Education History
Fellowship |
UCLA Medical Center |
Fellow |
Residency |
UCLA Medical Center |
Resident |
Internship |
St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, University of Michigan |
Intern |
Professional Medical |
University of Michigan School of Medicine |
MD |
Undergraduate |
University of Michigan |
Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Popescu VD, Kenyon M, Brown RK, Dyck MA, Prange S, Peterman WE, Dennison C (2021). Habitat connectivity and resource selection in an expanding bobcat (Lynx rufus) population. PeerJ, 9, e12460. (Read full article)
- Brown RK, Hooper TN, Rekhroukh F, White AJP, Costa PJ, Crimmin MR (2021). Alumination of aryl methyl ethers: switching between sp2 and sp3 C-O bond functionalisation with Pd-catalysis. Chem Commun (Camb), 57(88), 11673-11676. (Read full article)
- Branach CS, Brown RKJ, Juip RA, Pignotti AD, Duszak R Jr (2021). The Medical Malpractice Deposition: A Review for Radiologist-Defendants. AJR Am J Roentgenol, 217(5), 1232-1238. (Read full article)
- Koppula BR, Morton KA, Al-Dulaimi R, