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Rebecca G. Simmons

Rebecca G. Simmons, MPH, PhD

Languages spoken: English

Academic Information

Departments Primary - Obstetrics & Gynecology

Research Interests

  • Fertility Awareness
  • Contraception and Family Planning
  • Implementation Science

Rebecca Simmons, PhD, MPH is a Research Assistant Professor at the University of Utah in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Simmons directs the evaluation for the statewide contraceptive initiative, Family Planning Elevated, and works on other implementation research, including HER Salt Lake. Her research interests and expertise include fertility awareness-based methods, comprehensive contraceptive access, health technology, and implementation science.

Education History

Doctoral Training University of Utah School of Medicine
Graduate Training University of Utah School of Medicine
Undergraduate University of Utah

Selected Publications

Journal Article

  1. Simmons RG, Gero A, Carter G, Sanders JN, Quade C, Baayd J, Mullholand M, Elliott S, Myers K, Torres E, Smith JD, Turok DK (2025). Changes in Contraceptive Services During Utah's Family Planning Elevated Contraceptive Access Initiative: A Prospective Assessment of Intervention and Control Sites. Am J Public Health, 115(3), 387-396. (Read full article)
  2. Compton SD, Carter G, Gero A, Sanders JN, Quade C, Baayd J, Simmons RG (2024). Assessing the impact of federal restrictions to the Title X program on reproductive health service provision between 2018 and 2022 in the United States. Contraception, 142, 110724. (Read full article)
  3. Merle JL, Sloss EA, Sanuade OA, Lengnick-Hall R, Meza R, Golden C, Simmons RG, Velazquez A, Hill JL, Estabrooks PA, McFarland MM, Rafferty MR, Li DH, Smith JD (2024). Refining the implementation research logic model: a citation analysis, user survey, and scoping review protocol. Front Health Serv, 4, 1490764. (Read full article)
  4. Weckstein TN, Simmons RG, Baayd J, Fay KE (2024). Contraceptive risk events among family planning specialists: a cross sectional study. Reprod Health, 21(1), 133. (Read full article)
  5. Stanford JB, Duane M, Simmons R (2023). Evaluating Pregnancy Rates in Fertility Awareness-Based Methods for Family Planning: Simulated Comparison of Correct Use to Avoid, Method-Related, and Total Pregnancy Rates. Linacre Q, 91(3), 315-328. (Read full article)
  6. Bustin DJ, Simmons R, Galdo J, Kucek ME, Logan L, Cohn R, Smith H (2024). Feasibility of a contraceptive-specific electronic health record system to promote the adoption of pharmacist-prescribed contraceptive services in community pharmacies in the United States. JAMIA Open, 7(3), ooae071. (Read full article)
  7. Simmons RG, Carter G, Sanders JN, Turok DK (2024). Assessing Contraceptive Switching and Discontinuation Over 3 Years in the HER Salt Lake Study. Obstet Gynecol, 144(1), 79-88. (Read full article)
  8. Torres E, Carter G, Gero A, Simmons RG, Sanders JN, Turok DK (2024). Frequency of same-day contraceptive initiation, recent unprotected intercourse, and pregnancy risk: a prospective cohort study of multiple contraceptive methods. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 230(6), 661.e1-661.e7. (Read full article)
  9. Gero A, Elliott S, Baayd J, Cohen S, Simmons RG, Gawron LM (2024). Factors associated with a negative Patient Acceptable Symptom State (PASS) response with intrauterine device placement: A retrospective survey of HER Salt Lake participants. Contraception, 133, 110385. (Read full article)
  10. Weckstein TN, Simmons RG, Baayd J, Fay KE (2024). Contraceptive Risk Events among Family Planning Specialists: a Cross Sectional Study. Res Sq. (Read full article)
  11. Routh D, Simmons R, Sanders J, Gero A, Tanner HA, Turok DK (2023). Building an implementation framework to address unmet contraceptive care needs in a carceral setting: a systematic review. Health Justice, 11(1), 43. (Read full article)
  12. Simmons RG, Baayd J, Tak C, Turok DK, Elliott S, Smith JD (2023). A stakeholder-developed logic model to improve utilization of pharmacy-prescribed contraception in Utah. Implement Sci Commun, 4(1), 124. (Read full article)
