Education History
Postdoctoral Fellowship |
George E. Whalen Veterans Affairs Medical Center |
Postdoctoral Research Fellow |
Doctoral Training |
University of British Columbia |
Residency |
Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center |
Professional Other |
Duke University |
Undergraduate |
California State University, Northridge |
BS |
Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Losciale JM, Le CY, Jansen NEJ, Lu L, Xie H, Mitchell C, Hunt MA, Whittaker JL (2025). Strength Setbacks: The Impact of Youth Sport-Related Knee Joint Injuries on Thigh Muscle Strength. A 24-Month Prospective Cohort Study. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 55(2), 137-147. (Read full article)
- Yan XH, Losciale JM, Charlton JM, Mitchell CJ, Hunt MA, Whittaker JL (2025). Explosive Neuromuscular Performance of the Quadriceps Muscles Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Cross-Sectional Study Protocol. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy Methods, 1(1), 8-16.
- Losciale JM, Truong LK, Ward P, Collins GS, Bullock GS (2024). Limitations of Separating Athletes into High or Low-Risk Groups based on a Cut-Off. A Clinical Commentary. Int J Sports Phys Ther, 19(9), 1151-1164. (Read full article)
- Losciale JM, Truong LK, Zhang K, Silvester-Lee T, Miciak M, Pajkic A, Le CY, Xie H, Hoens AM, Mosewich AD, Hunt MA, Li LC, Roos EM, Whittaker JL (2024). Assessing the efficacy of the Stop OsteoARthritis (SOAR) program: A randomized delayed-controlled trial in persons at increased risk of early onset post-traumatic knee osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis Cartilage, 32(8), 1001-1012. (Read full article)
- Blazey P, Scott A, Ardern CL, Davis JC, Whittaker JL, Losciale JM, Khan KM (2024). Consensus methods in patellofemoral pain: how rigorous are they? A scoping review. Br J Sports Med, 58(13), 733-744. (Read full article)
- Truong LK, Mosewich AD, Miciak M, Losciale JM, Li LC, Whittaker JL (2024). Social support and therapeutic relationships intertwine to influence exercise behavior in people with sport-related knee injuries. Physiother Theory Pract, 1-14. (Read full article)
- Bullock GS, Dartt CE, Ricker EA, Fallowfield JL, Arden N, Clifton D, Danelson K, Fraser JJ, Gomez C, Greenlee TA, Gregory A, Gribbin T, Losciale JM, Molloy JM, Nicholson KF, Polich JG, Risnen A, Shah K, Smuda M, Teyhen DS, Allard RJ, Collins GS, de la Motte SJ, Rhon DI (2023). Barriers and facilitators to implementation of musculoskeletal injury mitigation programmes for military service members around the world: a scoping review. Inj Prev, 29(6), 461-473. (Read full article)
- Le CY, Pajkic A, Losciale JM, Filbay SR, Emery CA, Manns PJ, Whittaker JL (2023). Comparing Short-Term Knee-Related Quality of Life and Associated Clinical Outcomes Between Youth With and Without a Sport-Related Knee Injury. Clin J Sport Med, 33(6), 157-165. (Read full article)
- Losciale JM, Truong LK, Zhang K, Scarr T, Xie H, Li LC, Mitchell C, Hunt MA, Whittaker JL (2023). The association between knee muscle performance and clinical outcomes of knee function 1-4 years after a sport-related knee joint injury. Phys Ther Sport, 64, 147-155. (Read full article)
- White L, Losciale JM, Squier K, Guy S, Scott A, Prior JC, Whittaker JL (2023). Combined hormonal contraceptive use is not protective against musculoskeletal conditions or injuries: a systematic review with data from 5 million females. Br J Sports Med, 57(18), 1195-1202. (Read full article)
- Losciale JM, Bullock GS, Collins GS, Arundale AJH, Hughes T, Arden NK, Whittaker JL (2023). Description, Prediction, and Causation in Sport and Exercise Medicine Research: Resolving the Confusion to Improve Research Quality and Patient Outcomes. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 53(7), 381–387. (Read full article)
- Bullock GS, Thigpen CA, Martin CL, Losciale JM, Michener L, Whiteley R, Waterman BR, Tokish JM, Camp C, Shanley E (2022). Shoulder Range of Motion Measurements and Baseball Elbow Injuries: Ambiguity in Scientific Models, Approach, and Execution is Hurting Overhead Athlete Health. Arthrosc Sports Med Rehabil, 5(1), e297-e304. (Read full article)
- Whittaker JL, Losciale JM, Juhl CB, Thorlund JB, Lundberg M, Truong LK, Miciak M, van Meer BL, Culvenor AG, Crossley KM, Roos EM, Lohmander S, van Middelkoop M (2022). Risk factors for knee osteoarthritis after traumatic knee injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials and cohort studies for the OPTIKNEE Consensus. Br J Sports Med, 56(24), 1406-1421. (Read full article)
