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Yu-Huei Jessica Huang

Yu-Huei Jessica Huang, PhD, DABR

Languages spoken: Mandarin Chinese, English

Academic Information

Departments Primary - Radiation Oncology

Research Interests

  • Patient Safety and Quality Improvement
  • Brachytherapy
  • Radiation Oncology Electronic Medical Record

Yu-Huei Jessica Huang, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Radiation Oncology at the University of Utah, where she also serves as the Clinical Director of Medical Physics Operations at Huntsman Cancer Hospital.

She earned her BSc degree from National Yang Ming University in Taiwan and her PhD in Medical Physics from the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, Texas. Dr. Huang is actively involved in several professional societies, including the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) and the American Brachytherapy Society (ABS).

Dr. Huang contributes to various committee roles, including serving on the AAPM Working Group on Medical Errors in Brachytherapy and TG59.B/Report 61.B: High dose-rate brachytherapy treatment delivery. Additionally, she holds the position of physics co-chair for the ABS Standard, Quality, and Safety Council.

In addition to her clinical expertise, Dr. Huang is a surveyor for the ASTRO Accreditation Program for Excellence (APEx), accrediting radiation oncology departments nationwide. Her primary clinical and research interests encompass brachytherapy, workflow processes, and safety improvement.

Education History

Doctoral Training University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Undergraduate National Yang-Ming University

Selected Publications

Journal Article

  1. Hui Zhao, Vikren Sarkar, Courtney Oare, Martin Szegedi, Geoff Nelson, Jeremy Kunz, Ryan Price, and Y Jessica Huang (). A 4D Lung Tumor Phantom Study on a Newly Released Rapid Cone-beam CT Imaging System of a Ring Gantry Linear Accelerator. (Epub ahead of print) Med Phys.
  2. Hui Zhao, Christine Haacke, Vikren Sarkar, Adam Paxton, Y Jessica Huang, Martin Szegedi, Ryan G Price, Fan-Chi Frances Su, Prema Rassiah, Bill J Salter (2023). Initial Clinical Evaluation of a Novel Combined Biometric, Radio-frequency Identification, and Surface Imaging System. Phys Med, 114.
  3. Y Jessica Huang, Cristina M DeCesaris, Vikren Sarkar, Hui Zhao, Jeremy Kunz, Geoff Nelson, Xing Li, Gita Suneja, Lindsay M Burt, David K Gaffney (2023). Image-guided preplanning workflow for high-dose-rate interstitial brachytherapy for gynecological malignancies. Brachytherapy, 23(1), 25.
  4. Hui Zhao, Vikren Sarkar, Adam Paxton, Y Jessica Huang, Christine Haacke, Ryan G Price, Fan-Chi Frances Su, Martin Szegedi, Prema Rassiah, Bill Salter (2023). Technical note: Clinical evaluation of a newly released surface-guided radiation therapy system on DIBH for left breast radiation therapy. Med Phys.
  5. Jeremy N Kunz, Y Jessica Huang, Anthony C Casper, Gita Suneja, Lindsay M Burt, Anuja Jhingran, Melissa M Joyner, Matt Harkenrider, William Small Jr, Jonathan D Grant, Elizabeth A Kidd, Ken BoucherDavid K Gaffney (2023). Dosimetric Evaluation of Organs at Risk from Short Course Adjuvant Vaginal Cuff Brachytherapy in Early Endometrial Cancer Compared to Standard of Care (SAVE) Protocol. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys, 117(1), 274-280.
  6. Christopher R Weil, Fadi Haroun, Kevin Guo, Ryan D Kraus, Hui Zhao, Lindsay M Burt, Gita Suneja, Cristina DeCesaris, Y Jessica Huang, David K Gaffney (2023). Importance of Radiographic Tumor Regression during Radiotherapy in Squamous Cell versus Adenocarcinoma of the Uterine Cervix as Assessed by MRI and Cone Beam CT. European Journal of Gynecologic Oncology.
  7. Hutten RJ, Fenlon JB, Kessel AC, Straessler KM, Huang YJ, Gaffney DK, Suneja G, Zempolich K, Burt LM (2022). Radical trachelectomy and adjuvant vaginal brachytherapy to preserve fertility in pediatric cervical adenocarcinoma. Brachytherapy, 21(6), 764-768. (Read full article)
  8. Xing Li, Jessica Huang, Robabeh Rahimi, Hui Zhao, Jeremy Kunz, Gita Suneja, Fan-Chi Su (2022). A novel approach for Venezia ovoid commissioning with a comprehensive analysis of source positions in high-dose-rate brachytherapy . Brachytherapy, 22(1), 93-100.
  9. Hui Zhao, Adam Paxton, Vikren Sarkar, Ryan G Price, Jessica Huang, Fan-Chi Frances Su, Xing Li, Prema Rassiah, Martin Szegedi, Bill Salter (2022). Surface-Guided Patient Setup Versus Traditional Tattoo Markers for Radiation Therapy: Is Tattoo-Less Setup Feasible for Thorax, Abdomen and Pelvis Treatment? Cureus, 14(8), e28644.
  10. Xing Li, Fan-Chi Su, Vikren Sarkar, Hui Zhao, Sergio Ibanez, Jeremy N Kunz, Geoff Nelson, Y Jessica Huang (2022). Impact of Detector Selection on Commissioning of Leipzig Surface Applicators with Improving Immobilization in High-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy. Brachytherapy, 21(4), 511-519.
  11. Y Jessica Huang, Vikren Sarkar, Adam Paxton, Hui Zhao, Frances Fan-Chi Su, Ryan Price, Bill J Salter (2021). An Investigation of Radiation Treatment Learning Opportunities in Relation to the Radiation Oncology Electronic Medical Record (RO-EMR): A Single Institution Experience. Adv Radiat Oncol, 7(1).
  12. James G Mechalakos, Sonja Dieterich, Luis E Fong de los Santos, Sandra C Fontenla, Joseph Hanley, Vijay A Harwalkar, Linda X Hong, Y Jessica Huang, Grace Gwe-Ya Kim, Susan L Richardson, Steven G Sutlief, Sridhar Yaddanapudi, Sue Merkel, Mark Parry (2021). Electronic Charting of Radiation Therapy Planning and Treatment: Report of Task Group 262. Med Phys, 48(11), e927-e968.
  13. RJ Hutten, YJ Huang, DK Gaffney (2021). Stereotactic body radiotherapy for the treatment of gynecologic malignancies: Passing fancy or here to stay. Gynecol Oncol, 161(3), 642-644.
  14. AB Paxton, V Sarkar, J Kunz, MW Szegedi, H Zhao, YJ Huang, GS Nelson, P Rassiah, F Su, BJ Salter (2020). Evaluation of the effects of implementing a diode transmission device into the clinical workflow. Phys Med, 80, 335-341.
  15. G Nelson, A Paxton, J Kunz, J Huang, M Szegedi, V Sarkar, B Salter (2020). FMEA occurrence values for four failure modes occurring using look-up tables for dose calculations. J Appl Clin Med Phys, 22(2), 9-12.
  16. Zhao H, Paxton A, Sarkar V, Huang YJ, Su FC, Haache C, Rassiah-Szegedi P, Szegedi M, Salter BS (2020). Prevention of radiation therapy treatment deviations by a novel combined biometric, radio-frequency identification, and surface imaging system. Pract Radiat Oncol, 11(2), e229-e235.
  17. Prema Rassiah, Fan-Chi Frances Su, Y Jessica Huang, Dan Spitznagel, Vikren Sarkar, Martin W Szegedi, Hui Zhao, Adam B Paxton, Geoff Nelson, Bill J Salter (2020). Using Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) to Generate an Initial Plan Check Checklist for Improved Safety in Radiation Treatment. J Appl Clin Med Phys, 21(8), 83-91.
  18. F Su, YJ Huang, P Rassiah, BJ Salter (2020). FMEA guided transition from microSelectron® to Flexitron® for HDR brachytherapy. Brachytherapy, 19(2), 241-248.


