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Gengsheng L. Zeng

Gengsheng L. Zeng, PhD

Languages spoken: English

Academic Information

Departments Adjunct - Radiology & Imaging Sciences

Education History

Postdoctoral Fellowship University of Utah Medical Center, Department of Radiology
Postdoctoral Fellow
Doctoral Training University of New Mexico
Graduate Training University of New Mexico
Undergraduate Xidian University

Selected Publications

Journal Article

  1. Moon SM, Goodrich KC, Hadley JR, Kim SE, Zeng GL, Morrell GR, McAlpine MA, Chronik BA, Parker DL (2011). Superelliptical insert gradient coil with a field-modifying layer for breast imaging. Magn Reson Med, 65(3), 863-72. (Read full article)
  2. Zeng GL, Gullberg GT, Kadrmas DJ (2010). Closed-form kinetic parameter estimation solution to the truncated data problem. Phys Med Biol, 55(24), 7453-68. (Read full article)
  3. Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (2010). SPECT region of interest reconstruction with truncated transmission and emission data. Med Phys, 37(9), 4627-33. (Read full article)
  4. Zhang B, Zeng GL (2010). High-resolution versus high-sensitivity SPECT imaging with geometric blurring compensation for various parallel-hole collimation geometries. IEEE Trans Inf Technol Biomed, 14(4), 1121-7. (Read full article)
  5. Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (2010). Corrigendum (Exact iterativejreconstruction for the interior problem). Phys Med Biol, 54, 7397.
  6. Zeng GL, Gullberg GT, Kadrmas DJ (2010). Closed-form kinetic parameter estimation solution to the truncated data problem. Phys Med Biol, 55, 7453-7468.
  7. Zhang B, Zeng GL (2010). High-sensitivity SPECT imaging using large collimator holes and geometric blurring compensation. IEEE Trans Inf Technol Biomed, 14, 1121-1127.
  8. Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (2009). Exact iterative reconstruction for the interior problem. Phys Med Biol, 54(19), 5805-14. (Read full article)
  9. Yan Y, Zeng GL (2009). Attenuation map estimation with SPECT emission data only. Int J Imaging Syst Technol, 19(3), 271. (Read full article)
  10. Zeng GL (2009). Compensating for Non-Stationary Blurring by Further Blurring and Deconvolution. Int J Imaging Syst Technol, 19(3), 221-226. (Read full article)
  11. Zeng GL, Stevens AM (2009). Multidivergent-beam stationary cardiac SPECT. Med Phys, 36(7), 2860-9. (Read full article)
  12. Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (2009). Exact emission SPECT reconstruction with truncated transmission data. Phys Med Biol, 54(11), 3329-40. (Read full article)
  13. Zeng GL, Allred RJ (2009). Partitioned image filtering for reduction of the Gibbs phenomenon. J Nucl Med Technol, 37(2), 96-100. (Read full article)
  14. Yan Y, Zeng GL (2009). A postprocessing method for compensation of scatter and collimator blurring in SPECT: a proof-of-concept study. J Nucl Med Technol, 37(2), 83-90. (Read full article)
  15. Huang Q, You J, Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (2009). Reconstruction from uniformly attenuated SPECT projection data using the DBH method. IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 28(1), 17-29. (Read full article)
  16. Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (2009). Exact iterative reconstruction for the interior problem. Phys Med Biol, 54, 5805-5814.
  17. Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (2009). Exact emission SPECT reconstruction with truncated transmission data. Phys Med Biol, 54, 3329-3340.
  18. Piatt JA, Zeng GL (2009). Estimation of skew-slit SPECT acquisition geometry using a single point source. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 56, 687-693.
  19. Zeng GL (2008). A skew-slit collimator for small-animal SPECT. J Nucl Med Technol, 36(4), 207-12. (Read full article)
  20. Jorgensen AK, Zeng GL (2008). SVD-based evaluation of multiplexing in multipinhole SPECT systems. Int J Biomed Imaging, 2008, 769195. (Read full article)
  21. Yan Y, Zeng GL (2008). Scatter and blurring compensation in inhomogeneous media using a postprocessing method. Int J Biomed Imaging, 2008, 806705. (Read full article)
  22. Zeng GL (2007). Uniform attenuation correction using the frequency-distance principle. Med Phys, 34(11), 4281-4. (Read full article)
  23. Tang Q, Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (2007). A Fourier reconstruction algorithm with constant attenuation compensation using 180 degrees acquisition data for SPECT. Phys Med Biol, 52(20), 6165-79. (Read full article)
  24. Zeng GL, Christian PE (2007). Easy method of patient positioning for convergent-beam cardiac SPECT. J Nucl Med Technol, 35(3), 131-4. (Read full article)
