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Bryan Smith Gibson

Bryan Smith Gibson, DPT, PhD

Languages spoken: English

Academic Information

Departments Primary - Biomedical Informatics , Adjunct - Physical Therapy & Athletic Training

Research Interests

  • Behavior
  • Computer Simulation
  • Health Information Technology
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • EHR & Mhealth with Patient Engagement and Consumer Health Informatics

Dr. Bryan Gibson worked as the Cardiac Rehabiliation Program manager at the Salt lake City VA from 2002- 2008. Prior to that he worked on the LDS Hospital Inpatient wound care team. He has served as and Asistant professor in the Department of Biomedical Informatics since 2015. Dr Gibson's research expertise is in the Sociotechnical aspect of Informatics; including Workflow Analysis, Cognitive Task Analysis and Human Centered Design and Evaluation.

Research Statement

Bryan Gibson is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biomedical Informatics. He earned his PhD in 2012 and his DPT in 2006. His research interests center around the translation of evidence from the psychological sciences into the design and evaluation of health Informatics tools. In particular Dr. Gibson is interested in the design and evaluation of technology-based behavioral interventions intended to help individuals prevent or manage chronic disease and with the redesign of electronic health record components to improve healthcare delivery .

Education History

Doctoral Training University of Utah
Postdoctoral Fellowship Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Postdoctoral Fellow
Doctoral Training University of Utah
Graduate Training University of Utah
Undergraduate University of Utah

Selected Publications

Journal Article

  1. Larsen, K, Hekler, E B, Paul, M J, Gibson, B S (2020). Improving Usability of Social and Behavioral Sciences’ Evidence: A Call to Action for a National Infrastructure Project for Mining Our Knowledge    . IEEE intelligent systems, 46.
  2. Fernandez ME, Schlechter CR, Del Fiol G, Gibson B, Kawamoto K, Siaperas T, Pruhs A, Greene T, Nahum-Shani I, Schulthies S, Nelson M, Bohner C, Kramer H, Borbolla D, Austin S, Weir C, Walker TW, Lam CY, Wetter DW (2020). QuitSMART Utah: an implementation study protocol for a cluster-randomized, multi-level Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial to increase Reach and Impact of tobacco cessation treatment in Community Health Centers. Implement Sci, 15(1), 9.
  3. Allen NA, Colicchio VD, Litchman ML, Gibson B, Villalta J, Sanchez-Birkhead AC (2019). Hispanic Community-Engaged Research: Community Partners as our Teachers to Improve Diabetes Self-Management.     . Hisp Health Care Int, 17(3), 125-132.
  4. Yingling L, Allen NA, Litchman ML, Colicchio V, Gibson BS (2019). An Evaluation of Digital Health Tools for Diabetes Self-Management in Hispanic Adults: Exploratory Study.  . JMIR Diabetes, 4(3), e12936.
  5. Gibson B, Yingling L, Bednarchuk A, Janamatti A, Oakley-Girvan I, Allen N (2/1/18). An Interactive Simulation to Change Outcome Expectancies and Intentions in Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: Within-Subjects Experiment. JMIR Diabetes, 3(1), e2.
  6. Scarton LA, Del Fiol G, Oakley-Girvan I, Gibson B, Logan R, Workman TE (2018). Understanding cancer survivors' information needs and information-seeking behaviors for complementary and alternative medicine from short- to long-term survival: a mixed-methods study. J Med Libr Assoc, 106(1), 87-97. (Read full article)
  7. Gibson B, Butler J, Doyon K, Ellington L, Bray BE, Zeng Q (7/1/17). Veterans like me: Formative evaluation of a Patient decision aid design. J Biomed Inform, 71S, S46-S52.
  8. Brody AA, Gibson B, Tresner-Kirsch D, Kramer H, Thraen I, Coarr ME (2016). High Prevalence of Medication Discrepancies Between Home Health Referrals and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Home Health Certification and Plan of Care and Their Potential to Affect Safety of Vulnerable Elderly Adults. J Am Geriatr Soc, 64(11), 166-70.
  9. Lynch KE, Thomas A, Gibson B (2016). Baseline Ability Makes a Larger Contribution to Race Performance in High-School Sprinters Than Race Experience or Training Exposure. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 28(4), 565-571. (Read full article)
  10. Larsen K, Michie S, Hekler E, Gibson B, Spruijt-Metz D, Ahern D, Cole-Lewis H, Ellis R, Hesse B, Moser B (August 2016). Behavior change interventions: the potential of ontologies for advancing science and practice. J Behav Med.
  11. Zeng-Treitler Q, Gibson B, Hill B, Butler J, Christensen C, Redd D, Shao Y, Bray B (July 2016). The effect of simulated narratives that leverage EMR data on shared decision-making: a pilot study. BMC Res Notes, 9(1), 1-9.
  12. Kramer H, Gibson B, Livnat Y, Thraen I, Brody A, Rupper R (July 2016). Evaluation of an Electronic Module for Reconciling Medications in Home Health Plans of Care. Appl Clin Inform, 7(2), 412-424.
  13. Gibson B, Butler J, Lewis L, Weir C (March, 2016). Predictors of patient’s intentions to participate in pragmatic clinical trials: An initial exploration. SSM Popul Health, 2, 90-94.
  14. Gundlapalli AV, Redd D, Gibson BS, Carter M, Korhonen C, Nebeker J, Samore MH, Zeng-Treitler Q (2015). Maximizing clinical cohort size using free text queries. Comput Biol Med, 60, 1-7. (Read full article)
  15. Murtaugh MA, Gibson BS, Redd D, Zeng-Treitler Q (2015). Regular expression-based learning to extract bodyweight values from clinical notes. J Biomed Inform, 54, 186-90. (Read full article)
  16. Weir C, Staggers N, Gibson B, Doing-Harris K, Barrus R, Dunlea R (7/14/14). Qualitative Evaluation of the Crucial Attributes of Contextual Information Necessary in EHR Design to Support Patient Centered Medical Home Care. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak.
  17. Hamid T, Ankel F, Battle-Fisher M, Gibson B, et al (2014). Public and health professionals’ misconceptions about the dynamics of body weight gain/loss. Syst Dyn Rev, 30(1), 58-74.
  18. Gundlapalli AV, Redd D, Gibson B, Carter M, Korhonen C, Nebeker J, Samore M, Zeng-Treiltler Q (3/5/14). Exploring the Value of Free Text Queries for Patient Cohort Identification Using Electronic Medical Records. BMC Health Serv Res.
  19. Butler JM, Carter M, Hayden C, Gibson B, Weir C, Snow L, Morales J, Smith A, Bateman K, Gundlapalli AV, Samore M (2013). Understanding adoption of a personal health record in rural health care clinics: revealing barriers and facilitators of adoption including attributions about potential patient portal users and self-reported characteristics of early adopting users. AMIA Annu Symp Proc, 2013, 152-61.
  20. Gibson BS, Colberg SR, Poirier P, Vancea DM, Jones J, Marcus R (2013). Development and validation of a predictive model of acute glucose response to exercise in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Diabetol Metab Syndr, 5(1), 33. (Read full article)
  21. Gibson B, Staggers N, Marcus R, Samore M, Jones J, Weir C (2012). Efficacy of Computerized Simulation in Promoting Walking in Individuals with Diabetes. J Med Internet Res, 14(3).
  22. Gibson B, Weir C (2010). Development and Preliminary evaluation of simulation-based diabetes education. AMIA Annu Symp Proc, 246-50.