- Whittaker JL, Culvenor AG, Juhl CB, Berg B, Bricca A, Filbay SR, Holm P, Macri E, Urhausen AP, Ardern CL, Bruder AM, Bullock GS, Ezzat AM, Girdwood M, Haberfield M, Hughes M, Ingelsrud LH, Khan KM, Le CY, Losciale JM, Lundberg M, Miciak M, iestad BE, Patterson B, Risnen AM, Skou ST, Thorlund JB, Toomey C, Truong LK, Meer BLV, West TJ, Young JJ, Lohmander LS, Emery C, Risberg MA, van Middelkoop M, Roos EM, Crossley KM (2022). OPTIKNEE 2022: consensus recommendations to optimise knee health after traumatic knee injury to prevent osteoarthritis. Br J Sports Med, 56(24), 1393-1405. (Read full article)
- Losciale JM, Wayman K, Mansfield CJ, Rethman KK, Briggs MS (2021). A preliminary analysis of physical therapist agreement regarding the perceived impairments in cases of runners with knee pain. Physiother Theory Pract, 38(13), 2938-2948. (Read full article)
- Whittaker JL, Truong LK, Silvester-Lee T, Losciale JM, Miciak M, Pajkic A, Le CY, Hoens AM, Mosewich AD, Hunt MA, Li LC, Roos EM (2022). Feasibility of the SOAR (Stop OsteoARthritis) program. Osteoarthr Cartil Open, 4(1), 100239. (Read full article)
- Whittaker JL, Truong LK, Losciale JM, Silvester-Lee T, Miciak M, Pajkic A, Le CY, Hoens AM, Mosewich A, Hunt MA, Li LC, Roos EM (2022). Efficacy of the SOAR knee health program: protocol for a two-arm stepped-wedge randomized delayed-controlled trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 23(1), 85. (Read full article)
- Losciale JM, Ithurburn MP, Paterno MV, Schmitt LC (2021). Passing return-to-sport criteria and landing biomechanics in young athletes following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. J Orthop Res, 40(1), 208-218. (Read full article)
- Patel AD, Bullock GS, Wrigley J, Paterno MV, Sell TC, Losciale JM (2021). Does sex affect second ACL injury risk? A systematic review with meta-analysis. Br J Sports Med, 55(15), 873-882. (Read full article)
- Zerega R, Killelea C, Losciale JM, Faherty M, Sell T (2020). Examination of the Feasibility of a 2-Dimensional Portable Assessment of Knee Joint Stability: A Pilot Study. J Appl Biomech, 36(6), 381-389. (Read full article)
- Losciale JM, Bullock G, Cromwell C, Ledbetter L, Pietrosimone L, Sell TC (2019). Hop Testing Lacks Strong Association With Key Outcome Variables After Primary Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Systematic Review. Am J Sports Med, 48(2), 511-522. (Read full article)
- Losciale JM, Zdeb RM, Ledbetter L, Reiman MP, Sell TC (2018). The Association Between Passing Return-to-Sport Criteria and Second Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Risk: A Systematic Review With Meta-analysis. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 49(2), 43-54. (Read full article)
- Losciale JM, Morrison S, Cook CE, Sina A, Ward P (Accepted). Is There a Relationship Between Grip Strength and Injuries in Professional Baseball Players? Letter to the Editor [Letter to the editor]. Orthop J Sports Med.
- Bullock GS, Ward P, Losciale JM, Collins GS (2023). Predicting the Objective and Subjective Clinical Outcomes of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Machine Learning Analysis of 432 Patients: Letter to the Editor. [Letter to the editor]. Am J Sports Med, 51(5), NP15-NP16. (Read full article)
- Losciale JM, Truong LK, Scarr T, Mitchell CJ, Hunt MA, Whittaker JL (2024). Knee Extensor Strength is Nonlinearly Related to Hop Performance After Activity-Related Knee Joint Injury [Abstract]. 2(4), CSM31-CSM79.
- Losciale JM, Le CY, Jansen NEJ, Whittaker JL (2024). The Effect of a Traumatic Knee Joint Injury on Knee Extensor and Flexor Strength [Abstract]. 2(4), CSM31-CSM79.
- Losciale JM, Le CY, Jansen NEJ, Lu L, Xie H, Hunt MA, Mitchell CJ, Whittaker JL (2024). The Trajectory of Knee Extensor and Flexor Strength after a Traumatic Knee Joint Injury: Implications for Preventing Post-Traumatic Osteoarthritis [Abstract]. 32(Supplement 1), S241-S242.
- Losciale JM, Truong LK, Zhang K, Silvester-Lee T, Miciak M, Pajkic A, Le CY, Xie H, Hoens AM, Mosewich A, Hunt MA, Li L, Roos EM, Whittaker JL (2024). Assessing the Efficacy of the Stop Osteoarthritis (SOAR) Program: A Randomized Delayed-Controlled Trial for Persons at Increased Risk of Early Onset Post-Traumatic Knee Osteoar [Abstract]. 32(Supplement 1), S16-S17.
