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Jenneth B. Doria

Jenneth B. Doria, DNP, MS, RN

Languages spoken: Spanish, Tagalog

Jenneth B. Doria's professional career spans over three decades of nursing practice in acute medical and behavioral health care settings where she took care of individuals and families across the lifespan. From a small community hospital in Hawaii where she immigrated right after graduation to pursue 'matters of the heart,' her professional life has been deeply enriched by working with diverse populations in various practice settings (PACU, infection prevention & control, medical-surgical, OB, pediatrics, same-day surgery, mental health, and community health). At a point in her life and career when advancing to a higher level was very trepidating, she pursued graduate school to be a nurse educator who can positively impact patient care by preparing competent, compassionate, and engaged future nurses. She integrates her educator role with being a change agent among minorities and underserved populations. She believes that nursing influence extends beyond hospital walls to improve the quality of life of people locally and abroad.

Selected Publications

Journal Article

  1. Doria Jenneth Beloy (06/2014).
  2. Jenneth B Doria (12/2013).