Education History
Doctoral Training |
University of Colorado |
PhD |
Fellowship |
University of Colorado, Institute for Behavioral Genetics, Colorado Adoption Project |
Fellow |
Graduate Training |
University of Colorado |
MA |
Undergraduate |
University of Colorado |
BA |
Undergraduate |
University of Colorado |
BA |
Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Coon H, Shabalin AA, DiBlasi E, Monson ET, Han S, Kaufman EA, Chen D, Kious B, Molina N, Yu Z, Staley MJ, Crockett DK, Colbert SM, Mullins N, Bakian AV, Docherty AR, Keeshin BR (2025). Absence of nonfatal suicidal behavior preceding suicide death reveals differences in clinical risks. Psychiatry Res, 347, 116391. (Read full article)
- Colbert SMC, Lepow L, Fennessy B, Iwata N, Ikeda M, Saito T, Terao C, Preuss M, Pathak J, Mann JJ, Coon H, Mullins N (2025). Distinguishing clinical and genetic risk factors for suicidal ideation and behavior in a diverse hospital population. Transl Psychiatry, 15(1), 63. (Read full article)
- Han S, Cho SA, Choi W, Eilbeck K, Coon H, Nho K, Lee Y (2025). Interaction of genetic variants and methylation in transcript-level expression regulation in Alzheimer's disease by multi-omics data analysis. BMC Genomics, 26(1), 170. (Read full article)
- Das SC, Schulmann A, Callor WB, Jerominski L, Panicker MM, Christensen ED, Bunney WE, Williams ME, Coon H, Vawter MP (2024). Altered transcriptomes, cell type proportions, and dendritic spine morphology in hippocampus of suicide decedents. J Affect Disord, 367, 118-128. (Read full article)
- DiBlasi E, Kaufman EA, Webster S, Hagn EE, Shabalin AA, Chen D, Han S, Jawish R, Monson ET, Staley MJ, Keeshin BR, Docherty AR, Bakian AV, Okifuji A, Coon H (2024). Phenome-wide diagnostic comparison among suicide deaths and living individuals with chronic pain diagnoses. BMC Med, 22(1), 568. (Read full article)
- Kaufman EA, Coon H, Shabalin AA, Monson ET, Chen D, Staley MJ, Keeshin BR, Docherty AR, Bakian AV, DiBlasi E (2024). Diagnostic profiles among suicide decedents with and without borderline personality disorder. Psychol Med, 54(15), 1-10. (Read full article)
- Tharp D, Kious BM, Bakian A, Brewer S, Langenecker S, Schreiner M, Shabalin A, Coon H, Welsh RC, Medina RM (2024). Assessing access: Texting hotline app provides mental health crisis care for economically deprived youth. Soc Sci Med, 361, 117369. (Read full article)
- Sullivan KA, Lane M, Cashman M, Miller JI, Pavicic M, Walker AM, Cliff A, Romero J, Qin X, Mullins N, Docherty A, Coon H, Ruderfer DM, International Suicide Genetics Consortium, VA Million Veteran Program, MVP Suicide Exemplar Workgroup, Garvin MR, Pestian JP, Ashley-Koch AE, Beckham JC, McMahon B, Oslin DW, Kimbrel NA, Jacobson DA, Kainer D (2024). Analyses of GWAS signal using GRIN identify additional genes contributing to suicidal behavior. Commun Biol, 7(1), 1360. (Read full article)
- Monson ET, Colbert SMC, Andreassen OA, Ayinde OO, Bejan CA, Ceja Z, Coon H, DiBlasi E, Izotova A, Kaufman EA, Koromina M, Myung W, Nurnberger JI Jr, Serretti A, Smoller JW, Stein MB, Zai CC, Suicide Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Aslan M, Barr PB, Bigdeli TB, Harvey PD, Kimbrel NA, Patel PR, Cooperative Studies Program CSP 572, Ruderfer D, Docherty AR, Mullins N, Mann JJ (2024). Defining Suicidal Thought and Behavior Phenotypes for Genetic Studies. (Read full article)
