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Pamela Hardin

Pamela Hardin, PhD, RN

Research Interests

  • Weather Modification
  • Capital Punishment
  • Dentistry
  • Waste Management (food processing)

Dr. Hardin is an Associate Professor in the College of Nursing. In 2000, Dr. Hardin received her PhD from the University of Washington. She received her MN in Psychosocial Nursing from the University of Washington in 1995 and her BSN from the University of Northern Colorado in 1983.

Research Statement

My research is organized around the interactions between women, bodies, culture, and media representations of eating disorders. I am interested cultural respresentations of the body, and how those representations result in health practices. My scholarship focuses on the application of post-structuralist, post-feminist, and post-colonial methodological perspectives.

Selected Publications

Journal Article

  1. Hardin PK (04/2012).
  2. Pamela K Hardin (01/27/2012). Teaching the Concept Curricula: Theory and Method. J Nurs Educ, 51(3), 155-59.
  3. (12/2003).
  4. (03/2003).
  5. (01/2003).
  6. (12/2001).
  7. (03/2001).