  25. Zeng GL (2007). Image reconstruction via the finite Hilbert transform of the derivative of the backprojection. Med Phys, 34(7), 2837-43. (Read full article)
  26. Zhang B, Zeng GL (2007). Two-dimensional iterative region-of-interest (ROI) reconstruction from truncated projection data. Med Phys, 34(3), 935-44. (Read full article)
  27. You J, Zeng GL (2007). Hilbert transform based FBP algorithm for fan-beam CT full and partial scans. IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 26(2), 190-9. (Read full article)
  28. Tang Q, Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (2007). A Fourier reconstruction algorithm with constant attenuation compensation using 180-deg acquisition data for SPECT. Phys Med Biol, 52, 6165-6179.
  29. Zeng GL, You J, Huang Q, Gullberg GT (2007). Two finite inverse Hilbert transform formulae for local tomography. Int J Imaging Syst Technol, 17, 219-223.
  30. Huang Q, Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (2007). An analytical inversion of the 180-deg exponential Radon transform with a numerically generated kernel. Int J Image Graph, 7, 71-85.
  31. Tang Q, Zeng GL, Huang Q (2006). An analytical algorithm for skew-slit collimator SPECT with uniform attenuation correction. Phys Med Biol, 51(23), 6199-211. (Read full article)
  32. Zhang B, Zeng GL (2006). An immediate after-backprojection filtering method with blob-shaped window functions for voxel-based iterative reconstruction. Phys Med Biol, 51(22), 5825-42. (Read full article)
  33. Huang Q, Zeng GL, Wu J (2006). An alternative proof of Bukhgeim and Kazantsev's inversion formula for attenuated fan-beam projections. Med Phys, 33(11), 3983-7. (Read full article)
  34. Zhang B, Zeng GL (2006). Study of noise propagation and the effects of insufficient numbers of projection angles and detector samplings for iterative reconstruction using planar-integral data. Med Phys, 33(9), 3124-34. (Read full article)
  35. Huang Q, Zeng GL (2006). An analytical algorithm for skew-slit imaging geometry with nonuniform attenuation correction. Med Phys, 33(4), 997-1004. (Read full article)
  36. Hwang D, Zeng GL (2006). Convergence study of an accelerated ML-EM algorithm using bigger step size. Phys Med Biol, 51(2), 237-52. (Read full article)
  37. Tang Q, Zeng GL, Huang Q (2006). An analytical algorithm for skew-slit collimator SPECT with uniform attenuation correction. Phys Med Biol, 51, 6199-6211.
  38. Zhang B, Zeng GL (2006). An immediate after-backprojection filtering method with blob-shaped window functions for voxel-based iterative reconstruction. Phys Med Biol, 51, 5825-5842.
  39. Bal G, Di Bella VR, Gullberg GT, Zeng GL (2006). Cardiac imaging using a four-segment slant-hole collimator. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 53, 2619-2627.
  40. Zeng GL (2006). Detector blurring and detector sensitivity compensation for a spinning slat collimator. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 53, 2628-2634.
  41. Feng B, Fessler, Pretorius PH, Beach RD, Zeng GL, King MA (2006). Evaluation of the ordered-subset transmission (OSTR) algorithm for transmission imaging on SPECT systems using with axially overlapping cone-beams. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 53, 1221-1229.
  42. You J, Zeng GL (2006). Exact finite inverse Hilbert transforms. 22, L7-L10.
  43. Hwang DS, Zeng GL (2006). Convergence study of an accelerated ML-EM algorithm using bigger step size. Phys Med Biol, 51, 237-252.
  44. Tang Q, Zeng GL, Wu J, Gullberg GT (2005). Exact fan-beam and 4pi-acquisition cone-beam SPECT algorithms with uniform attenuation correction. Med Phys, 32(11), 3440-7. (Read full article)
  45. You J, Zeng GL, Liang Z (2005). FBP Algorithms for Attenuated Fan-Beam Projections. Inverse Probl, 21(5), 1801. (Read full article)
  46. Earl RD, Zeng GL, Zhang B (2005). Optimizing the acquisition time profile for a planar integral measurement system with a spinning slat collimator. Med Phys, 32(9), 2793-8. (Read full article)
  47. Hwang D, Zeng GL (2005). A new simple iterative reconstruction algorithm for SPECT transmission measurement. Med Phys, 32(7), 2312-9. (Read full article)
  48. Gullberg GT, Zeng GL (2005). Cardiac single-photon emission-computed tomography using combined cone-beam/fan-beam collimation. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 52(1), 143-153.
  49. You J, Zeng GL, LIang Z (2005). FBP algorithms for non-uniform attenuated fan-beam projections. 21, 1179-1192.
  50. Tang Q, Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (2005). Analytical fan-beam and cone-beam reconstruction algorithms with uniform attenuation correction. Phys Med Biol, 50, 3153-3170.