- Strom NI, Verhulst B, Bacanu SA, Cheesman R, Purves KL, Gedik H, Mitchell BL, Kwong AS, Faucon AB, Singh K, Medland S, Colodro-Conde L, Krebs K, Hoffmann P, Herms S, Gehlen J, Ripke S, Awasthi S, Palviainen T, Tasanko EM, Peterson RE, Adkins DE, Shabalin AA, Adams MJ, Iveson MH, Campbell A, Thomas LF, Winsvold BS, Drange OK, Brte S, Ter Kuile AR, Nguyen TH, Meier SM, Corfield EC, Hannigan L, Levey DF, Czamara D, Weber H, Choi KW, Pistis G, Couvy-Duchesne B, Van der Auwera S, Teumer A, Karlsson R, Garcia-Argibay M, Lee D, Wang R, Bjerkeset O, Stordal E, Bckmann J, Salum GA, Zai CC, Kennedy JL, Zai G, Tiwari AK, Heilmann-Heimbach S, Schmidt B, Kaprio J, Kennedy MM, Boden J, Havdahl A, Middeldorp CM, Lopes FL, Akula N, McMahon FJ, Binder EB, Fehm L, Strhle A, Castelao E, Tiemeier H, Stein DJ, Whiteman D, Olsen C, Fuller Z, Wang X, Wray NR, Byrne EM, Lewis G, Timpson NJ, Davis LK, Hickie IB, Gillespie NA, Milani L, Schumacher J, Woldbye DP, Forstner AJ, Nthen MM, Hovatta I, Horwood J, Copeland WE, Maes HH, McIntosh AM, Andreassen OA, Zwart JA, Mors O, Brglum AD, Mortensen PB, Ask H, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Najman JM, Stein MB, Gelernter J, Milaneschi Y, Penninx BW, Boomsma DI, Maron E, Erhardt-Lehmann A, Rck C, Kircher TT, Melzig CA, Alpers GW, Arolt V, Domschke K, Smoller JW, Preisig M, Martin NG, Lupton MK, Luik AI, Reif A, Grabe HJ, Larsson H, Magnusson PK, Oldehinkel AJ, Hartman CA, Breen G, Docherty AR, Coon H, Conrad R, Lehto K, Million Veteran Program FinnGen 23andMe, Deckert J, Eley TC, Mattheisen M, Hettema JM (2024). Genome-wide association study of major anxiety disorders in 122,341 European-ancestry cases identifies 58 loci and highlights GABAergic signaling. (Read full article)
- Kirby AV, Krebs E, Hiatt L, Docherty A, Mihalopoulos NL, Keeshin BR, Peifer E, Craker M, Staley M, Bakian AV, Coon H (2024). "It's not the 'being trans,' it's everything around that": Trans Community Perspectives for Suicide Prevention. Bull Appl Transgend Stud, 3(1-2), 69-97. (Read full article)
- Coon H, Shabalin A, DiBlasi E, Monson ET, Han S, Kaufman EA, Chen D, Kious B, Molina N, Yu Z, Staley M, Crockett DK, Colbert SM, Mullins N, Bakian AV, Docherty AR, Keeshin B (2024). Absence of nonfatal suicidal behavior preceding suicide death reveals differences in clinical risks. (Read full article)
- Tharp D, Goldstein EV, Medina RM, Brewer SC, Bakian AV, Coon H (2024). Utah Latina/o/x suicide decedents less likely to die by firearm, even in rural areas: examining population-wide data from the Utah Office of the Medical Examiner. Front Public Health, 12, 1358043. (Read full article)
- Brown DG, Murphy M, Cadeddu R, Bell R, Weis A, Chiaro T, Klag K, Morgan J, Coon H, Stephens WZ, Bortolato M, Round JL (2024). Colitis reduces active social engagement in mice and is ameliorated by supplementation with human microbiota members. Nat Commun, 15(1), 2769. (Read full article)
- Han S, DiBlasi E, Monson ET, Shabalin A, Ferris E, Chen D, Fraser A, Yu Z, Staley M, Callor WB, Christensen ED, Crockett DK, Li QS, Willour V, Bakian AV, Keeshin B, Docherty AR, Eilbeck K, Coon H (2023). Whole-genome sequencing analysis of suicide deaths integrating brain-regulatory eQTLs data to identify risk loci and genes. Mol Psychiatry, 28(9), 3909-3919. (Read full article)
- Docherty AR, Mullins N, Ashley-Koch AE, Qin X, Coleman JRI, Shabalin A, Kang J, Murnyak B, Wendt F, Adams M, Campos AI, DiBlasi E, Fullerton JM, Kranzler HR, Bakian AV, Monson ET, Rentera ME, Walss-Bass C, Andreassen OA, Behera C, Bulik CM, Edenberg HJ, Kessler RC, Mann JJ, Nurnberger JI Jr, Pistis G, Streit F, Ursano RJ, Polimanti R, Dennis M, Garrett M, Hair L, Harvey P, Hauser ER, Hauser MA, Huffman J, Jacobson D, Madduri R, McMahon B, Oslin DW, Trafton J, Awasthi S, Berrettini WH, Bohus M, Chang X, Chen HC, Chen WJ, Christensen ED, Crow S, Duriez P, Edwards AC, Fernndez-Aranda F, Galfalvy H, Gandal M, Gorwood P, Guo Y, Hafferty JD, Hakonarson H, Halmi KA, Hishimoto A, Jain S, Jamain S, Jimnez-Murcia S, Johnson C, Kaplan AS, Kaye WH, Keel PK, Kennedy JL, Kim M, Klump KL, Levey DF, Li D, Liao SC, Lieb K, Lilenfeld L, Marshall CR, Mitchell JE, Okazaki S, Otsuka I, Pinto D, Powers A, Ramoz N, Ripke S, Roepke S, Rozanov V, Scherer SW, Schmahl C, Sokolowski M, Starnawska A, Strober M, Su MH, Thornton LM, Treasure J, Ware