  13. Kaiser JE, Turok DK, Gero A, Gawron LM, Simmons RG, Sanders JN (2022). One-year pregnancy and continuation rates after placement of levonorgestrel or copper intrauterine devices for emergency contraception: a randomized controlled trial. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 228(4), 438.e1-438.e10. (Read full article)
  14. Simmons RG, Baayd J, Waters M, Diener Z, Turok DK, Sanders JN (2023). Assessing contraceptive use as a continuum: outcomes of a qualitative assessment of the contraceptive journey. Reprod Health, 20(1), 33. (Read full article)
  15. Kaplan J, Turok DK, Gero A, Kaiser JE, Simmons RG, Fay KE (2022). Switching and discontinuation of participant-masked randomization to a copper or levonorgestrel intrauterine device when presenting for emergency contraception. Contraception, 118, 109893. (Read full article)
  16. Gawron LM, Young J, Yang S, Galyean P, Callegari LS, Gero A, Simmons RG, Millar MM, Zickmund SL (2023). Women's Health Provider Perspectives on Reproductive Services Provision in the Veterans Health Administration. South Med J, 116(2), 181-187. (Read full article)
  17. Simmons RG, Baayd J, Elliott S, Cohen SR, Turok DK (2022). Improving access to highly effective emergency contraception: an assessment of barriers and facilitators to integrating the levonorgestrel IUD as emergency contraception using two applications of the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research. Implement Sci Commun, 3(1), 129. (Read full article)
  18. Fay KE, Corry S, Simmons RG, Baayd J (2022). Coerced Choice: Resigned Contraceptive Usership Among Individuals Affected by Reproductive Coercion. J Midwifery Womens Health, 67(5), 593-597. (Read full article)
  19. Gero A, Simmons RG, Sanders JN, Turok DK (2022). Does access to no-cost contraception change method selection among individuals who report difficulty paying for health-related care? BMC Womens Health, 22(1), 327. (Read full article)
  20. Cohen SR, Baayd J, Garca G, Quade C, Gero A, Ekey M, Poggio C, Simmons R (2022). Facility-based simulation as a programmatic tool for implementing a statewide contraceptive initiative. BMC Health Serv Res, 22(1), 965. (Read full article)
  21. Simmons RG, Baayd J, Gero A, Quade C, Mullholand M, Torres E, Turok DK, Sanders JN (2022). Implementation and Monitoring of the Family Planning Elevated Contraceptive Access Program, Utah, 2018‒2019. Am J Public Health, 112(S5), S528-S531. (Read full article)
  22. Thorman A, Engle A, Brintz B, Simmons RG, Sanders JN, Gawron LM, Turok DK, Kaiser JE (2022). Quantitative and qualitative impact of One Key Question on primary care providers' contraceptive counseling at routine preventive health visits. Contraception, 109, 73-79. (Read full article)
  23. Kaiser JE, Galindo E, Sanders JN, Simmons RG, Gawron LM, Herrick JS, Brintz B, Turok DK (2021). Determining the impact of the Zika pandemic on primary care providers' contraceptive counseling of non-pregnant patients in the US: a mixed methods study. BMC Health Serv Res, 21(1), 1215. (Read full article)
  24. Geist C, Everett BG, Simmons RG, Sanders JN, Gawron LM, Myers K, Turok DK (2021). Changing lives, dynamic plans: Prospective assessment of 12-month changes in pregnancy timing intentions and personal circumstances using data from HER Salt Lake. PLoS One, 16(9), e0257411. (Read full article)
  25. BakenRa A, Gero A, Sanders J, Simmons R, Fay K, Turok DK (2021). Pregnancy Risk by Frequency and Timing of Unprotected Intercourse Before Intrauterine Device Placement for Emergency Contraception. Obstet Gynecol, 138(1), 79-84. (Read full article)
  26. Sexsmith CD, Sanders JN, Simmons RG, Dalessandro C, Turok DK (2021). Contraceptive Method Uptake at Title X Health Centers in Utah. Womens Health Issues, 31(3), 219-226. (Read full article)
  27. Gawron LM, Simonsen S, Millar MM, Lewis-Caporal J, Patel S, Simmons RG (2021). Pregnancy Risk Screening and Counseling for Women Veterans: Piloting the One Key Question in the Veterans Healthcare Administration. South Med J, 114(3), 150-155. (Read full article)
