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Jennifer Macali

Jennifer Macali, DNP, MSN, RN, MPH

Dr. Macali graduated with her MSN in 2009 from the University of Toledo, in Ohio. She worked as a nurse on medical-surgical units in both North Carolina and Utah. After working in the acute care setting for a few years she started teaching at Everest College in West Valley City, Utah in 2012. In 2015 Jennifer returned to school to earn her DNP with a specialization in Integrative Nursing. She completed her DNP in May of 2017. During her tenure as a DNP student at the University of Minnesota, Jennifer spent time exploring integrative nursing and implementing her DNP project at a long-term care facility. In 2017 Dr. Macali returned to Utah and served as the Staff Development Coordinator at Shriners Hospital. In this role she was able to design and organize educational opportunities for the professional development of all staff at the hospital. In 2019, Jennifer joined the faculty at College of Nursing at the University of Utah as an Assistant Professor (Clinical).

Selected Publications

Journal Article

  1. Jennifer Macali (11/01/2021). I’ve Got an Idea!: Do IDEA boards facilitate improved completion of wellness focused activities in a College of Nursing? .
  2. Kranz C (10/18/2021). Game-based quality improvement teaching: Using taters in nursing education . J Nurs Educ.


  1. Kirsten Schmutz (12/06/2021). Public Health Clinicals During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons Learned. Academy of Health Science Educators: A Pre-Print Repository,. Academy of Health Science Educators: A Pre-Print Repository,.