  51. Huang Q, Zeng GL, You J, Gullberg GT (2005). An FDK-like cone-beam reconstruction algorithm for non-uniform attenuated projections acquired using a circular trajectory. Phys Med Biol, 50, 2329-2339.
  52. Hwang DS, Zeng GL (2005). A new simple iterative reconstruction algorithm for SPECT transmission measurement. Med Phys, 32(7), 2312-2319.
  53. Hwang DS, Zeng GL (2005). Reduction of noise amplification in SPECT using smaller detector bin size. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 52, 1417-1427.
  54. You J, Zeng GL, Liang Z (2005). FBP algorithms for non-uniform attenuated fan-beam projections. 21, 1179-1192.
  55. Zeng GL, Gagnon D (2004). Image reconstruction algorithm for a SPECT system with a convergent rotating slat collimator. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 51(1), 142-148.
  56. Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (2004). Cone-beam and fan-beam image reconstruction algorithms based on spherical and circular harmonics. Phys Med Biol, 49, 2239-2256.
  57. Zeng GL (2004). Nonuniform noise propagation by using the ramp filter in fan-beam computed tomography. IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 23, 690-695.
  58. Zeng GL, Gagnon D (2004). SPECT imaging with a rotating slit collimator. Phys Med Biol, 49, 2257-2271.
  59. Feng B, Kng MA, Zeng GL, Pretorius PH, Bruyant PP, Beach RD, Boening G, Jarkewicz G, Cochoff S, Gagnon D (2004). The estimation of attenuation maps for cardiac-SPECT using cone-beam imaging of high-energy photons through parrallel-hole collimators. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 51(5), 5699-2704.
  60. Zeng GL, Gagnon D (2004). Image reconstruction algorithm for a spinning strip CZT SPECT camera with a parallel slat collimator and small pixels. Med Phys, 31(12), 3461-3473.
  61. Zeng GL, Gagnon D, Natterer F, Wang W, Wrinkler M, Hawkins W (2003). Local tomography property of residual minimization reconstruction with planar integral data. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 50(5), 1590-1594.
  62. Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (2002). A channelized Hotelling trace collimator design method based on reconstruction rather than projections. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 49, 2155-2158.
  63. Panin VY, Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (2002). Regularized iterative reconstruction in tensor tomography using gradient constraints. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 49, 2387-2393.
  64. Zeng GL, Gullberg GT, Christian PE, Gagnon D (2002). Cone-beam iterative reconstruction of a segment of a long object. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 49(1), 37-41.
  65. Panin VY, Zeng GL, Defrise M, Gullberg GT (2002). Diffusion tensor MR imaging of principal directions: a tensor tomography approach. Phys Med Biol, 47(15), 2737-2757.
  66. Zeng GL, Gagnon D, Matthews C, Kolthammer J, Radachy J, Hawkins W (2002). Image reconstruction algorithm for rotating slat collimator. Med Phys, 29(7), 1406-1412.
  67. Taguchi K, Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (2001). Cone-beam image reconstruction using spherical harmonics. Phys Med Biol, 46(6), N127-38. (Read full article)
  68. Gullberg GT, Defrise M, Panin VY, Zeng GL (2001). Efficient cardiac diffusion tensor MRI by three-dimensional reconstruction of solenoidal tensor fields. Magn Reson Imaging, 19(2), 233-56. (Read full article)
  69. Bai, C, Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (2001). The modeling of multiple order Compton scatter in SPECT. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 48(1), 38-42.
  70. Panin VY, Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (2001). A method of attenuation map and emission activity reconstructions from emission data. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 48(1), 117-124.
  71. Zeng GL, Gullberg GT, Christian PE, Gagnon D, Tung CH (2001). Asymmetric cone-beam transmission tomography. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 48(1), 117-124.
  72. Laurette I, Zeng GL, Welch A, Christian PE, Gullberg GT (2000). A three-dimensional ray-driven attenuation, scatter and geometric response correction technique for SPECT in inhomogeneous media. Phys Med Biol, 45(11), 3459-80. (Read full article)
  73. Bai C, Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (2000). A slice-by-slice blurring model and kernel evaluation using the Klein-Nishina formula for 3D scatter compensation in parallel and converging beam SPECT. Phys Med Biol, 45(5), 1275-307. (Read full article)
  74. Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (2000). Unmatched projector/backprojector pairs in an iterative reconstruction algorithm. IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 19(5), 548-55. (Read full article)
