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Lynn B. Jorde

Lynn B. Jorde, PhD

Languages spoken: English

Academic Information

Departments Primary - Human Genetics

Research Interests

  • Medical Genetics
  • Human Population Genetics
  • Gene Mapping and Cloning

My laboratory has long been involved in studies of human genetic variation and disease. We have been involved in studies of human limb malformations, autism, hypertension, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, type 2 diabetes, schizophrenia, and a number of other Mendelian and common, complex diseases. For more than a decade, we have been involved in research on the evolution of mobile elements and the effects of these elements on the human genome. We have been actively engaged in studies of human genetic variation and natural selection, and we have used whole-genome sequencing to uncover disease-causing mutations and to estimate the human mutation rate. We have published more than 200 peer-reviewed papers on these topics

Education History

Doctoral Training University of New Mexico
Graduate Training University of New Mexico
Undergraduate University of New Mexico
Undergraduate University of North Dakota