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Linda S. Edelman

Linda S. Edelman, PhD, MPhil, RN

Languages spoken: English

Academic Office Information

Research Interests

  • Proteins and Macromolecules
  • Near Earth Space Particles or Fields
  • Cancer Genetics

Linda Edelman RN, PhD has experience in both basic science and clinical/nursing research. She received a Masters of Philosophy in Experimental Pathology at the University of Utah in 1993 where she specialized in molecular immunology. She then earned a BSN from the University of Utah College of Nursing in 1995. For the next 17 years she utilized her basic science and nursing backgrounds as the Research Coordinator for the University of Utah Burn Center. During that time she was involved with the design, conduct, and analysis of multidisciplinary clinical research studies pertaining to burn injuries. She is an active member of the Western Institute of Nursing, the Gerontological Society of America, and the American Geriatrics Society.

Dr. Edelman joined the faculty at the University of Utah College of Nursing in 2008 and looks forward to fostering a new generation of nurse researchers through teaching and mentorship. She has taught in the Doctorate of Nursing Practice Program (Advanced Pathophysiology I and II, Evidenced Based Practice I and II and Scholarly Project), the PhD program (Data Management and Quality) and the Gerontology Interdisciplinary Program (Physiology and Psychology of Nursing). She actively advises DNP, Gerontology Interdisciplinary Program and PhD graduate students.

Dr. Edelman is a 2010 John A. Hartford and Atlantic Philanthropies Claire M. Fagin Fellow. Her research focuses on injuries occurring to older adults living in rural areas and the triage of injured rural and urban older adults to trauma care. She is Program Director of two HRSA workforce development grants: the Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program which integrates geriatrics and primary care training in Long-Term Care settings and the Nursing Education, Practice, Qualitymetric and Retention Program which seeks to improve the capacity and competencies of primary care nurses working in rural and underserved Utah.

Research Statement

Linda Edelman RN, PhD has experience in both basic science and clinical/nursing research. She received a Masters of Philosophy in Experimental Pathology at the University of Utah in 1993 where she specialized in molecular immunology. She then earned a BSN from the University of Utah College of Nursing in 1995. For the next 17 years she utilized her basic science and nursing backgrounds as the Research Coordinator for the University of Utah Burn Center. During that time she was involved with the design, conduct, and analysis of multidisciplinary clinical research studies pertaining to burn injuries.

Dr. Edelman is a 2010 John A. Hartford and Atlantic Philanthropies Claire M. Fagin Fellow. Her research focuses on injuries occurring to older adults living in rural areas and the triage of injured rural and urban older adults to trauma care. She is Program Director of two HRSA workforce development grants: the Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program which integrates geriatrics and primary care training in Long-Term Care settings and the Nursing Education, Practice, Qualitymetric and Retention Program which seeks to improve the capacity and competencies of primary care nurses working in rural and underserved Utah.