  75. Panin VY, Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (2000). Regularization parameter selection for Bayesian reconstruction of attenuation map. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 47(4), 1625-1633.
  76. Zeng GL, Bai C, Gullberg GT (1999). A projector/backprojector with slice-to-slice blurring for efficient three-dimensional scatter modeling. IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 18(8), 722-32. (Read full article)
  77. You J, Liang Z, Zeng GL (1999). A unified reconstruction framework for both parallel-beam and variable focal-length fan-beam collimators by a Cormack-type inversion of exponential radon transform. IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 18(1), 59-65. (Read full article)
  78. Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (1999). Helical SPECT using axially truncated data. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 46(6), 2111-2118.
  79. Gullberg GT, Roy DG, Zeng GL, Alexander AL, Parker DL (1999). Tensor tomography. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 46(4), 991-1000.
  80. Bai C, Zeng GL, Kadrmas DJ, Gullberg GT (1999). A study of apparent apical defects in cardiac SPECT images when performing attenuation compensation. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 46(6), 2104-2110.
  81. Panin VY, Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (1999). Total variation regulated EM algorithm. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 46(6), 2202-2210.
  82. Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (1998). Iterative and analytical reconstruction algorithms for varying-focal-length cone-beam projections. Phys Med Biol, 43(4), 811-21. (Read full article)
  83. Basko R, Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (1998). Application of spherical harmonics to image reconstruction for the Compton camera. Phys Med Biol, 43(4), 887-94. (Read full article)
  84. Huesman RH, Reutter BW, Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (1998). Kinetic parameter estimation from SPECT cone-beam projection measurements. Phys Med Biol, 43(4), 973-82. (Read full article)
  85. Hsieh YL, Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (1998). Projection space image reconstruction using strip functions to calculate pixels more "natural" for modeling the geometric response of the SPECT collimator. IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 17(1), 24-44. (Read full article)
  86. Zeng GL, Gullberg GT, Bai C, Christian PE, Trisjono F, Di Bella EV, Tanner JW, Morgan HT (1998). Iterative reconstruction of fluorine-18 SPECT using geometric point response correction. J Nucl Med, 39(1), 124-30. (Read full article)
  87. Gullberg GT, Morgan HT, Zeng GL, Tung C-H, Christian PE, Maniawski PJ, Hsieh Y-L, Datz FL (1998). The design and performance of a simultaneous transmission and emission tomography system. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 45(3), 1676-1698.
  88. Bai C, Zeng GL, Gullberg GT, DiFilippo F, Miller S (1998). Slab-by-slab blurring model for geometric point response and attenuation correction using iterative reconstruction algorithms. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 45(4), 2168-2173.
  89. Panin VY, Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (1998). Reconstructions of truncated projections using an optimal basis expansion derived from the cross correlation of a "knowledge set" of a priori cross sections. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 45(4), 2119-2125.
  90. Wan X, Gullberg GT, Parker DL, Zeng GL (1997). Reduction of geometric and intensity distortions in echo-planar imaging using a multireference scan. Magn Reson Med, 37(6), 932-42. (Read full article)
  91. Basko R, Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (1997). Analytical reconstruction formula for one-dimensional Compton camera. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 44(3), 1342-1346.
  92. Weng Y, Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (1997). Analytical inversion formula for uniformly attenuated fan-beam projections. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 44(2), 243-249.
  93. Zeng GL, Weng Y, Gullberg GT (1997). Iterative reconstruction with attenuation compensation from cone-beam projections acquired via non-planar orbits. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 44(1), 98-106.
  94. Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (1997). An SVD study of truncated transmission data in SPECT. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 44(1), 107-111.
  95. Hsieh Y-L, Gullberg GT, Zeng GT, Huesman RH (1996). Image reconstruction using generalized natural pixel bases. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 2306-2319.
