Education History
Fellowship |
University of Utah School of Medicine/VA Salt Lake City Health Care System |
Postdoctoral Research Associate |
Internship |
VA Salt Lake City Health Care System |
Intern |
Doctoral Training |
Virginia Tech |
PhD |
Graduate Training |
University of Colorado Colorado Springs |
MA |
Undergraduate |
Pennsylvania State University |
BS |
Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Griffin, B J, Pyne, J M, Smith, A J, Usset, T, Harris, I J, Cooney, N, Messias, E, Cucciare, M A, Maguen, S (). Moral injury among first responders during the coronavirus pandemic. Manuscript under editorial review. (Epub ahead of print) J Clin Psychol.
- Ehman, A, Smith, A J, Wright, H, Benight, C C, Maguen, S, Pyne, J M, Cooney, N, Griffin, B J (). Exposure to potentially morally injurious events and mental health outcomes among frontline workers affected by COVID-19. (Epub ahead of print) J Clin Psychol.
- Smith, A J, Wright, H, Griffin, B, Ehman, A, Shoji, K, Love, T M, Morrow E, Locke, A, Call, M, Kerig, P K, Olff, M, Benight, C C, Langenecker, S A (2021). Mental health risks differentially associated with immunocompromised status among healthcare workers and family members at the pandemic outset. 15.
- Wright H, Griffin BJ, Shoji K, Love TM, Langenecker SA, Benight CC, Smith AJ (2020). Pandemic-related mental health risk among front line personnel. J Psychiatr Res.
- Shoji K, Smith AJ co-first authors, Sano R, Samuelson K, Benight CC (2020). Social engagement, self-efficacy, and posttraumatic stress symptoms across 6 months of psychotherapy. . J Clin Psychol.
- Marzalek D, Martinson A, Smith AJ, Marchand W, Sweeney C, Carney J, Lowery T, Clint-Lont J (2020). Examining the effect of a whole health primary care pain education and opioid monitoring program on implementation of VA/DoD-recommended guidelines for long-term opioid therapy in a primary care chronic pain population. Pain Med.
- Canada KE, Smith AJ, Peters C (2020). Mental health, social support, and coping among military veterans: The moderating role of arrests. Mil Behav Health.
- Smith AJ, Holohan D, Jones RT (2019). Emotion regulation difficulties and social cognitions predict PTSD severity and quality of life among treatment seeking combat veterans. . Mil Behav Health.
- Turner KA, Smith AJ, Jones RT, Harrison DW (2018). Adapting cognitive processing therapy to treat co-occurring posttraumatic stress disorder and mild traumatic brain injury: A case study. Cogn Behav Pract.
- Smith AJ, Layne CM, Coyle P, Kaplow JB, Brymer MJ, Pynoos RS, Jones RT (2017). Predicting Grief Reactions One Year Following a Mass University Shooting: Evaluating Dose-Response and Contextual Predictors. Violence Vict, 32(6), 1024-1043.
- Smith AJ, Felix ED, Benight CC, Jones RT (2017). Protective Factors, Coping Appraisals, and Social Barriers Predict Mental Health Following Community Violence: A Prospective Test of Social Cognitive Theory. J Trauma Stress, 30(3), 245-253.
- Smith AJ, Weisenbach SL, Jones RT (2017). Cynicism among veterans who struggle to adapt in post-combat contexts: Towards an understanding of adaptive functions and maladaptive consequences. Traumatology (Tallahass Fla).
- Smith AJ, Campbell RW, Harrison PK, Harrison DW (2016). Functional cerebral space theory: Towards an integration of theory and mechanisms of left hemineglect, anosognosia, and anosodiaphoria. NeuroRehabilitation.
- Sullivan C, Smith AJ, Lewis M, Hughes M, Jones RT (2016). A network analysis of PTSD symptoms after a mass shooting. Psychol Trauma, 10(1), 58-66.
- Smith AJ, Donlon K, Anderson SR, Hughes M, Jones RT (2015). When seeking influences believing and promotes posttraumatic adaptation. Anxiety Stress Coping.
- Smith AJ, Abeyta A, Hughes M, Jones RT (2015). Persistent grief in the aftermath of mass violence: The predictive roles of posttraumatic stress symptoms, self-efficacy, and disrupted worldview. Psychol Trauma.
- Wusik M, Smith AJ, Jones RT, Hughes M (2015). Dynamics among posttraumatic stress symptoms, forgiveness for the perpetrator, and posttraumatic growth following collective trauma. J Community Psychol, 43, 389-94.
- Smith AJ, Benight CC, Cieslak R (2013). Social support and post-deployment coping self-efficacy as predictors of posttraumatic distress among combat veterans. Mil Psychol, 25(5), 452-61.
Book Chapter
- Smith AJ, Hughes M (2016). Challenges to the empirical investigation of mass shootings. In Wilson LC (Ed.), Handbook of the Psychology of Mass Shootings (pp. 3-19). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.