Selected Publications

Journal Article

  1. Beynon C Supiano K Siegel EO (01/01/2022). Collaboration Between Licensed Nurses and Certified Nurse Aides in the Nursing Home: A Mixed Methods Study. Res Gerontol Nurs, 15, 16-26. (Read full article)
  2. Beynon C (12/2021). It's all about the certified nurse aides. 2001, 356-364.
  3. Dassel KB Edelman LS (08/01/2021). "I worry about this patient EVERY day": Geriatrics Clinicians' Challenges in Caring for Unrepresented Older Adults. 7334648211041261. (Read full article)
  4. Neller S Beynon C (08/01/2021). Development of a Long-Term Care Nurse Residency Program. J Gerontol Nurs, 47, 37-43. (Read full article)
  5. Edelman LS (12/2020). Applying the age-friendly health system framework to long- term care settings. 25(1), 1.
  6. Perkins R (08/2020). Yoga for seniors: Understanding their beliefs and barriers to participation. Educ Gerontol, 46(7), 382-392.
  7. Yang R (07/2020). Loneliness as a mediator of the impact of social isolation on cognitive functioning of Chinese older adults. Age Ageing, 49(4), 599-604.
  8. Yang R (05/2020). Fear of Older Adult Falling Questionnaire (FOAFQ): Evidence from Content Validity and Item Response Theory Graded-Response Modeling. J Adv Nurs, 76(10), 2768.
  9. Yang R (05/2020). Fear of Older Adult Falling Questionnaire (FOAFQ): Evidence from Content Validity and Item Response Theory Graded-Response Modeling. J Adv Nurs, 76(10), 2768.
  10. Edelman LS (05/2020). Mitigating the effects of a pandemic: Facilitating improved nursing home care delivery through technology. . 3(1), e20110.
  11. Dassel K (01/2020). Development of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) best care practices in long-term care online program. Educ Gerontol, 45(10), q50.
  12. Litchman ML Edelman LS Donaldson GW (11/01/2019). Effect of Diabetes Online Community Engagement on Health Indicators: Cross-Sectional Study. JMIR Diabetes, 3(2), e8. (Read full article)
  13. Litchman ML Edelman LS (10/01/2019). Perceptions of the Diabetes Online Community's Credibility, Social Capital, and Help and Harm: Cross-Sectional Comparison Between Baby Boomers and Younger Adults. 2, e10857. (Read full article)
  14. Litchman ML Snider C Edelman LS Wawrzynski SE Gee PM (09/01/2019). Diabetes Online Community User Perceptions of Successful Aging With Diabetes: Analysis of a #DSMA Tweet Chat. 1, e10176. (Read full article)
  15. Edelman LS Hemmert R (08/01/2019). Opioid Use in Long-Term Care: Guidelines and Policy Recommendations. J Gerontol Nurs, 45, 5-10. (Read full article)
  16. Litchman ML Rothwell E Edelman LS (02/01/2019). The diabetes online community: Older adults supporting self-care through peer health. Patient Educ Couns, 101(3), 518-523. (Read full article)
  17. Christensen SS Wilson BL Edelman LS (01/01/2019). Can I relate? A review and guide for nurse managers in leading generations. J Nurs Manag, 26, 689-695. (Read full article)
  18. Litchman M (03/2018). Dual training in diabetes and geriatrics needed: Diabetes online community use perceptions of successful aging. J Med Internet Res.
  19. Brody AA Edelman L Siegel EO Foster V Bailey DE Bryant AL Bond SM (05/01/2017). Evaluation of a peer mentoring program for early career gerontological nursing faculty and its potential for application to other fields in nursing and health sciences. Nurs Outlook, 64, 332-338. (Read full article)
  20. Brody A A (12/2015).
  21. Bryant AL Aizer Brody A Perez A Shillam C Edelman LS Bond SM Foster V Siegel EO (04/01/2015). Development and implementation of a peer mentoring program for early career gerontological faculty. 47, 258-66. (Read full article)
  22. Bessey P Q (05/2014).
  23. Edelman Linda S (11/2013).
  24. Edelman Linda S (07/2013).
  25. Edelman Linda S (07/2013).
  26. (07/2010).
  27. (05/2010).
  28. (05/2009).
  29. (2009).
  30. (2009).
  31. (2009).
  32. (2009).
  33. (2008).
  34. (01/2008).
  35. (2008).
  36. (2008).
  37. (2008).

Book Chapter

  1. Edelman LS (01/2017). Care of the acutely ill burn patient. In Pearson Prentice Hall. Pearson Prentice Hall.
  2. Edelman L S (08/2013).
  3. (2008).


  1. Edelman LS Drost J Moone RP (03/01/2021). Editorial: Applying the Age-Friendly Health System Framework to Long Term Care Settings. pp. 141-145. (Read full article)


  1. Beynon C (07/2020). Breaking down stigma: honoring nursing home staff during COVID-19. J Gerontol Nurs (46(8), p. 2020). Journal of Gerontological Nursing.