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Darrah K. Sleeth

Darrah K. Sleeth, PhD, MPH, CIH

Languages spoken: English

Darrah Sleeth, PhD, MPH, CIH is a Professor in the Division of Occupational & Environmental Health and the affiliated Rocky Mountain Center for Occupational & Environmental Health. She has been at the University of Utah since 2010 and currently serves as the Industrial Hygiene Program Director. She earned a PhD in Industrial Health and an MPH in Industrial Hygiene & Hazardous Substances from the University of Michigan, as well as a BA in Integrative Biology from the University of California, Berkeley. She has also qualified as a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH). Her research interests include exposure assessment for airborne respiratory hazards, particle size selective sampling methods and indoor air quality. She was involved in the design and use of a unique low speed wind tunnel and breathing mannequin system to assess both the inhalability of airborne particles and the performance of air sampling devices. She is also involved with community-based participatory research related to environmental exposures of tribal populations.

Research Statement

My overall research goal is to improve exposure assessment for occupational and environmental stressors in order to keep workers and the community healthy. Improved exposure data should lead to a more accurate understanding of the relationship between exposures and health outcomes. My laboratory work has involved the design of a low speed wind tunnel for controlled exposure studies, which has subsequently been used for air sampler design and testing. With this facility, my work has focused on (1) performance studies of existing equipment and (2) development of novel air samplers, which have subsequently been used for field research as well. My fieldwork is focused on understanding occupational and environmental exposures in a variety of settings, with ongoing collaboration from government, industry and community partners.

Education History

Doctoral Training University of Michigan
Graduate Training University of Michigan
Undergraduate University of California

