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Rebecca D. Wilson

Rebecca D. Wilson, PhD, RN

Languages spoken: English

Academic Information

Departments Adjunct - Family & Preventive Medicine , Adjunct - Family & Preventive Medicine

Research Statement

My research interests are comparative effectiveness of approaches to interprofessional education and the impact of interprofessional education and collaborative practice on patient/family/community health outcomes.

Education History

Doctoral Training Arizona State University
Graduate Training Arizona State University
Graduate Training Columbia University School of Nursing
Undergraduate Columbia University School of Nursing

Selected Publications

Journal Article

  1. Wilson R, Madden C, Wilson B (2021). Creating a National Standard for Pre-Licensure Clinical Evaluation in Nursing. J Nurs Educ, 60, 686-689.
  2. Luther B, Wilson RD, Kranz C, Krahulec M (2019). Discharge Processes: What Evidence Tells Us is Most Effective. Orthop Nurs.
  3. Farrell TW, Supiano KP, Wong B, Luptak MK, Luther B, Andersen TC, Wilson R, Wilby F, Yang R, Pepper GA, Bunker CP (2017). Individual versus interprofessional team performance in formulating care transition plans: A randomized study of trainees from five professional groups. J Interprof Care.