EB, Watson HJ, Witt SH, Woodside DB, Yilmaz Z, Zillich L, Adolfsson R, Agartz I, Alda M, Alfredsson L, Appadurai V, Artigas MS, Van der Auwera S, Azevedo MH, Bass N, Bau CHD, Baune BT, Bellivier F, Berger K, Biernacka JM, Bigdeli TB, Binder EB, Boehnke M, Boks MP, Braff DL, Bryant R, Budde M, Byrne EM, Cahn W, Castelao E, Cervilla JA, Chaumette B, Corvin A, Craddock N, Djurovic S, Foo JC, Forstner AJ, Frye M, Gatt JM, Giegling I, Grabe HJ, Green MJ, Grevet EH, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Gutierrez B, Guzman-Parra J, Hamshere ML, Hartmann AM, Hauser J, Heilmann-Heimbach S, Hoffmann P, Ising M, Jones I, Jones LA, Jonsson L, Kahn RS, Kelsoe JR, Kendler KS, Kloiber S, Koenen KC, Kogevinas M, Krebs MO, Landn M, Leboyer M, Lee PH, Levinson DF, Liao C, Lissowska J, Mayoral F, McElroy SL, McGrath P, McGuffin P, McQuillin A, Mehta D, Melle I, Mitchell PB, Molina E, Morken G, Nievergelt C, Nthen MM, ODonovan MC, Ophoff RA, Owen MJ, Pato C, Pato MT, Penninx BWJH, Potash JB, Power RA, Preisig M, Quested D, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Reif A, Ribass M, Richarte V, Rietschel M, Rivera M, Roberts A, Roberts G, Rouleau GA, Rovaris DL, Sanders AR, Schofield PR, Schulze TG, Scott LJ, Serretti A, Shi J, Sirignano L, Sklar P, Smeland OB, Smoller JW, Sonuga-Barke EJS, Trzaskowski M, Tsuang MT, Turecki G, Vilar-Rib L, Vincent JB, Vlzke H, Walters JTR, Weickert CS, Weickert TW, Weissman MM, Williams LM, Wray NR, Zai CC, Agerbo E, Brglum AD, Breen G, Demontis D, Erlangsen A, Gelernter J, Glatt SJ, Hougaard DM, Hwu HG, Kuo PH, Lewis CM, Li QS, Liu CM, Martin NG, McIntosh AM, Medland SE, Mors O, Nordentoft M, Olsen CM, Porteous D, Smith DJ, Stahl EA, Stein MB, Wasserman D, Werge T, Whiteman DC, Willour V, VA Million Veteran Program MVP, MVP Suicide Exemplar Workgroup, Suicide Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Bipolar Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Eating Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, German Borderline Genomics Consortium, Coon H, Beckham JC, Kimbrel NA, Ruderfer DM (2023). GWAS Meta-Analysis of Suicide Attempt: Identification of 12 Genome-Wide Significant Loci and Implication of Genetic Risks for Specific Health Factors. Am J Psychiatry, 180(10), 723-738. (Read full article)
- Mirza S, Docherty AR, Monson ET, Coon H, Keeshin B, Fries GR (2023). Understanding heterogeneity in suicidal thoughts and behaviours and the implications for genetic studies - a commentary on Lannoy et al. (2022). J Child Psychol Psychiatry, 64(6), 968-971. (Read full article)
- Yang G, Ullah HMA, Parker E, Gorsi B, Libowitz M, Maguire C, King JB, Coon H, Lopez-Larson M, Anderson JS, Yandell M, Shcheglovitov A (2023). Neurite outgrowth deficits caused by rare PLXNB1 mutation in pediatric bipolar disorder. Mol Psychiatry, 28(6), 2525-2539. (Read full article)
- Workalemahu T, Page JM, Meeks H, Yu Z, Guinto E, Fraser A, Varner MW, Theilen LH, Quinlan A, Coon H, Enquobahrie DA, Ananth CV, Tekola-Ayele F, Jorde LB, Silver RM (2022). Familial aggregation of stillbirth: A pedigree analysis of a matched case-control study. BJOG, 130(5), 454-462. (Read full article)
- Brown LA, Zhu Y, Coon H, Young-McCaughan S, Fina BA, Dondanville KA, Hernandez AM, Litz BT, Mintz J, Maurer DM, Kelly KM, Peterson AL, Bryan CJ, Williamson DE, STRONG STAR Consortium (2023). Phenotypic predictors of suicide subtypes from pre-to postdeployment in active duty military personnel. J Psychiatr Res, 160, 163-170. (Read full article)
- Ashley-Koch AE, Kimbrel NA, Qin XJ, Lindquist JH, Garrett ME, Dennis MF, Hair LP, Huffman JE, Jacobson DA, Madduri RK, Coon H, Docherty AR, Kang J, Mullins N, Ruderfer DM, VA Million Veteran Program MVP, MVP Suicide Exemplar Workgroup, International Suicide Genetics Consortium, Harvey PD, McMahon BH, Oslin DW, Hauser ER, Hauser MA, Beckham JC (2023). Genome-wide association study identifies four pan-ancestry loci for suicidal ideation in the Million Veteran Program. PLoS Genet, 19(3), e1010623. (Read full article)
- Bakian AV, Chen D, Zhang C, Hanson HA, Docherty AR, Keeshin B, Gray D, Smith KR, VanDerslice JA, Yu DZ, Zhang Y, Coon H (2021). A population-wide analysis of the familial risk of suicide in Utah, USA. Psychol Med, 53(4), 1448-1457. (Read full article)
- Workalemahu T, Avery C, Lopez S, Blue NR, Wallace A, Quinlan AR, Coon H, Warner D, Varner MW, Branch DW, Jorde LB, Silver RM (2023). Whole-genome sequencing analysis in families with recurrent pregnancy loss: A pilot study. PLoS One, 18(2), e0281934. (Read full article)
- Li QS, Shabalin AA, DiBlasi E, Gopal S, Canuso CM, FinnGen International Suicide Genetics Consortium, Palotie A, Drevets WC, Docherty AR, Coon H (2022). Genome-wide association study meta-analysis of suicide death and suicidal behavior. Mol Psychiatry, 28(2), 891-900. (Read full article)
- Kimbrel NA, Ashley-Koch AE, Qin XJ, Lindquist JH, Garrett ME, Dennis MF, Hair LP, Huffman JE, Jacobson DA, Madduri RK, Trafton JA, Coon H, Docherty AR, Mullins N, Ruderfer DM, Harvey PD, McMahon BH, Oslin DW, Beckham JC, Hauser ER, Hauser MA, Million Veteran Program Suicide Exemplar Workgroup the International Suicide Genetics Consortium the Veterans Affairs Mid-Atlantic Mental Illness Research Education and Clinical Center Workgroup and the Veterans Affairs Million Veteran Program (2023). Identification of Novel, Replicable Genetic Risk Loci for Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Among US Military Veterans. JAMA Psychiatry, 80(2), 135-145. (Read full article)
- Das SC, Schulmann A, Callor WB, Jerominski L, Panicker MM, Christensen ED, Bunney WE, Williams ME, Coon H, Vawter MP (2023). Altered transcriptomes, cell type proportions, and dendritic spine morphology in hippocampus of suicide deaths. (Read full article)
- Coon H, Shabalin A, Bakian AV, DiBlasi E, Monson ET, Kirby A, Chen D, Fraser A, Yu Z, Staley M, Callor WB, Christensen ED, Crowell SE, Gray D, Crockett DK, Li QS, Keeshin B, Docherty AR (2022). Extended familial risk of suicide death is associated with younger age at death and elevated polygenic risk of suicide. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet, 189(3-4), 60-73. (Read full article)
- Kimbrel NA, Ashley-Koch AE, Qin XJ, Lindquist JH, Garrett ME, Dennis MF, Hair LP, Huffman JE, Jacobson DA, Madduri RK, Trafton JA, Coon H, Docherty AR, Kang J, Mullins N, Ruderfer DM, VA Million Veteran Program MVP, MVP Suicide Exemplar Workgroup, International Suicide Genetics Consortium, Harvey PD, McMahon BH, Oslin DW, Hauser ER, Hauser MA, Beckham JC (2022). A genome-wide association study of suicide attempts in the million veterans program identifies evidence of pan-ancestry and ancestry-specific risk loci. Mol Psychiatry, 27(4), 2264-2272. (Read full article)
- Docherty AR, Bakian AV, DiBlasi E, Shabalin AA, Chen D, Keeshin B, Monson E, Christensen ED, Li Q, Gray D, Coon H (2022). Suicide and Psychosis: Results From a Population-Based Cohort of Suicide Death (N = 4380). Schizophr Bull, 48(2), 457-462. (Read full article)
- Mullins N, Kang J, Campos AI, Coleman JRI, Edwards AC, Galfalvy H, Levey DF, Lori A, Shabalin A, Starnawska A, Su MH, Watson HJ, Adams M, Awasthi S, Gandal M, Hafferty JD, Hishimoto A, Kim M, Okazaki S, Otsuka I, Ripke S, Ware EB, Bergen AW, Berrettini WH, Bohus M, Brandt H, Chang X, Chen WJ, Chen HC, Crawford S, Crow S, DiBlasi E, Duriez P, Fernndez-Aranda F, Fichter MM, Gallinger S, Glatt SJ, Gorwood P, Guo Y, Hakonarson H, Halmi KA, Hwu HG, Jain S, Jamain S, Jimnez-Murcia S, Johnson C, Kaplan AS, Kaye WH, Keel PK, Kennedy JL, Klump KL, Li D, Liao SC, Lieb K, Lilenfeld L, Liu CM, Magistretti PJ, Marshall CR, Mitchell JE, Monson ET, Myers RM, Pinto D, Powers A, Ramoz N, Roepke S, Rozanov V, Scherer SW, Schmahl C, Sokolowski M, Strober M, Thornton LM, Treasure J, Tsuang MT, Witt SH, Woodside DB, Yilmaz Z, Zillich L, Adolfsson R, Agartz I, Air TM, Alda M, Alfredsson L, Andreassen OA, Anjorin A, Appadurai V, Soler Artigas M, Van der Auwera S, Azevedo MH, Bass N, Bau CHD, Baune BT, Bellivier F, Berger K, Biernacka JM, Bigdeli TB, Binder EB, Boehnke M, Boks MP, Bosch R, Braff DL, Bryant R, Budde M, Byrne EM, Cahn W, Casas M, Castelao E, Cervilla JA, Chaumette B, Cichon S, Corvin A, Craddock N, Craig D, Degenhardt F, Djurovic S, Edenberg HJ, Fanous AH, Foo JC, Forstner AJ, Frye M, Fullerton JM, Gatt JM, Gejman PV, Giegling I, Grabe HJ, Green MJ, Grevet EH, Grigoroiu-Serbanescu M, Gutierrez B, Guzman-Parra J, Hamilton SP, Hamshere ML, Hartmann A, Hauser J, Heilmann-Heimbach S, Hoffmann P, Ising M, Jones I, Jones LA, Jonsson L, Kahn RS, Kelsoe JR, Kendler KS, Kloiber S, Koenen KC, Kogevinas M, Konte B, Krebs MO, Landn M, Lawrence J, Leboyer M, Lee PH, Levinson DF, Liao C, Lissowska J, Lucae S, Mayoral F, McElroy SL, McGrath P, McGuffin P, McQuillin A, Medland SE, Mehta D, Melle I, Milaneschi Y, Mitchell PB, Molina E, Morken G, Mortensen PB, Mller-Myhsok B, Nievergelt C, Nimgaonkar V, Nthen MM, ODonovan MC, Ophoff RA, Owen MJ, Pato C, Pato MT, Penninx BWJH, Pimm J, Pistis G, Potash JB, Power RA, Preisig M, Quested D, Ramos-Quiroga JA, Reif A, Ribass M, Richarte V, Rietschel M, Rivera M, Roberts A, Roberts G, Rouleau GA, Rovaris DL, Rujescu D, Snchez-Mora C, Sanders AR, Schofield PR, Schulze TG, Scott LJ, Serretti A, Shi J, Shyn SI, Sirignano L, Sklar P, Smeland OB, Smoller JW, Sonuga-Barke EJS, Spalletta G, Strauss JS, witkowska B, Trzaskowski M, Turecki G, Vilar-Rib L, Vincent JB, Vlzke H, Walters JTR, Shannon Weickert C, Weickert TW, Weissman MM, Williams LM, Wray NR, Zai CC, Ashley-Koch AE, Beckham JC, Hauser ER, Hauser MA, Kimbrel NA, Lindquist JH, McMahon B, Oslin DW, Qin X, Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Bipolar Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Eating Disorders Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, German Borderline Genomics Consortium, MVP Suicide Exemplar Workgroup, VA Million Veteran Program, Agerbo E, Brglum AD, Breen G, Erlangsen A, Esko T, Gelernter J, Hougaard DM, Kessler RC, Kranzler HR, Li QS, Martin NG, McIntosh AM, Mors O, Nordentoft M, Olsen CM, Porteous D, Ursano RJ, Wasserman D, Werge T, Whiteman DC, Bulik CM, Coon H, Demontis D, Docherty AR, Kuo PH, Lewis CM, Mann JJ, Rentera ME, Smith DJ, Stahl EA, Stein MB, Streit F, Willour V, Ruderfer DM (2021). Dissecting the Shared Genetic Architecture of Suicide Attempt, Psychiatric Disorders, and Known Risk Factors. Biol Psychiatry, 91(3), 313-327. (Read full article)
- Colbert SMC, Hatoum AS, Shabalin A, Li QS, Coon H, Nelson EC, Agrawal A, Docherty AR, Johnson EC (2021). Exploring the genetic overlap of suicide-related behaviors and substance use disorders. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet, 186(8), 445-455. (Read full article)
- Gustavson DE, Friedman NP, Stallings MC, Reynolds CA, Coon H, Corley RP, Hewitt JK, Gordon RL (2022). Musical instrument engagement in adolescence predicts verbal ability 4 years later: A twin and adoption study. Dev Psychol, 57(11), 1943-1957. (Read full article)
- Docherty A, Kious B, Brown T, Francis L, Stark L, Keeshin B, Botkin J, DiBlasi E, Gray D, Coon H (2021). Ethical concerns relating to genetic risk scores for suicide. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet, 186(8), 433-444. (Read full article)
- Monson ET, Shabalin AA, Docherty AR, DiBlasi E, Bakian AV, Li QS, Gray D, Keeshin B, Crowell SE, Mullins N, Willour VL, Coon H (2021). Assessment of suicide attempt and death in bipolar affective disorder: a combined clinical and genetic approach. Transl Psychiatry, 11(1), 379. (Read full article)
- William N, Reissner C, Sargent R, Darlington TM, DiBlasi E, Li QS, Keeshin B, Callor WB, Ferris E, Jerominski L, Smith KR, Christensen ED, Gray DM, Camp NJ, Missler M, Williams ME, Coon H (2021). Neurexin 1 variants as risk factors for suicide death. Mol Psychiatry, 26, 7436-7445. (Read full article)
- DiBlasi E, Shabalin AA, Monson ET, Keeshin BR, Bakian AV, Kirby AV, Ferris E, Chen D, William N, Gaj E, Klein M, Jerominski L, Callor WB, Christensen E, Smith KR, Fraser A, Yu Z, Gray D, PsychChip Investigators of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Camp NJ, Stahl EA, Li QS, Docherty AR, Coon H (2021). Rare protein-coding variants implicate genes involved in risk of suicide death. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet, 186(8), 508-520. (Read full article)
- Brown LA, Bryan CJ, Butner JE, Tabares JV, Young-McCaughan S, Hale WJ, Fina BA, Foa EB, Resick PA, Taylor DJ, Coon H, Williamson DE, Dondanville KA, Borah EV, McLean CP, Wachen JS, Pruiksma KE, Hernandez AM, Litz BT, Mintz J, Yarvis JS, Borah AM, Nicholson KL, Maurer DM, Kelly KM, Peterson AL, STRONG STAR Consortium (2021). Identifying suicidal subtypes and dynamic indicators of increasing and decreasing suicide risk in active duty military personnel: Study protocol. Contemp Clin Trials Commun, 21, 100752. (Read full article)
- den Hoed J, de Boer E, Voisin N, Dingemans AJM, Guex N, Wiel L, Nellaker C, Amudhavalli SM, Banka S, Bena FS, Ben-Zeev B, Bonagura VR, Bruel AL, Brunet T, Brunner HG, Chew HB, Chrast J, Cimbalistien L, Coon H, DDD Study, Dlot EC, Dmurger F, Denomm-Pichon AS, Depienne C, Donnai D, Dyment DA, Elpeleg O, Faivre L, Gilissen C, Granger L, Haber B, Hachiya Y, Abedi YH, Hanebeck J, Hehir-Kwa JY, Horist B, Itai T, Jackson A, Jewell R, Jones KL, Joss S, Kashii H, Kato M, Kattentidt-Mouravieva AA, Kok F, Kotzaeridou U, Krishnamurthy V, Kuinskas V, Kuechler A, Lavillaureix A, Liu P, Manwaring L, Matsumoto N, Mazel B, McWalter K, Meiner V, Mikati MA, Miyatake S, Mizuguchi T, Moey LH, Mohammed S, Mor-Shaked H, Mountford H, Newbury-Ecob R, Odent S, Orec L, Osmond M, Palculict TB, Parker M, Petersen AK, Pfundt R, Preikaitien E, Radtke K, Ranza E, Rosenfeld JA, Santiago-Sim T, Schwager C, Sinnema M, Snijders Blok L, Spillmann RC, Stegmann APA, Thiffault I, Tran L, Vaknin-Dembinsky A, Vedovato-Dos-Santos JH, Schrier Vergano SA, Vilain E, Vitobello A, Wagner M, Waheeb A, Willing M, Zuccarelli B, Kini U, Newbury DF, Kleefstra T, Reymond A, Fisher SE, Vissers LELM (2021). Mutation-specific pathophysiological mechanisms define different neurodevelopmental disorders associated with SATB1 dysfunction. Am J Hum Genet, 108(2), 346-356. (Read full article)
- Kious BM, Docherty AR, Botkin JR, Brown TR, Francis LP, Gray DD, Keeshin BR, Stark LA, Witte B, Coon H (2020). Ethical and public health implications of genetic testing for suicide risk: family and survivor perspectives. Genet Med, 23(2), 289-297. (Read full article)
- Coon H, Darlington TM, DiBlasi E, Callor WB, Ferris E, Fraser A, Yu Z, William N, Das SC, Crowell SE, Chen D, Anderson JS, Klein M, Jerominski L, Cannon D, Shabalin A, Docherty A, Williams M, Smith KR, Keeshin B, Bakian AV, Christensen E, Li QS, Camp NJ, Gray D (2018). Genome-wide significant regions in 43 Utah high-risk families implicate multiple genes involved in risk for completed suicide. Mol Psychiatry, 25(11), 3077-3090. (Read full article)
- DiBlasi E, Kirby AV, Gaj E, Docherty AR, Keeshin BR, Bakian AV, Coon H (2021). Brief Report: Genetic Links Between Autism and Suicidal Behavior-A Preliminary Investigation. J Autism Dev Disord, 50(10), 3525-3530. (Read full article)
- Docherty AR, Shabalin AA, DiBlasi E, Monson E, Mullins N, Adkins DE, Bacanu SA, Bakian AV, Crowell S, Chen D, Darlington TM, Callor WB, Christensen ED, Gray D, Keeshin B, Klein M, Anderson JS, Jerominski L, Hayward C, Porteous DJ, McIntosh A, Li Q, Coon H (2021). Genome-Wide Association Study of Suicide Death and Polygenic Prediction of Clinical Antecedents. Am J Psychiatry, 177(10), 917-927. (Read full article)
- Lin BD, Colas F, Nijman IJ, Medic J, Brands W, Parr JR, van Eijk KR, Klauck SM, Chiocchetti AG, Freitag CM, Maestrini E, Bacchelli E, Coon H, Vicente A, Oliveira G, Pagnamenta AT, Gallagher L, Ennis S, Anney R, Bourgeron T, Luykx JJ, Vorstman J (2020). The role of rare compound heterozygous events in autism spectrum disorder. Transl Psychiatry, 10(1), 204. (Read full article)
- Das SC, Chen D, Callor WB, Christensen E, Coon H, Williams ME (2019). DiI-mediated analysis of presynaptic and postsynaptic structures in human postmortem brain tissue. J Comp Neurol, 527(18), 3087-3098. (Read full article)
- Shade J, Coon H, Docherty AR (2019). Ethical implications of using biobanks and population databases for genetic suicide research. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet, 180(8), 601-608. (Read full article)
- Bilder DA, Esplin MS, Coon H, Burghardt P, Clark EAS, Fraser A, Smith KR, Worsham W, Chappelle K, Rayner T, Bakian AV (2019). Early Second Trimester Maternal Serum Steroid-Related Biomarkers Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord, 49(11), 4572-4583. (Read full article)
- Kirby AV, Bakian AV, Zhang Y, Bilder DA, Keeshin BR, Coon H (2019). A 20-year study of suicide death in a statewide autism population. Autism Res, 12(4), 658-666. (Read full article)
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- Weiner DJ, Wigdor EM, Ripke S, Walters RK, Kosmicki JA, Grove J, Samocha KE, Goldstein JI, Okbay A, Bybjerg-Grauholm J, Werge T, Hougaard DM, Taylor J, iPSYCH-Broad Autism Group, Psychiatric Genomics Consortium Autism Group, Skuse D, Devlin B, Anney R, Sanders SJ, Bishop S, Mortensen PB, Brglum AD, Smith GD, Daly MJ, Robinson EB (May 15, 2017). Polygenic transmission disequilibrium confirms that common and rare variation act additively to create risk for autism spectrum disorders. Nat Genet, May 15(10:1038).
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- McGlade E, Bakian A, Coon H, Yurgelun-Todd D, Callor WB, Byrd J, Gray D (2016). Male suspected suicide decedents in Utah: A comparison of Veterans and nonveterans. Compr Psychiatry, 69, 1-10. (Read full article)
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- Schwantes-An TH, Zhang J, Chen LS, Hartz SM, Culverhouse RC, Chen X, Coon H, Frank J, Kamens HM, Konte B, Kovanen L, Latvala A, Legrand LN, Maher BS, Melroy WE, Nelson EC, Reid MW, Robinson JD, Shen PH, Yang BZ, Andrews JA, Aveyard P, Beltcheva O, Brown SA, Cannon DS, Cichon S, Corley RP, Dahmen N, Degenhardt L, Foroud T, Gaebel W, Giegling I, Glatt SJ, Grucza RA, Hardin J, Hartmann AM, Heath AC, Herms S, Hodgkinson CA, Hoffmann P, Hops H, Huizinga D, Ising M, Johnson EO, Johnstone E, Kaneva RP, Kendler KS, Kiefer F, Kranzler HR, Krauter KS, Levran O, Lucae S, Lynskey MT, Maier W, Mann K, Martin NG, Mattheisen M, Montgomery GW, Mller-Myhsok B, Murphy MF, Neale MC, Nikolov MA, Nishita D, Nthen MM, Nurnberger J, Partonen T, Pergadia ML, Reynolds M, Ridinger M, Rose RJ, Rouvinen-Lagerstrm N, Scherbaum N, Schml C, Soyka M, Stallings MC, Steffens M, Treutlein J, Tsuang M, Wall TL, Wodarz N, Yuferov V, Zill P, Bergen AW, Chen J, Cinciripini PM, Edenberg HJ, Ehringer MA, Ferrell RE, Gelernter J, Goldman D, Hewitt JK, Hopfer CJ, Iacono WG, Kaprio J, Kreek MJ, Kremensky IM, Madden PA, McGue M, Munaf MR, Philibert RA, Rietschel M, Roy A, Rujescu D, Saarikoski ST, Swan GE, Todorov AA, Vanyukov MM, Weiss RB, Bierut LJ, Saccone NL (2016). Association of the OPRM1 Variant rs1799971 (A118G) with Non-Specific Liability to Substance Dependence in a Collaborative de novo Meta-Analysis of European-Ancestry Cohorts. Behav Genet, 46(2), 151-69. (Read full article)
