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Molly B. DuBray Prigge

Molly B. DuBray Prigge, PhD

Languages spoken: English

Academic Office Information

Education History

Certification University of Utah
University of Utah
Graduate Training Wake Forest University
University of the South

Selected Publications

Journal Article

  1. Prigge MBD, Bigler ED, Lange N, Morgan J, Froehlich A, Freeman A, Kellett K, Kane KL, King CK, Taylor J, Dean DC 3rd, King JB, Anderson JS, Zielinski BA, Alexander AL, Lainhart JE (2021). Longitudinal Stability of Intellectual Functioning in Autism Spectrum Disorder: From Age 3 Through Mid-adulthood. J Autism Dev Disord, 52(10), 4490-4504.
  2. Knussmann GN, Anderson JS, Prigge MBD, Dean DC 3rd, Lange N, Bigler ED, Alexander AL, Lainhart JE, Zielinski BA, King JB (2022). Test-retest reliability of FreeSurfer-derived volume, area and cortical thickness from MPRAGE and MP2RAGE brain MRI images. Neuroimage Rep, 2(2).
  3. Peterson M, Prigge MBD, Bigler ED, Zielinski B, King JB, Lange N, Alexander A, Lainhart JE, Nielsen JA (2021). Evidence for normal extra-axial cerebrospinal fluid volume in autistic males from middle childhood to adulthood. Neuroimage, 240, 118387.
  4. Prigge MBD, Lange N, Bigler ED, King JB, Dean DC 3rd, Adluru N, Alexander AL, Lainhart JE, Zielinski BA (2021). A 16-year study of longitudinal volumetric brain development in males with autism. Neuroimage, 236, 118067.
  5. Green RR, Bigler ED, Froehlich A, Prigge MBD, Zielinski BA, Travers BG, Anderson JS, Alexander A, Lange N, Lainhart JE (2019). Beery VMI and Brain Volumetric Relations in Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Pediatr Neuropsychol, 5(3), 77-84.
  6. King JB, Prigge MBD, King CK, Morgan J, Weathersby F, Fox JC, Dean DC 3rd, Freeman A, Villaruz JAM, Kane KL, Bigler ED, Alexander AL, Lange N, Zielinski B, Lainhart JE, Anderson JS (2019). Generalizability and reproducibility of functional connectivity in autism. Mol Autism, 10, 27.
  7. King JB, Prigge MBD, King CK, Morgan J, Dean DC 3rd, Freeman A, Villaruz JAM, Kane KL, Bigler ED, Alexander AL, Lange N, Zielinski BA, Lainhart JE, Anderson JS (2018). Evaluation of Differences in Temporal Synchrony Between Brain Regions in Individuals With Autism and Typical Development. JAMA Netw Open, 1(7), e184777.
  8. Prigge MBD, Bigler ED, Travers BG, Froehlich A, Abildskov T, Anderson JS, Alexander AL, Lange N, Lainhart JE, Zielinski BA (2018). Social Responsiveness Scale (SRS) in Relation to Longitudinal Cortical Thickness Changes in Autism Spectrum Disorder. J Autism Dev Disord, 48(10), 3319-3329.
  9. Lalani SJ, Duffield TC, Trontel HG, Bigler ED, Abildskov TJ, Froehlich A, Prigge MBD, Travers BG, Anderson JS, Zielinski BA, Alexander A, Lange N, Lainhart JE (2017). Auditory attention in autism spectrum disorder: An exploration of volumetric magnetic resonance imaging findings. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol, 40(5), 502-517.
  10. McLaughlin K, Travers BG, Dadalko OI, Dean DC 3rd, Tromp D, Adluru N, Destiche D, Freeman A, Prigge MD, Froehlich A, Duffield TC, Zielinski BA, Bigler ED, Lange N, Anderson JS, Alexander AL, Lainhart JE (2017). Longitudinal development of thalamic and internal capsule microstructure in autism spectrum disorder. Autism Res, 11(3), 450-462.
  11. Travers BG, Bigler ED, Duffield TC, Prigge MDB, Froehlich AL, Lange N, Alexander AL, Lainhart JE (2016). Longitudinal development of manual motor ability in autism spectrum disorder from childhood to mid-adulthood relates to adaptive daily living skills. Dev Sci, 20(4).