  28. Turok DK, Gero A, Simmons RG, Kaiser JE, Stoddard GJ, Sexsmith CD, Gawron LM, Sanders JN (2021). Levonorgestrel vs. Copper Intrauterine Devices for Emergency Contraception. N Engl J Med, 384(4), 335-344. (Read full article)
  29. Hopelian NG, Simmons RG, Sanders JN, Ward K, Jenkins SM, Espey E, Turok DK (2021). Comparison of levonorgestrel level and creamatocrit in milk following immediate versus delayed postpartum placement of the levonorgestrel IUD. BMC Womens Health, 21(1), 33. (Read full article)
  30. Simmons RG, Myers K, Gero A, Sanders JN, Quade C, Mullholand M, Turok DK (2020). Evaluating a Longitudinal Cohort of Clinics Engaging in the Family Planning Elevated Contraceptive Access Program: Study Protocol for a Comparative Interrupted Time Series Analysis. JMIR Res Protoc, 9(10), e18308. (Read full article)
  31. Baayd J, Simmons RG (2020). Protocol for a process evaluation of Family Planning Elevated: a statewide initiative to improve contraceptive access in Utah (USA). BMJ Open, 10(10), e038049. (Read full article)
  32. Simmons RG, Jennings V (2019). Fertility awareness-based methods of family planning. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol, 66, 68-82. (Read full article)
  33. Gawron LM, Sanders JN, Sward K, Poursaid AE, Simmons R, Turok DK (2019). Multi-morbidity and Highly Effective Contraception in Reproductive-Age Women in the US Intermountain West: a Retrospective Cohort Study. J Gen Intern Med, 35(3), 637-642. (Read full article)
  34. Gawron LM, Simmons RG, Sanders JN, Myers K, Gundlapalli AV, Turok DK (2019). The effect of a no-cost contraceptive initiative on method selection by women with housing insecurity. Contraception, 101(3), 205-209. (Read full article)
  35. Simmons RG, Sanders JN, Geist C, Gawron L, Myers K, Turok DK (2018). Predictors of contraceptive switching and discontinuation within the first 6 months of use among Highly Effective Reversible Contraceptive Initiative Salt Lake study participants. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 220(4), 376.e1-376.e12. (Read full article)
  36. Jennings V, Haile LT, Simmons RG, Spieler J, Shattuck D (2019). Perfect- and typical-use effectiveness of the Dot fertility app over 13 cycles: results from a prospective contraceptive effectiveness trial. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care, 24(2), 148-153. (Read full article)
  37. Geist C, Aiken AR, Sanders JN, Everett BG, Myers K, Cason P, Simmons RG, Turok DK (2018). Beyond intent: exploring the association of contraceptive choice with questions about Pregnancy Attitudes, Timing and How important is pregnancy prevention (PATH) questions. Contraception, 99(1), 22-26. (Read full article)
  38. Jennings VH, Haile LT, Simmons RG, Fultz HM, Shattuck D (2018). Estimating six-cycle efficacy of the Dot app for pregnancy prevention. Contraception, 99(1), 52-55. (Read full article)
  39. Turok DK, Simmons RG, Cappiello B, Gawron LM, Saviers-Steiger J, Sanders JN (2018). Use of a novel suction cervical retractor for intrauterine device insertion: a pilot feasibility trial. BMJ Sex Reprod Health. (Read full article)
  40. Haile LT, Fultz HM, Simmons RG, Shelus V (2018). Market-testing a smartphone application for family planning: assessing potential of the CycleBeads app in seven countries through digital monitoring. Mhealth, 4, 27. (Read full article)
  41. Starling MS, Kandel Z, Haile L, Simmons RG (2018). User profile and preferences in fertility apps for preventing pregnancy: an exploratory pilot study. Mhealth, 4, 21. (Read full article)


  1. Geist C, Cason P, Simmons RG, Sanders JN, Everett BG, Aiken AR, Myers K, Turok DK (2018). Response to the letter to the editor. [Letter to the editor]. Contraception, 99(3), 194-195. (Read full article)


  1. Geist C, Aiken AR, Sanders JN, Everett BG, Myers K, Cason P, Simmons RG, Turok DK (2019). Corrigendum to "Beyond intent: exploring the association of contraceptive choice with questions about Pregnancy Attitudes, Timing and How important is pregnancy prevention (PATH) questions" [Contraception volume 99 Issue 1 (2019) 22-26]. Contraception (99(3), p. 197). United States. (Read full article)