  96. Gullberg GT, Hsieh Y-L, Zeng GT (1996). An SVD algorithm using a natural pixel representation of the attenuated Radon transform. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 43(1), 295-303.
  97. Zeng GL, Gullberg GT, Huesman RH (1995). Using linear time-invariant system theory to estimate kinetic parameters directly from projection measurements. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 42(6), 2339-2346.
  98. Gullberg GT, Zeng GT (1995). Backprojection filtering for variable orbit fan-beam tomography. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 42(4), 1257-1266.
  99. Zeng GT, Hsieh YL, Gullberg GT (1994). A rotating and warping projector-backprojector pair for fan-beam and cone-beam iterative algorithms. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 41(6), 2807-2811.
  100. Gullberg GT, Zeng GT (1994). A reconstruction algorithm using singular value decomposition of a discrete representation of the exponential Radon transform using natural pixels. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 41(6), 2812-2819.
  101. Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (1994). A backprojection filtering algorithm for a spatially varying focal length collimator. IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 13(3), 549-556.
  102. Zeng GL, Clack R, Gullberg GT (1994). Implementation of Tuy's cone-beam inversion formula. Phys Med Biol, 39, 493-507.
  103. Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (1994). A backprojection filtering algorithm for a spatially varying focal length collimator. IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 13(3), 549-56. (Read full article)
  104. Weng Y, Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (1993). A reconstruction algorithm for helical cone-beam SPECT. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 40(4), 1092-1101.
  105. Gullberg GT, Zeng GL (1993). An elliptical orbit backprojection filtering algorithm for SPECT. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 40(4), 1102-1106.
  106. Zeng GL, Gullberg GT, Jaszczak RJ, Li J (1993). Fan-beam reconstruction algorithm for a spatially varying focal length collimator. IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 12(3), 575-82. (Read full article)
  107. Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (1992). Frequency domain correction of the three-dimensional geometric point response function in SPECT imaging. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 39(5), 1444-1453.
  108. Tung CH, Gullberg GT, Zeng GL, Christian PE, Datz FL, Morgan HT (1992). Non-uniform attenuation correction using simultaneous transmission and emission converging tomography. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 39(4), 1134-1143.
  109. Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (1992). A cone-beam tomography algorithm for orthogonal circle-and-line orbit. Phys Med Biol, 37(3), 563-77. (Read full article)
  110. Gullberg GT, Zeng GL (1992). A cone-beam filtered backprojection reconstruction algorithm for cardiac single photon emission computed tomography. IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 11(1), 91-101. (Read full article)
  111. Gullberg GT, Christian PE, Zeng GL, Datz FL, Morgan HT (1991). Cone beam tomography of the heart using single-photon emission-computed tomography. Invest Radiol, 26(7), 681-8. (Read full article)
  112. Zeng GL, Gullberg GT, Tsui BMW, Terry JA (1991). Three-dimensional iterative reconstruction algorithms with attenuation and geometric point response correction. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 38(2), 693-702.
  113. Karni S, Zeng GL (1990). Comments on "Adaptive algorithms with an automatic gain control feature". CAS-37(7), 974-975.
  114. Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (1990). A study of reconstruction artifacts in cone beam tomography using filtered backprojection and iterative EM algorithms. IEEE Trans Nucl Sci, 37(2), 159-767.
  115. Karni S, Zeng GL (1989). A new convergence factor for adaptive filters. CAS-36, 1011-1012.
  116. Zeng GL, Ahmed N (1989). A block coding technique for encoding sparse binary patterns. IEEE Trans Acoust, ASSP-37, 778-780.
  117. Karni S, Zeng GL (1989). The analysis of the continuous-time LMS algorithm. IEEE Trans Acoust, ASSP-37, 595-597.
  118. Gullberg GT, Zeng GL, Tsui BMW, Hagius JT (1989). An iterative reconstruction algorithm for single photon emission computed tomography with cone beam geometry. Int J Imaging Syst Technol, 1, 169-186.
  119. Karni S, Zeng GL (1988). An adaptive IIR algorithm with unimodal performance surfaces. IEEE Trans Acoust, ASSP-36, 286-7.