Book Chapter

  1. Charlene Weir, Joanne LaFluer, Bryan Gibson, Qing Zeng (6/1/17). Big Data Analytics Using the VA’s ‘VINCI’Database to Look at Delirium. In Big Data-Enabled Nursing (pp. 287-299). Springer.
  2. Gibson B (2013). Personal Health Records. In Staggers N, Nielsen R (Eds.), Informatics for Health Practitioners: An Interprofessional Approach. New York: Elsevier.

Conference Proceedings

  1. Gibson B, Yingling L, Jackman J, Miller S, Harris JTutt M, Metos J, Wiese J (2019). Development and Pilot Testing of a Brief Video Intervention to Teach Implementation Intentions. Annals of Behavioral Medicine,, Volume 53,(Issue Supplement_1), Pages S1–S842,.
  2. Pellegrini, Christine, Gibson, Bryan, Lewis, Megan, Balgrosky, Jean, Hesse, Bradford (04/01/2015). USING TECHNOLOGY TO ADDRESS CHALLENGES IN HEALTH DECISION MAKING: CASE STUDIES AND RECOMMENDATIONS. Society for Behavrioal Medicne.
  3. Gibson B, Butler J, Classen D (2017). User Centered Design of a Real-Time Patient Safety Dashboard. Society of Behaviroal Medicine, San Diego, CA..
  4. Weir C, Gibson B, Taft T, Lewis L, Staggers N (2017). Mental status documentation: information Quality and data processes    . AMIA Annu Symp Proc, 1219-1228.
  5. Gibson B, Butler J, Zirkle M, Hammond K, Weir C (2017). Foraging for Information in the EHR: the search for adherence related information by mental health clinicians    . AMIA Annu Symp Proc, 2016, 600-608.