  12. Lundwall RA, Stephenson KG, Neeley-Tass ES, Cox JC, South M, Bigler ED, Anderberg E, Prigge MD, Hansen BD, Lainhart JE, Kellems RO, Petrie JA, Gabrielsen TP (2016). Relationship between brain stem volume and aggression in children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Res Autism Spectr Disord, 34, 44-51.
  13. Dean DC 3rd, Lange N, Travers BG, Prigge MB, Matsunami N, Kellett KA, Freeman A, Kane KL, Adluru N, Tromp DP, Destiche DJ, Samsin D, Zielinski BA, Fletcher PT, Anderson JS, Froehlich AL, Leppert MF, Bigler ED, Lainhart JE, Alexander AL (2017). Multivariate characterization of white matter heterogeneity in autism spectrum disorder. Neuroimage Clin, 14, 54-66.
  14. Dean DC 3rd, Travers BG, Adluru N, Tromp do PM, Destiche DJ, Samsin D, Prigge MB, Zielinski BA, Fletcher PT, Anderson JS, Froehlich AL, Bigler ED, Lange N, Lainhart JE, Alexander AL (2016). Investigating the Microstructural Correlation of White Matter in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Brain Connect, 6(5), 415-33.
  15. Green RR, Bigler ED, Froehlich A, Prigge MB, Travers BG, Cariello AN, Anderson JS, Zielinski BA, Alexander A, Lange N, Lainhart JE (2015). Beery VMI performance in autism spectrum disorder. Child Neuropsychol, 22(7), 795-817.
  16. Travers BG, Bigler ED, Tromp do PM, Adluru N, Destiche D, Samsin D, Froehlich A, Prigge MD, Duffield TC, Lange N, Alexander AL, Lainhart JE (2015). Brainstem White Matter Predicts Individual Differences in Manual Motor Difficulties and Symptom Severity in Autism. J Autism Dev Disord, 45(9), 3030-40.
  17. Jantz PB, Bigler ED, Froehlich AL, Prigge MB, Cariello AN, Travers BG, Anderson J, Zielinski BA, Alexander AL, Lange N, Lainhart JE (2015). WIDE RANGE ACHIEVEMENT TEST IN AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER: TEST-RETEST STABILITY. Psychol Rep, 116(3), 674-84.
  18. Travers BG, Tromp do PM, Adluru N, Lange N, Destiche D, Ennis C, Nielsen JA, Froehlich AL, Prigge MB, Fletcher PT, Anderson JS, Zielinski BA, Bigler ED, Lainhart JE, Alexander AL (2015). Atypical development of white matter microstructure of the corpus callosum in males with autism: a longitudinal investigation. Mol Autism, 6, 15.
  19. Lange N, Travers BG, Bigler ED, Prigge MB, Froehlich AL, Nielsen JA, Cariello AN, Zielinski BA, Anderson JS, Fletcher PT, Alexander AA, Lainhart JE (2014). Longitudinal volumetric brain changes in autism spectrum disorder ages 6-35 years. Autism Res, 8(1), 82-93.
  20. Trontel HG, Duffield TC, Bigler ED, Abildskov TJ, Froehlich A, Prigge MB, Travers BG, Anderson JS, Zielinski BA, Alexander AL, Lange N, Lainhart JE (2015). Mesial temporal lobe and memory function in autism spectrum disorder: an exploration of volumetric findings. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol, 37(2), 178-92.
  21. Zielinski BA, Prigge MB, Nielsen JA, Froehlich AL, Abildskov TJ, Anderson JS, Fletcher PT, Zygmunt KM, Travers BG, Lange N, Alexander AL, Bigler ED, Lainhart JE (2014). Longitudinal changes in cortical thickness in autism and typical development. Brain, 137(Pt 6), 1799-812.
  22. Travers BG, Bigler ED, Tromp do PM, Adluru N, Froehlich AL, Ennis C, Lange N, Nielsen JA, Prigge MB, Alexander AL, Lainhart JE (2013). Longitudinal processing speed impairments in males with autism and the effects of white matter microstructure. Neuropsychologia, 53, 137-45.
  23. Prigge MD, Bigler ED, Fletcher PT, Zielinski BA, Ravichandran C, Anderson J, Froehlich A, Abildskov T, Papadopolous E, Maasberg K, Nielsen JA, Alexander AL, Lange N, Lainhart J (2013). Longitudinal Heschl's gyrus growth during childhood and adolescence in typical development and autism. Autism Res, 6(2), 78-90.