  1. Matthew W Parsons, Y Jessica Huang, Lindsay Burt, Gita Suneja, David Gaffney (2022). Fractionation Regimens in Vaginal Cuff Brachytherapy for Endometrial Cancer- A review. [Review]. Int J Gynecol Cancer, 32(3), 311-315.
  2. Y Jessica Huang, David K Gaffney (2022). Brachytherapy: Common Pitfalls. [Review]. Int J Gynecol Cancer, 32(3), 352-357.


  1. Jeremy N Kunz, Y Jessica Huang, Anthony C Casper, Gita Suneja, Lindsay M Burt, Anuja Jhingran, Melissa M Joyner, Matt Harkenrider, William Small, Jonathan D Grant, Elizabeth A Kidd, Ken Boucher, David K Gaffney (). Dosimetric Review to Organs at Risk from Short Course Adjuvant Vaginal Cuff Brachytherapy in Early Endometrial Cancer Compared to Standard of Care (SAVE). [Abstract]. (Epub ahead of print)
  2. Y Jessica Huang, Jeremy Kunz, Hui Zhao, Geoff Nelson, Cristina DeCesaris, Lindsay Burt, Gita Suneja, David Gaffney (). Feasibility Investigation Of Dose Accumulation Using Deformable Imaging Registration For Tandem And Ovoid Treatments [Abstract]. (Epub ahead of print)
  3. Gita Suneja, Y Jessica Huang, Kenneth Boucher, Lindsay Burt, Cristina DeCesaris, Jonathan Grant, Matthew Harkenrider, Anuja Jhingran, Elizabeth Kidd, Lilie Lin, William Small, David Gaffney (). Short Course Adjuvant Vaginal Cuff Brachytherapy (VCB) in Early Endometrial Cancer: Primary Endpoint Results of the SAVE Randomized Clinical Trial [Abstract]. 117(2, Supplement), S39-S40.
  4. Cristina DeCesaris, Trevor Wilson, Jaewhan Kim, Lindsay Burt, Jonathan Grant, Matthew Harkenrider, Jessica Huang, Anuja Jhingran, Elizabeth Kidd, Andre Konski, Lilie Lin, William Small, Gita Suneja, David Gaffney (). Financial Improvements from Short Course Adjuvant Vaginal Cuff Brachytherapy (VCB) in Early Endometrial Cancer Compared to Standard of Care, “SAVE” Trial [Abstract]. (Epub ahead of print)
  5. Martin Szegedi, Vikren Sarkar, Sara St James, Adam Paxton, Ryan Price, Christian Dial, Hui Zhao, Jessica Huang, Prema Rassiah, Jeremy Kunz, Fan-Chi Su, Geoff Nelson, Bill J Salter (). Stability testing of a commercially available us-tracking system in a spot scanning proton delivery environment [Abstract]. (Epub ahead of print)
  6. C Oare, S Bhagree, Y Huang, H Zhao, G Nelson, R Price, A Paxton, B Salter (2023). Out-of-Field and Fetal Dose Estimates for Patients Treated on a Varian Halcyon Linear Accelerator [Abstract]. 50, e213.
  7. H Zhao, GS Nelson, YJ Huang, CC Oare, S Bhagroo, RG Price, J Kunz, BJ Salter (2023). kV CBCT Image Quality Evaluation of Varian Halcyon Hypersight [Abstract]. 50, e634-e635.
  8. Fadi Haroun, Christopher R Weil, Kevin Guo, Hui Zhao, Lindsay M Burt, Gita Suneja, Cristina DeCesaris, Huang YJ, David K Gaffney (2022). Importance of Radiographic Tumor Regression during Radiotherapy in Squamous Cell vs. Adenocarcinoma of the Uterine Cervix as Assessed by MRI, CT and Conebeam CT [Abstract]. 114(3), S113.
  9. Hui Zhao, Christine Haacke, Ryan Price, Martin Szegedi, YuHuei Jessica Huang, Prema rassiah, Adam Paxton, Fan-Chi Su, Vikren Sarkar, Bill Salter (2022). Initial Evaluation of Varian Identify System (Version 2.3) [Abstract]. 49(6), e839.