- Jansen NEJ, Losciale JM, Le CY, Xie H, Lu L, Bierma-Zeinstra S, van Middelkoop M, Whittaker JL (2024). Adiposity Trajectory after a Youth Sport-Related Knee Injury: Implications for Post-Traumatic Knee Osteo [Abstract]. 32(Supplement 1), S251.
- Blazey P, Ardern CL, Scott A, Whittaker JL, Davis JC, Losciale JM, Khan K (2023). Have Consensus Methods used in Patellofemoral Pain, or Patellofemoral Osteoarthritis been Rigorous: A Scoping Review [Abstract]. 1(1), 86-108.
- Losciale JM, Truong LK, Zhang K, Silvester-Lee T, Miciak M, Pajkic A, Le CY, Hoens AM, Mosewich A, Hunt MA, Li LC, Roos EM, Whittaker JL (2023). Preliminary Results of the Stop Osteoarthritis (SOAR) Proof-of-Concept Randomized Delay-Controlled Trial [Abstract]. 31(Supplement 1), S198-S199.
- Truong LK, Losciale JM, Zhang K, Roos EM, Li LC, Whittaker JL (2023). Changing Perceptions of Knee Health Self-Management with a Virtual, Education, Action Planning and Exercise Program in People at Risk of Post-traumatic Osteoarthrtis [Abstract]. 31(Supplement 1), S200-S201.
- Whittaker JL, Losciale JM, Juhl CB, Thorlund JB, Lundberg M, Truong LK, Miciak M, van Meer B, Culvenor A, Crossley K, Roos EM, Lohmander LS, van Middelkoop M (2023). Risk Factors for Knee Osteoarthritis after Knee Joint Injury, an OPTIKNEE Systematic Review with Meta-analysis [Abstract]. 53(2), CSM28-CSM54.
- Losciale JM, White L, Squier K, Beck C, Guy S, Scott A, Prior JC, Whitaker JL (2023). Combined hormonal contraceptive use is not protective against musculoskeletal conditions or injuries: A systematic review with data from 5-million women [Abstract]. 9(Supplement 1).
- Le CY, Pajkic A, Losciale JM, Filbay SR, Emery CA, Whittaker JL (2022). Comparing Health Outcomes Over 12 Months Between Youth with a Sport-Related Knee Injury and Uninjured Controls [Abstract]. 30(Supplement 1), S227-S229.
- Whittaker JL, Truong LK, Losciale JM, Silvester-Lee T, Miciak M, Pajkic A, Le CY, Hoens AM, Mosewich AD, Hunt MA, Li LC, Roos EM (2022). Feasibility of a Virtual Physiotherapist-Guided Knee Health Program to Manage Osteoarthritis Risk After an Activity-Related Knee Injury [Abstract]. 30(Supplement 1), S224-S225.
- Whittaker JL, Losciale JM, Juhl CB, Thorlund JB, Lundberg M, Troung LK, Miciak M, van Meer BL, Culvenor AG, Crossley KM, Roos EM, Lohmander LS, van Middelkoop M (2022). Risk Factors for Knee Osteoarthritis after Knee Trauma: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomised Controlled Trials and Cohort Studies for the OPTIKNEE Initiative [Abstract]. 30(Supplement 1), S223-S224.
- Whittaker JL, Losciale JM, Juhl CB, Thorlund J, Lundberg M, Truong LK, Miciak M, van Meer B, Culvenor A, Crossley K, Roos EM, Lohmander LS, van Middelkoop M (2022). Systematic Review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials and cohort studies of risk factors for knee osteoarthritis after trauma (OPTIKNEE) [Abstract]. 8(Supplement 1).
- Losciale JM, Zerega RJ, King V, Reiter C, Wrona H, Sell TC, Mills N, Ledbetter L, Raisanen A, Kvist J, Filbay SR, Bullock GS (2021). Psychological Readiness to Return to Sport after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis [Abstract]. 52(1), CSM25-CSM54.
- Le CY, Pajkic A, Losciale JM, Whittaker JL (2021). Time waits for no one- a preliminary analysis of an inception matched-pair cohort study of youth sport knee injury [Abstract]. 29(Supplement 1), A29-S31.
- Patel A, Bullock GS, Wrigley J, Paterno MV, Sell TC, Losciale JM (2020). Does Biologic Sex Affect Second Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Risk? A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis [Abstract]. 51(1), CSM166-CSM209.
- Losciale JM, Ithurburn MP, Paterno MV, Schmitt LC (2019). Altered Knee Joint Loading in Those who Fail Return-To-Sport Criteria After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction [Abstract]. 50(1), CSM30-CSM80.
- Losciale JM, Zdeb R, Ledbetter L, Reiman MP, Sell TC (2017). Effectiveness of Return-to-Play Discharge Criteria to Reduce Secondary Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury Risk [Abstract]. 48(1), A30-A66.