Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Kaphingst KA, Kohlmann W, Chambers RL, Goodman MS, Bradshaw R, Chan PA, Chavez-Yenter D, Colonna SV, Espinel WF, Everett JN, Gammon A, Goldberg ER, Gonzalez J, Hagerty KJ, Hess R, Kehoe K, Kessler C, Kimball KE, Loomis S, Martinez TR, Monahan R, Schiffman JD, Temares D, Tobik K, Wetter DW, Mann DM, Kawamoto K, Del Fiol G, Buys SS, Ginsburg O, BRIDGE research team (2021). Comparing models of delivery for cancer genetics services among patients receiving primary care who meet criteria for genetic evaluation in two healthcare systems: BRIDGE randomized controlled trial. BMC Health Serv Res, 21(1), 542. (Read full article)
- Sutherland N, Espinel W, Grotzke M, Colonna S (2020). Unanswered Questions: Hereditary breast and gynecological cancer risk assessment in transgender adolescents and young adults. J Genet Couns, 29(4), 625-633. (Read full article)
- Greenberg S, Buys SS, Edwards SL, Espinel W, Fraser A, Gammon A, Hafen B, Herget KA, Kohlmann W, Roundy C, Sweeney C (2019). Population prevalence of individuals meeting criteria for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer testing. Cancer Med, 8(15), 6789-6798. (Read full article)
- Espinel W, Charen K, Huddleston L, Visootsak J, Sherman S (2015). Improving Health Education for Women Who Carry an FMR1 Premutation. J Genet Couns, 25(2), 228-38. (Read full article)
- Allen EG, Grus WE, Narayan S, Espinel W, Sherman SL (2014). Approaches to identify genetic variants that influence the risk for onset of fragile X-associated primary ovarian insufficiency (FXPOI): a preliminary study. Front Genet, 5, 260. (Read full article)