  1. Zeng GL (2001). Image reconstruction--a tutorial. [Review]. Comput Med Imaging Graph, 25(2), 97-103. (Read full article)
  2. Datz FL, Gullberg GT, Zeng GL, Tung CH, Christian PE, Welch A, Clack R (1994). Application of convergent-beam collimation and simultaneous transmission emission tomography to cardiac single-photon emission computed tomography. [Review]. Semin Nucl Med, 24(1), 17-37. (Read full article)
  3. Gullberg GT, Zeng GL, Datz FL, Christian PE, Tung CH, Morgan HT (1992). Review of convergent beam tomography in single photon emission computed tomography. [Review]. Phys Med Biol, 37(3), 507-34. (Read full article)


  1. Zeng GL (2010). Medical Imaging Reconstruction, A Tutorial (Chinese Translation). Beijing: Higher Education Press.
  2. Zeng GL (2009). Medical Imaging Reconstruction, A Tutorial. Heidelberg: Springer.

Book Chapter

  1. Zeng GL (2007). Pinhole SPECT vs. cone-beam SPECT. In D. Zhang (Ed.), Medical Biometrics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (4901, pp. 240-247).
  2. Gullberg GT, Huesman RH, Ross SG, Di Bella EVR, Zeng GL, Teutter BW, Christian PE, Foresti SA (1999). Dynamic Cardiac Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography. In Zaret BL, Beller GA (Eds.), Nuclear Cardiology: State of the Art and Future Directions. Philadelphia: Mosby-Year Book, Inc.
  3. Zeng GL, Gullberg GT, Foresti SA (1996). Eigen analysis of cone-beam scanning geometries. In Grangeat P, Amans J-L (Eds.), Computational Imaging and Vision Series, Three-Dimensional Imaging Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (pp. 75-86). Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  4. Weng Y, Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (1996). Filtered backprojection algorithms for attenuated parallel and cone-beam projections sampled on a sphere. In Grangeat P, Amans J-L (Eds.), Computational Imaging and Vision Series, Three-Dimensional Imaging Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine (pp. 19-34). Kluwer Academic Publishers.


  1. Zeng GL (2010). System and methods for deblurring data corrupted by shift variant blurring. U.S. Patent No. 7,860,333. Washington, D.C.:U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
  2. Zeng GL (2008). Skew Slit Collimator and Method of Use Thereof. U.S. Patent No. 7,388,207. Washington, D.C.:U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
  3. Zeng GL (2004). Correction for Depth-Dependent Sensitivity in Rotating Slat-Collimated Gamma Camera. U.S. Patent No. 6,762,413. Washington, D.C.:U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
  4. Zeng GL (2003). Focused Rotating Slat-Hole for Gamma Cameras. U.S. Patent No. 6,627,893. Washington, D.C.:U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
  5. Zeng GL (2003). Correction for Depth-Dependent Sensitivity in Rotating Slat-Collimated Gamma Camera. U.S. Patent No. 6,603,123. Washington, D.C.:U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
  6. Zeng GL (2003). Variable Angular Sampling Rate for Rotating Slat-Hole Detectors of Gamma Cameras. U.S. Patent No. 6,593,576. Washington, D.C.:U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
  7. Panin VY, Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (2003). Method and Apparatus for Image Reconstruction Using a Knowledge Set. U.S. Patent No. 6,539,103. Washington, D.C.:U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
  8. Zeng GL, Gullberg GT, Bai C (2002). A Projector/Backprojector With Slice-to-Slice Blurring for Efficient 3D Scatter Modeling. U.S. Patent No. 6,381,349. Washington, D.C.:U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
  9. Basko R, Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (1999). Image Reconstruction For Compton Camera Including Spherical Harmonics. U.S. Patent No. 5,861,627. Washington, D.C.:U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
  10. Gullberg GT, Zeng GL, Basko R (1998). Image Reconstruction from V-Projections Acquired by Compton Camera. U.S. Patent No. 5,841,141. Washington, D.C.:U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
  11. Gullberg GT, Zeng GL, Basko R (1998). Image Reconstruction fromV-Projections Acquired by Compton Camera. U.S. Patent No. 5,841,141. Washington, D.C.:U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
  12. Gullberg GT, Zeng GL (1996). Three-dimensional SPECT Reconstruction of Combined Cone Beam and Fan Beam Data. U.S. Patent No. 5,565,684. Washington, D.C.:U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
  13. Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (1996). Rotating and Warping Projector/Backprojector for Converging-Beam Geometries. U.S. Patent No. 5,559,335. Washington, D.C.:U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
  14. Gullberg GT, Zeng GL (1996). Displaced Center-of-Rotation Fan-Beam Tomography for Cardiac Imaging. U.S. Patent No. 5,532,490. Washington, D.C.:U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
  15. Hsieh Y-L, Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (1996). Electronic Calibration of Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography Camera. U.S. Patent No. 5,481,115. Washington, D.C.:U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
  16. Weng Y, Zeng GL, Gullberg GT (1995). Cone Beam Reconstruction Using Helical Data Collection Paths. U.S. Patent No. 5,404,293. Washington, D.C.:U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
  17. Gullberg GT, Morgan HT, Tung CH, Zeng GL, Christian PE (1994). Simultaneous Transmission and Emission Converging Tomography. U.S. Patent No. 5,338,936. Washington, D.C.:U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
  18. Gullberg GT, Morgan HT, Tung CH, Zeng GL, Christian PE (1993). Simultaneous Transmission and Emission Converging Tomography. U.S. Patent No. 5,210,421. Washington, D.C.:U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
  19. Zeng GL, Gullberg GL, Morgan HT (1992). Cone Beam Reconstruction Using Combined Circle and Line Orbits. U.S. Patent No. 5,170,439. Washington, D.C.:U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.