICE AIDES. J Hosp Palliat Nurs, 20(1), 47-54. (Read full article)
- Lai D (02/01/2018). We're the Eyes and the Ears, but We Don't Have a Voice. J Hosp Palliat Nurs, 20, 47-54. (Read full article)
- Cornide M (02/01/2018). Assessing quality-of-life of cancer caregivers in Spain: Validation of CQOLC-Spain scale and elements of a cross-cultural analysis. 9(1), 311-319.
- Fowler B (01/2018). Utah Cancer Survivors: A comprehensive comparison of health-related outcomes between survivors and individuals without a history of cancer. J Cancer Educ, 33(1), 214-221.
- Han CJ (01/2018). Communicating caregivers' challenges with cancer pain management: An analysis of home hospice visits. . J Pain Symptom Manage, 55(5), 1296-1303.
- Reblin M, Clayton MF, Xu J, Hulett JM, Latimer S, Donaldson GW, Ellington L (2017). Caregiver, patient, and nurse visit communication patterns in cancer home hospice. Psychooncology, 26(12), 2285-2293. (Read full article)
- Ellington L, Billitteri J, Reblin M, Clayton MF (2017). Spiritual Care Communication in Cancer Patients. Semin Oncol Nurs, 33(5), 517-525. (Read full article)
- Dingley C (10/2017). Caregiver activation and hospice nurse communication in advanced cancer care. . 40(5), E38-50.
- Scherr CL, Dean M, Clayton MF, Hesse BW, Silk K, Street RL Jr, Krieger J (2017). A Research Agenda for Communication Scholars in the Precision Medicine Era. J Health Commun, 22(10), 839-848. (Read full article)
- Clayton MF (09/2017). Nursing support of home hospice caregivers on the day of cancer patient death. . Oncol Nurs Forum, 44(4), 457-464.
- Clayton MF, Hulett J, Kaur K, Reblin M, Wilson A, Ellington L (2017). Nursing Support of Home Hospice Caregivers on the Day of Patient Death. Oncol Nurs Forum, 44(4), 457-464. (Read full article)
- Reblin M (07/2017). Caregiver, patient, and nurse visit communication patterns in cancer home hospice. . Psychooncology, 26(12), 2285–2293.
- Madden C (06/01/2017). Rules of performance in the nursing home: A grounded theory of Nurse-CNA communication. . Geriatr Nurs, 38(5), 378-84.
- Wilson B (06/2017). The Five Rights of Distance PhD Education. Advances in Nursing Doctoral Education & Research . 6(2), 9-16.
- Clayton MF (04/2017). Using simulation in nursing PhD education: Application of Responsible Conduct of Research principles. J Prof Nurs, 33(1), 68-73.
- Clayton MF, Dingley C, Donaldson G (2016). The Integration of Emotional, Physiologic, and Communication Responses to Medical Oncology Surveillance Appointments During Breast Cancer Survivorship. Cancer Nurs, 40(2), 124-134. (Read full article)
- Song L, Tyler C, Clayton MF, Rodgiriguez-Rassi E, Hill L, Bai J, Pruthi R, Bailey DE Jr (2016). Patient and family communication during consultation visits: The effects of a decision aid for treatment decision-making for localized prostate cancer. Patient Educ Couns, 100(2), 267-275. (Read full article)
- Clayton MF, Supiano K, Wilson R, Lassche M, Latendresse G (2016). Using Simulation in Nursing PhD Education: Facilitating Application of Responsible Conduct of Research Principles. J Prof Nurs, 33(1), 68-73. (Read full article)
- Song L (01/2017). ). Patient and family communication during consultation visits: The effects of a decision aid for treatment decision making for localized prostate cancer. Patient Educ Couns, 100(2), 267-275.
- Reblin M, Clayton MF, John KK, Ellington L (2015). Addressing Methodological Challenges in Large Communication Data Sets: Collecting and Coding Longitudinal Interactions in Home Hospice Cancer Care. Health Commun, 31(7), 789-97. (Read full article)
- Ellington L, Clayton MF, Reblin M, Cloyes K, Beck AC, Harrold JK, Harris P, Casarett D (2016). Interdisciplinary Team Care and Hospice Team Provider Visit Patterns during the Last Week of Life. J Palliat Med, 19(5), 482-7. (Read full article)
- Himes DO, Clayton MF, Donaldson GW, Ellington L, Buys SS, Kinney AY (2015). Breast Cancer Risk Perceptions among Relatives of Women with Uninformative Negative BRCA1/2 Test Results: The Moderating Effect of the Amount of Shared Information. J Genet Couns, 25(2), 258-69. (Read full article)
- Haas BK, Mark DD, LeVasseur SA, Ziehm SR, Hrabe DP, Clayton MF, Hafalia A, McNeil P (2016). NEXus: Making Efficient Use of Limited Resources. J Prof Nurs, 32(6), 449-457. (Read full article)
- Tjia J, Ellington L, Clayton MF, Lemay C, Reblin M (2015). Managing Medications During Home Hospice Cancer Care: The Needs of Family Caregivers. J Pain Symptom Manage, 50(5), 630-41. (Read full article)
- Tjia JT (11/2015).