  10. Xing Li, YuHuei Jessica Huang, Karolyn Hopfensperfer, Stephen Bhagroo, Hui Zhao, Jeremy Kunz, Geoffrey Nelson, Fan-Chi Su (2022). Source Position Uncertainty in the Venezia Advanced Gynecological Applicator for High-Dose-Rate Bachytherapy [Abstract]. 49(6), e817.
  11. Ryan Price, YuHuei Jessica Huang, Bill Salter (2022). Departmental Quality, Safety and Health: Predicting Dosimetry Staff Stress Levels and RO-ILS Events as a Function of Planning and Scheduling Metrics [Abstract]. 49(6), e882.
  12. H Zhao, F Su, X Li, J Kunz, P Rassiah, K Hopfensperger, G Stinner, Y Huang (2021). Evaluation of MIM Symphony treatment planning system for post Prostate Seed Implant (PPSI) Planning [Abstract]. 48(6).
  13. RG Price, YJ Huang, BJ Salter (2021). Development of a Text-Mining based Methodology for the Identification of Trending Topics in a Radiation Oncology Incident Learning Database [Abstract]. 48(6).
  14. KM Hopfensperger, J Kun, X Li, H Zhao, G Nelson, FCF Su, G Stinnett, D Gaffney, L Burt, G Suneja, YJ Huang (2021). Effects Of Interfractional Variations In MCVC Placement And Rotation On HR-CTV And OAR Dose [Abstract]. 20(3), S70.
  15. X Li, G Stinnett, FCF Su, H Zhao, J Kunz, G Nelson, YJ Huang (2021). An experimental study to determine the optimal source dwell positions in Leipzig surface applicators [Abstract]. 20(3), S59-S60.
  16. FCF Su, X Li, YJ Huang, H Zhao, G Nelson, M Szegedi, P Rassiah, J Kunz, G Stinnett, BJ Salter (2020). Dosimetric Variations in Gynecological HDR Brachytherapy Planning using a Hybrid HDR Applicator [Abstract]. 108(3), E484-E485.
  17. Y Huang, F Su, X Li, H Zhao, G Nelson, M Szegedi, L Burt, D Gaffney, G Suneja, B Salter (2020). A Feasibility Study of MRI Guided Pre-Plan Using Advanced Gynecological Applicator Venezia [Abstract]. 47(6), e680-e681.
  18. X Li, F Su, Y Huang, G Stinnett, H Zhao, J Kunz, G Nelson, M Szegedi, B Salter (2020). Commissioning of Venezia Lunar Ovoid Applicator Using Electron Autoradiograph [Abstract]. 47(6), e722-e723.
  19. H Zhao, A Paxton, V Sarkar, Y Huang, F Su, G Stinnett, P Rassiah-Szegedi, M Szegedi, R Price, X Li, C Dial, J Kunz, G Nelson, B Salter (2020). Feasibility of Using Surface Guided Deep Inspiration Breath Hold (DIBH) in Conjunction with CBCT for Target Localization for Radiation Therapy [Abstract]. 47(6), e620.
  20. V Sarkar, A Paxton, J Kunz, M Szegedi, G Nelson, P Rassiah-Szegedi, H Zhao, Y Huang, F Su, B Salter (2020). Validation of a Software Module to Verify the Fidelity of Arc Plan Delivery in Real Time [Abstract]. 47(6), e876.


  1. James G Mechalakos, Sonja Dieterich, Luis E Fong de los Santos, Sandra C Fontenla, Joseph Hanley, Vijay A Harwalkar, Linda X Hong, Y Jessica Huang, Grace Gwe-Ya Kim, Susan L Richardson, Steven G Sutlief, Sridhar Yaddanapudi, Sue Merkel, Mark Parry (2021). Electronic Charting of Radiation Therapy Planning and Treatment: Report of Task Group 262 (0094-2405). Medical Physics: American Association of Physicists in Medicine.