Selected Publications

Journal Article

  1. Fang R, Andrus N, Dominguez T, Sleeth DK, and Jones RM (2024). Aerosol and surface contamination assessment of a novel ventilated infectious aerosol containment device. Ann Work Expo Health, 68(2), 192-202.
  2. Spooner S, Handy R, Daher N, Edie R, Henry T, and Sleeth D (2023). A Comparison of Ambient Air Ethylene Oxide Modeling Estimates from Facility Stack and Fugitive Emissions to Canister-Based Ambient Air Measurements in Salt Lake City  . Air, 1(3), 175-183.
  3. Peck A, Handy RG, Sleeth DK, Schaefer C, Zhang Y, Pahler LF, Ramsay J, and Collingwood SC (2023). Aerosol Measurement Degradation in Low-Cost Particle Sensors Using Laboratory Calibration and Field Validation. Toxics, 11(1), 56.
  4. Wilson AM, Sleeth DK, Schaefer C, Jones RM (2022). Transmission of respiratory viral diseases to healthcare workers: COVID-190 as an example. Annu Rev Public Health, 43, 311-330.
  5. Woodfield M, Jones RM, Sleeth DK (2022). Influence of face shields on exposures to respirable aerosol. J Occup Environ Hyg, 19(3), 139-144.
  6. Coombs S, Sleeth DK, Jones RM (Accepted). Environmental and Occupational Health on the Navajo Nation: A Scoping Review. Rev Environ Health.
  7. Young B, Sleeth DK, Handy RG, Pahler LF (2021). The Recovery of Volatile Organic Compounds and Volatile Sulfur Compounds in Fused-Silica Lined Canisters, Polyvinyl Fluoride/Tedlar Bags, and Foil-Lined Bags. Chem Health Saf, 28(6), 426-435.
  8. Robello R, Lake K, Handy R, Sleeth DK, Schaefer C, Collingwood C (2021). A quantitative comparison of heavy metal concentrations in the soils on two Rocky Mountain West tribal reservations.
  9. Ellis M, Handy R, Sleeth DK, Pahler L, Schaefer C (2021). A Pilot Observational Study Comparing Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) Parameter Measurements Between Three Commercial Kitchen Configurations.
  10. Webb L, Sleeth DK, Handy R, Stenberg J, Schaefer C, Collingwood C (2021). Indoor Air Quality Issues for Rocky Mountain West Tribes. Front Public Health, 9, 606430.
  11. Mecate D, Handy R, Pahler LF, Sleeth DK, Ramsay J, Schaefer C (2021). Temperature Inversion and Ultrafine Particulate/Near Ultrafine Particulate Matter Concentrations in the Salt Lake Valley. 2(7), 422-435.
  12. Haggerty L, Reischl U, Handy R, Adams K, Sleeth D, Schaefer C (2020). The Thermodynamics of Indoor Air Pollution: A Pilot Study Emulating Traditional Kenyan Homesteads. Sustain Cities Soc, 53.
  13. Phillips H, Handy RG, Sleeth DK, Thiese M, Schaefer C (2020). Taking the “LEED” in indoor air quality: Does certification result in healthier buildings? 15(3), 55-66.
  14. Cox, A, Handy RG, Thiese M, Sleeth DK (2019). Development of an Empirical Formula for Describing Human Inhalability of Airborne Particles at Low Wind Speeds and Calm Air. Ann Work Expo Health, 63(9), 1046-1060.
  15. Borsh FB, Sleeth DK, Handy RG, Pahler LF, Andrews R, Ashley K (2019). Evaluation of a 25-mm Disposable Sampler Relative to the Inhalable Aerosol Convention. J Occup Environ Hyg, 16(9), 634-642.
  16. Collingwood S, Zmoos J, Pahler LF, Wong B, Sleeth DK, Handy R (2019). Investigating Measurement Variation of Modified Low-Cost Particle Sensors. J Aerosol Sci, 135, 21-32.
  17. Petersen R, Hallar GA, McCubbin I, Ogren J, Andrews B, Lowenthal D, Gorder R, Purcell R, Sleeth DK, Novosselov I (2019). Numerical, Wind-Tunnel, and Atmospheric Evaluation of a Turbulent Ground-Based Inlet Sampling System. Aerosol Sci Technol, 53(6), 712-727.
  18. Cox A, Sleeth DK, Handy RG, Alaves, VM (2019). Characterization of CO and NO2 Exposures of Ice Skating Rink Maintenance Workers. J Occup Environ Hyg, 16(2), 101-108.
  19. Clingenpeel S, Handy RG, Pahler LF, Sleeth DK (2019). A Comparative Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Wipe Sampling Materials to Remove Beryllium from Differently Textured Surfaces Using Zinc Oxide as a Surrogate. J Chem Health Saf, 26(1), 15-22.
  20. Vercellino RJ, Sleeth DK, Handy RG, Min KT, Collingwood SC (2018). Laboratory Evaluation of a Low-cost, Real-time, Aerosol Multi-Sensor. J Occup Environ Hyg, 15(7), 559-567.
  21. Boregowda S, Handy R, Sleeth D, Riches N (2017). Using Thermodynamic Degradation Approach to Quantify Human Stress Response. ID:7546823, 5 pages.
  22. Pahler LF, McKenzie-Smith D, Handy RG, Sleeth DK (2018). Development of Custom Calibration Factors for Respirable Silica Using Standard Methods Compared to Photometric Monitoring Data. J Chem Health Saf, 25(1), 27-35.
  23. Thorsen M, Handy R, Sleeth DK, Thiese M, Riches N (2017). A Comparison Study Between Previous and Current Shoreline Concentrations of Heavy Metals at the Great Salt Lake Using Portable X-Ray Fluorescence. Hum Ecol Risk Assess, 23(8), 1941-1954.
  24. Simons AK, Handy RG, Sleeth DK, Pahler LF, Thiese MS (2017). A Comparison Study Between Passive and Active Workplace Personal Air Monitoring Techniques for Airborne Isopropyl Alcohol Concentrations. J Chem Health Saf, 24(6), 36-43.