- Tabler J (11/2015).
- Reblin M (10/2015).
- Ellington L (10/2015).
- Anderson RA (10/2015).
- Mooney K (08/2015).
- Reblin M, Cloyes KG, Carpenter J, Berry PH, Clayton MF, Ellington L (2014). Social support needs: discordance between home hospice nurses and former family caregivers. Palliat Support Care, 13(3), 465-72. (Read full article)
- Moreland J (06/2015).
- Himes DO (05/2015).
- Moreland JJ, Ewoldsen DR, Albert NM, Kosicki GM, Clayton MF (2015). Predicting Nurses' Turnover: The Aversive Effects of Decreased Identity, Poor Interpersonal Communication, and Learned Helplessness. J Health Commun, 20(10), 1155-65. (Read full article)
- Reblin M, Otis-Green S, Ellington L, Clayton MF (2014). Strategies to support spirituality in health care communication: a home hospice cancer caregiver case study. J Holist Nurs, 32(4), 269-77. (Read full article)
- Reblin M (11/2014).
- Clayton MF, Reblin M, Carlisle M, Ellington L (2014). Communication behaviors and patient and caregiver emotional concerns: a description of home hospice communication. Oncol Nurs Forum, 41(3), 311-21. (Read full article)
- Clayton MF (05/2014).
- Cloyes KG (05/2014).
- Ellington L, Cloyes K, Berry P, Thomas NT, Reblin M, Clayton MF (2013). Complexities for hospice nurses in supporting family caregivers: opinions from U.S. thought leaders. J Palliat Med, 16(9), 1013-9. (Read full article)
- Ellington L (09/2013).
- Ellington L (07/2013).
- Ellington L, Reblin M, Berry P, Giese-Davis J, Clayton MF (2012). Reflective research: supporting researchers engaged in analyzing end-of-life communication. Patient Educ Couns, 91(1), 126-8. (Read full article)
- Ellington L, Reblin M, Clayton MF, Berry P, Mooney K (2012). Hospice nurse communication with patients with cancer and their family caregivers. J Palliat Med, 15(3), 262-8. (Read full article)
- Ellington L (01/2012).
- Cloyes K (01/2012).
- Ellington L (01/2012).
- Fisher JH (01/2012).
- Neville-Swenson M (10/2011).
- Clayton MF (10/2011).
- Clayton MF, Latimer S, Dunn TW, Haas L (2011). Assessing patient-centered communication in a family practice setting: how do we measure it, and whose opinion matters? Patient Educ Couns, 84(3), 294-302. (Read full article)
- Tavernier SS (06/2011).
- Tavernier SS, Beck SL, Clayton MF, Pett MA, Berry DL (2011). Validity of the Patient Generated Index as a quality-of-life measure in radiation oncology. Oncol Nurs Forum, 38(3), 319-29. (Read full article)
- Clayton MF, Pett MA (2011). Modeling relationships in clinical research using path analysis Part II: evaluating the model. J Spec Pediatr Nurs, 16(1), 75-9. (Read full article)
- (11/2010).
- (10/2010).
- (09/2010).
- (2009).
- (2009).
- (2009).
- (2009).
- Clayton MF (01/2008).
- Sheldon L (01/2008).
- Clayton MF (01/2008).
- Gil KM, Mishel MH, Belyea M, Germino BB, Porter L, Clayton MF (2006). Benefits From an Uncertainty Management Intervention for Older Long-term Breast Cancer: 20 month Outcomes. Int J Behav Med, 13(4), 286-294.
- Porter LS, Clayton MF, Belyea M, Mishel M, Gil KM, Germino BB (2006). Predicting negative mood state and personal growth in African American and White long-term breast cancer survivors. Ann Behav Med, 31(3), 195-204. (Read full article)
- Porter L, Clayton MF, Belyea M, Gil KM, Germino BB, Mishel M (2006). Predicting psychological distress and psychological growth in African American and Caucasian long term breast cancer survivors. Ann Behav Med, 31(3), 195-204.
- Clayton MF (2006). Communication with breast cancer survivors. Commun Nurs Res, 39, 83-91. (Read full article)
- Clayton MF, Mishel MH, Belyea M (2006). Testing a model of symptoms, communication, uncertainty, and well-being, in older breast cancer survivors. Res Nurs Health, 29(1), 18-39. (Read full article)
- Gil K (01/2006).
- Clayton MF (01/2006).
- Porter L (01/2006).
- Clayton MF (01/2006).
- Mishel MH, Germino BB, Gil KM, Belyea M, LaNey IC, Stewart J, Porter L, amp Clayton MF (2005). Benefits from an uncertainty management intervention for African-American and Caucasian older long-term breast cancer survivors. Psychooncology, 14(11), 962-978.
- Mishel MH (01/2005).
- Clayton MF, Boegel E (2000). Missed immunization opportunities: a comparison of nurse practitioners and physicians. J Am Acad Nurse Pract, 11(10), 423-9. (Read full article)
- Clayton MF (01/1999).
- Clayton MF (1996). Caring for Carl at home. Home Healthc Nurse, 14(8), 605-8. (Read full article)
- Clayton MF (01/1996).
Book Chapter
- Takahashi LK (09/2018). Stress and Disease. In S. E. Huether & K. L. McCance (Eds.), Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children 8th ed. Elsevier.
- Clayton MF (03/01/2018). Theories of Uncertainty in Illness. In M.J. Smith & P. Liehr (Eds). Middle Range Theory for Nursing. 4th Edition. Springer.
- Clayton MF (01/2017).
- Clayton MF (07/2014).
- Clayton MF (07/2014).
- Clayton MF (12/01/2013).
- SE Huether (11/2011).
- T Thompson (06/2011).
- (2010).
- (2008).
- Mishel MH (01/2003).
- Mishel MH, Clayton MF (2003). Uncertainty in Illness Theories. In Smith MJ; Liehr P (Ed.), Middle Range Theory in Advanced Practice Nursing 2nd ed. New York: Springer Publishing.
- Clayton MF (01/2001).
Conference Proceedings
- Bybee S (03/01/2018). ). Death-Talk May Predict Death Acceptance Among Advanced Cancer Patients & Spouse Caregivers. Innov Aging, Innovation in Aging, 2, S1.
- Hulett J (06/2017). ). Relationships between salivary diurnal cortisol and cancer survivorship outcomes: A systematic review. Ann Behav Med, Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 51, S2424-S2425.
- Xu J (06/2017). Clinic Visit Wait Time: Advanced Cancer Patient and Caregiver Discussions. Ann Behav Med, Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 51, S1834-S1835.
- Reblin M (06/2017). Coping with Home Hospice Cancer Caregiving: Emotional Scaffolding in Nurse-Caregiver Communication. Ann Behav Med, Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 51, S1769-S1770.
- Reblin M (06/2017). Changes in Nurse-Caregiver Communication in Cancer Home Hospice Visits Over Time. Ann Behav Med, Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 51, S1765-S1766.
- Oliver DP (06/2017). Listening behind closed doors: Shared decision making between hospice nurses and cancer patients and caregivers. J Clin Oncol, Journal of Clinical Oncology, 35, 41.
- Clayton MF (01/2017).
- Xu J (11/2016).
- Reblin M (10/2016).
- Beck Monica (06/2016). Hospice Caregiver Self-Care: Who’s Caring for the Caregiver? (S735). Elsevier BV, 51(2), 426. (Read full article)
- Lai Djin (06/2016). We’re the Eyes and the Ears, but We Don’t Have a Voice: Perspectives of Hospice Aides (S702). Elsevier BV, 51(2), 407-408. (Read full article)
- Lassche M (12/2015).
- Ellington L (06/2015).
- Tjia J (11/2014).
- Chaplik S (10/2011).
- LeBaron V (10/2011).
- Ellington L (10/2011).
- Wright K (10/2010).
- Ellington L (10/2010).
- Clayton MF (01/2010).
- Clayton MF (06/2009).
- Sheldon LK (10/2008).
- Clayton MF (10/2007).
- Clayton MF (10/2007).
- Clayton MF (10/2006).
- (03/12/2009).
- (2009). .