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- Hasstedt SJ, Coon H, Xin Y, Adams TD, Hunt SC (2016). APOH interacts with FTO to predispose to healthy thinness. Hum Genet, 135(2), 201-7. (Read full article)
- Hollingshaus MS, Coon H, Crowell SE, Gray DD, Hanson HA, Pimentel R, Smith KR (2016). Differential Vulnerability to Early-Life Parental Death: The Moderating Effects of Family Suicide History on Risks for Major Depression and Substance Abuse in Later Life. Biodemography Soc Biol, 62(1), 105-25. (Read full article)
- Whitehouse AJ, Coon H, Miller J, Salisbury B, Bishop DV (2010). Narrowing the broader autism phenotype: a study using the Communication Checklist-Adult Version (CC-A). Autism, 14(6), 559-74. (Read full article)
- Pinto D, Pagnamenta AT, Klei L, Anney R, Merico D, Regan R, Conroy J, Magalhaes TR, Correia C, Abrahams BS, Almeida J, Bacchelli E, Bader GD, Bailey AJ, Baird G, Battaglia A, Berney T, Bolshakova N, Blte S, Bolton PF, Bourgeron T, Brennan S, Brian J, Bryson SE, Carson AR, Casallo G, Casey J, Chung BH, Cochrane L, Corsello C, Crawford EL, Crossett A, Cytrynbaum C, Dawson G, de Jonge M, Delorme R, Drmic I, Duketis E, Duque F, Estes A, Farrar P, Fernandez BA, Folstein SE, Fombonne E, Freitag CM, Gilbert J, Gillberg C, Glessner JT, Goldberg J, Green A, Green J, Guter SJ, Hakonarson H, Heron EA, Hill M, Holt R, Howe JL, Hughes G, Hus V, Igliozzi R, Kim C, Klauck SM, Kolevzon A, Korvatska O, Kustanovich V, Lajonchere CM, Lamb JA, Laskawiec M, Leboyer M, Le Couteur A, Leventhal BL, Lionel AC, Liu XQ, Lord C, Lotspeich L, Lund SC, Maestrini E, Mahoney W, Mantoulan C, Marshall CR, McConachie H, McDougle CJ, McGrath J, McMahon WM, Merikangas A, Migita O, Minshew NJ, Mirza GK, Munson J, Nelson SF, Noakes C, Noor A, Nygren G, Oliveira G, Papanikolaou K, Parr JR, Parrini B, Paton T, Pickles A, Pilorge M, Piven J, Ponting CP, Posey DJ, Poustka A, Poustka F, Prasad A, Ragoussis J, Renshaw K, Rickaby J, Roberts W, Roeder K, Roge B, Rutter ML, Bierut LJ, Rice JP, Salt J, Sansom K, Sato D, Segurado R, Sequeira AF, Senman L, Shah N, Sheffield VC, Soorya L, Sousa I, Stein O, Sykes N, Stoppioni V, Strawbridge C, Tancredi R, Tansey K, Thiruvahindrapduram B, Thompson AP, Thomson S, Tryfon A, Tsiantis J, Van Engeland H, Vincent JB, Volkmar F, Wallace S, Wang K, Wang Z, Wassink TH, Webber C, Weksberg R, Wing K, Wittemeyer K, Wood S, Wu J, Yaspan BL, Zurawiecki D, Zwaigenbaum L, Buxbaum JD, Cantor RM, Cook EH, Coon H, Cuccaro ML, Devlin B, Ennis S, Gallagher L, Geschwind DH, Gill M, Haines JL, Hallmayer J, Miller J, Monaco AP, Nurnberger JI Jr, Paterson AD, Pericak-Vance MA, Schellenberg GD, Szatmari P, Vicente AM, Vieland VJ, Wijsman EM, Scherer SW, Sutcliffe JS, Betancur C (2010). Functional impact of global rare copy number variation in autism spectrum disorders. Nature, 466(7304), 368-72. (Read full article)
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- Mirza S, Docherty AR, Bakian A, Coon H, Soares JC, Walss-Bass C, Fries GR (2022). Genetics and epigenetics of self-injurious thoughts and behaviors: Systematic review of the suicide literature and methodological considerations. [Review]. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet, 189(7-8), 221-246. (Read full article)
- Kious BM, Docherty AR, Botkin JR, Brown TR, Francis LP, Gray DD, Keeshin BR, Stark LA, Witte B, Coon H (2020). Correction: Ethical and public health implications of genetic testing for suicide risk: family and survivor perspectives. Genet Med (23(2), p. 425). United States. (Read full article)
- Bilder DA, Esplin MS, Coon H, Burghardt P, Clark EAS, Fraser A, Smith KR, Worsham W, Chappelle K, Rayner T, Bakian AV (2019). Correction to: Early Second Trimester Maternal Serum Steroid‑Related Biomarkers Associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord (49(11), p. 4584). United States. (Read full article)