  25. Stewart J, Sleeth DK, Handy RG, Pahler LF, Anthony TR, Volckens J (2017). Assessment of increased sampling pump flow rates in a disposable, inhalable aerosol sampler. J Occup Environ Hyg, 14(3), 207-213. (Read full article)
  26. Kelly KE, Whitaker J, Petty A, Widmer C, Dybwad A, Sleeth DK, Martin R, and Butterfield A (2017). Ambient and Laboratory Evaluation of a Low-Cost Particulate Matter Sensor. Environ Pollut, 221, 491-500.
  27. Anthony TR, Cai C, Mehaffy J, Sleeth DK, Volckens J (2017). Performance of Prototype High-Flow Inhalable Dust Sampler in Livestock Production. J Occup Environ Hyg, 14(5), 313-322.
  28. Sleeth DK, Balthaser SA, Collingwood S, Larson RR (2016). Estimation of the Human Extrathoracic Deposition Fraction of Inhaled Particles Using a Polyurethane Foam Collection Substrate in an IOM Sampler.LID - 10.3390/ijerph13030292 [doi]LID - E292 [pii]. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 13(3). (Read full article)
  29. Boregowda S, Handy R, Sleeth D, Merryweather A (2017). Constructal Model of Fitts's Law to Predict Speed-Accuracy Trade-off. Int J Des Nat Ecodyn, 12(1), 44-54.
  30. Boregowda S, Handy R, Sleeth D, Merryweather A (2016). Physiological Entropy Generation as a Metric to Characterize Human System Stress Response. 2016(ID:4932710), 8 pages.
  31. Tomyn RL, Sleeth DK, Thiese MS, Larson RR (2016). The effects of neutralized particles on the sampling efficiency of polyurethane foam used to estimate the extrathoracic deposition fraction. J Occup Environ Hyg, 13(2), 133-40. (Read full article)
  32. Payne RL, Alaves VM, Larson RR, Sleeth DK (2016). An Evaluation of Diesel Particulate Matter in Fire Station Vehicle Garages and Living Quarters. J Chem Health Saf, 23(4), 26-31.
  33. Sleeth DK, Pahler LF, and Larson RR (2016). A Comparison of Direct-Reading Instruments for the Measurement of Hexavalent Chromium during Stainless Steel Welding. J Chem Health Saf, 23(3), 36-42.
  34. Anthony TR, Sleeth DK, Volckens J (2016). Sampling Efficiency of Modified 37-mm Sampling Cassettes using Computational Fluid Dynamics. J Occup Environ Hyg, 13(2), 148-158.
  35. LOrange C, Anderson K, Sleeth DK, Anthony TR, Volckens J (2016). A Simple and Disposable Sampler for Inhalable Aerosol. Ann Occup Hyg, 60(2), 150-160.
  36. Cook DM, Sleeth DK, Thiese MS, Larson RR (2015). A comparison of the closed-face cassette at different orientations while measuring total particles. J Occup Environ Hyg, 12(3), 199-204. (Read full article)
  37. Cross J, Larson RR, Pahler LF, Sleeth DK (2014). Evaluation of the Use of an SKC Button Inhalable Aerosol Sampler with a Grimm Aerosol Monitor to Determine Air Concentrations of Subtilisin. J Chem Health Saf, 21(6), 4-13.
  38. Fechser M, Alaves VM, Larson RR, Sleeth DK (2014). Evaluation of Respirable Crystalline Silica in High School Ceramics Classrooms. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 11(2), 1250-1260.
  39. Nield CP, Sleeth DK, Larson RR, Thiese MS (2014). Particle Size Selective Sampling of Airborne Arsenic during Electroplating Operations. J Chem Health Saf, 21(1), 15-20.
  40. Sleeth DK (2013). The impact of particle size selective sampling methods on occupational assessment of airborne beryllium particulates. Environ Sci Process Impacts, 15(5), 898-903.
  41. Knight JL, Sleeth DK, Larson RR, Pahler LF (2013). An analysis of OSHA inspections assessing contaminant exposures in general medical and surgical hospitals. Workplace Health Saf, 61(4), 153-60. (Read full article)
  42. Alaves VM, Sleeth DK, Thiese MS, Larson RR (2013). Characterization of indoor air contaminants in a randomly selected set of commercial nail salons in Salt Lake County, Utah, USA. Int J Environ Health Res, 23(5), 419-33. (Read full article)
  43. Sleeth DK, Vincent JH (2012). Performance study of personal inhalable aerosol samplers at ultra-low wind speeds. Ann Occup Hyg, 56(2), 207-20.
  44. Transtrum MJ, Larson RR, Sleeth DK, Thiese MS (2011). Comparison of Real-Time and Traditional Monitoring Methods for Diesel Particulate Matter in Underground Mines: A Meta-Analysis. J Chem Health Saf, 19(3), 12-17.
  45. Sleeth DK, Vincent JH (2011). Proposed modification to the inhalable aerosol convention applicable to realistic workplace wind speeds. Ann Occup Hyg, 55(5), 476-84.
  46. Sleeth DK, Vincent JH (2009). Inhalability for aerosols at ultra-low windspeeds. J Phys Conf Ser, (151), 1-9.
  47. Schmees DK, Wu YH, Vincent JH (2008). Experimental methods to determine inhalability and personal sampler performance for aerosols in ultra-low windspeed environments. J Environ Monit, 10(12), 1426-36. (Read full article)
  48. Schmees DK, Wu YH, Vincent JH (2008). Visualization of the airflow around a life-sized, heated, breathing mannequin at ultralow windspeeds. Ann Occup Hyg, 52(5), 351-60. (Read full article)


  1. Reeves K, Loder R, Handy R, Sleeth DK, Schaefer C (2021). Non-routine Environmental Hazards Encountered by National Park First Responders [Letter to the editor]. Disaster Med Public Health Prep.


  1. KSL (2013). Center researches safety hazards at Utah workplaces [Web]. Salt Lake City, UT. Available: