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Susan D. Chase-Cantarini

Susan D. Chase-Cantarini, DNP, MS, RN

Sue Chase-Cantarini has a solid clinical background in Medical-Surgical Nursing. After graduating from the University of Florida with a Baccalaureate in Nursing and a Teaching Nursing Master’s degree from the University of Utah, she has focused interests in Nursing Education. The emphasis of her Masters Project was the development, implementation and evaluation of a Special Topics course: A Journey into Wellness. Since 1998, Dr. Chase-Cantarini has taught at the University of Utah in a variety of baccalaureate program courses. From 1998-2004, she served as Coordinator of Diversity Affairs at the College of Nursing (CON). During this time, she conducted and linked multiple activities surrounding the recruitment and retention of underrepresented students. Along with these activities, she served as a resource for students, staff and faculty with cultural projects/issues and served as a liaison with several community partners. In 2004, she accepted the position of RN-BS Program Coordinator. The program became fully online under her leadership. In this position, she was involved in the admission, progression and advisement of students. Combined with her teaching assignments, she continued to explore best practices in online instruction and evaluation. In 2010, with the opening of the state-of-the-art CON Simulation Center, she immersed herself into advanced simulation design, development, instruction and scholarship. At the same time, she joined the Interprofessional Education (IPE) Committee and now leads several collaborative efforts across health sciences. She completed her Doctor in Nursing Practice in 2014 and recently completed leadership of a 3-year Advanced Nursing Education HRSA grant “An Interprofessional Education Model for Telehealth Management of Multiple Chronic Health Conditions in Rural Populations” introducing best practices of interprofessional collaboration and telemedicine technology. In 2017, she returned to her role as RN-BS Program Director, continuing to teach undergraduate and IPE courses, focusing her scholarship and service in interprofessional education, online education, transition to practice, mentorship engagement and wellness.

Research Statement

Dr. Sue Chase-Cantarini has a solid clinical background in Nursing Education. Since joining the faculty at the University of Utah College of Nursing she has taught a variety of courses and held various administrative positions in the baccalaureate and interprofessional education (IPE) programs. She served as Coordinator of Diversity Affairs, Director of RN-BS Program, and Advisor for IPE. The RN-BS Program transition to a fully online platform under her leadership. Combined with her teaching assignments, she explores best practices in online instruction and evaluation. In 2010, she immersed herself into advanced simulation design, development, instruction and scholarship. At the same time, she joined the IPE Committee and now leads several collaborative efforts across health sciences. She completed her Doctor in Nursing Practice in 2014 and recently completed leadership of a 3 year Advanced Nursing Education HRSA grant “An Interprofessional Education Model for Telehealth Management of Multiple Chronic Health Conditions in Rural Populations” introducing best practices of interprofessional collaboration and telemedicine technology. Her research and scholarship continues in exploring various teaching modalities, to advance nursing education, IPE strategies, mwntorship engagement and innovative care delivery models to improve patient care.

Selected Publications

Journal Article

  1. Wilson J (05/01/2021). A multicenter study about resilience of nursing students and faculty in online courses. J Prof Nurs, 37(5), 894-899.
  2. Chase-Cantarini S (04/04/2019). Introducing Mindfulness Moments in the Classroom. 25, 389-392.
  3. (01/01/2010).

Book Chapter

  1. Edwards Mary Ed (07/01/2016).