  24. Prigge MB, Lange N, Bigler ED, Merkley TL, Neeley ES, Abildskov TJ, Froehlich AL, Nielsen JA, Cooperrider JR, Cariello AN, Ravichandran C, Alexander AL, Lainhart JE (2012). Corpus Callosum Area in Children and Adults with Autism. Res Autism Spectr Disord, 7(2), 221-234.
  25. Duffield TC, Trontel HG, Bigler ED, Froehlich A, Prigge MB, Travers B, Green RR, Cariello AN, Cooperrider J, Nielsen J, Alexander A, Anderson J, Fletcher PT, Lange N, Zielinski B, Lainhart J (2013). Neuropsychological investigation of motor impairments in autism. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol, 35(8), 867-81.
  26. Trontel HG, Duffield TC, Bigler ED, Froehlich A, Prigge MB, Nielsen JA, Cooperrider JR, Cariello AN, Travers BG, Anderson JS, Zielinski BA, Alexander A, Lange N, Lainhart JE (2014). Fusiform correlates of facial memory in autism. Behav Sci (Basel), 3(3), 348-71.
  27. Froehlich AL, Anderson JS, Bigler ED, Miller JS, Lange NT, Dubray MB, Cooperrider JR, Cariello A, Nielsen JA, Lainhart JE (2012). Intact Prototype Formation but Impaired Generalization in Autism. Res Autism Spectr Disord, 6(2), 921-930.
  28. Zielinski BA, Anderson JS, Froehlich AL, Prigge MB, Nielsen JA, Cooperrider JR, Cariello AN, Fletcher PT, Alexander AL, Lange N, Bigler ED, Lainhart JE (2012). scMRI reveals large-scale brain network abnormalities in autism. PLoS One, 7(11), e49172.
  29. Anderson JS, Nielsen JA, Froehlich AL, DuBray MB, Druzgal TJ, Cariello AN, Cooperrider JR, Zielinski BA, Ravichandran C, Fletcher PT, Alexander AL, Bigler ED, Lange N, Lainhart JE (2011). Functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging classification of autism. Brain, 134(Pt 12), 3742-54.
  30. Southwick JS, Bigler ED, Froehlich A, DuBray MB, Alexander AL, Lange N, Lainhart JE (2011). Memory functioning in children and adolescents with autism. Neuropsychology, 25(6), 702-710.
  31. Anderson JS, Druzgal TJ, Froehlich A, DuBray MB, Lange N, Alexander AL, Abildskov T, Nielsen JA, Cariello AN, Cooperrider JR, Bigler ED, Lainhart JE (2010). Decreased interhemispheric functional connectivity in autism. Cereb Cortex, 21(5), 1134-46.
  32. Lange N, Dubray MB, Lee JE, Froimowitz MP, Froehlich A, Adluru N, Wright B, Ravichandran C, Fletcher PT, Bigler ED, Alexander AL, Lainhart JE (2010). Atypical diffusion tensor hemispheric asymmetry in autism. Autism Res, 3(6), 350-8.
  33. Fletcher PT, Whitaker RT, Tao R, DuBray MB, Froehlich A, Ravichandran C, Alexander AL, Bigler ED, Lange N, Lainhart JE (2010). Microstructural connectivity of the arcuate fasciculus in adolescents with high-functioning autism. Neuroimage, 51(3), 1117-25.
  34. Anderson JS, Lange N, Froehlich A, DuBray MB, Druzgal TJ, Froimowitz MP, Alexander AL, Bigler ED, Lainhart JE (2009). Decreased left posterior insular activity during auditory language in autism. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, 31(1), 131-9.
  35. Lee JE, Chung MK, Lazar M, DuBray MB, Kim J, Bigler ED, Lainhart JE, Alexander AL (2008). A study of diffusion tensor imaging by tissue-specific, smoothing-compensated voxel-based analysis. Neuroimage, 44(3), 870-83.
  36. Hobbs K, Kennedy A, Dubray M, Bigler ED, Petersen PB, McMahon W, Lainhart JE (2007). A retrospective fetal ultrasound study of brain size in autism. Biol Psychiatry, 62(9), 1048-55.
  37. Lee JE, Bigler ED, Alexander AL, Lazar M, DuBray MB, Chung MK, Johnson M, Morgan J, Miller JN, McMahon WM, Lu J, Jeong EK, Lainhart JE (2007). Diffusion tensor imaging of white matter in the superior temporal gyrus and temporal stem in autism. Neurosci Lett, 424(2), 127-32.
  38. Alexander AL, Lee JE, Lazar M, Boudos R, DuBray MB, Oakes TR, Miller JN, Lu J, Jeong EK, McMahon WM, Bigler ED, Lainhart JE (2006). Diffusion tensor imaging of the corpus callosum in Autism. Neuroimage, 34(1), 61-73.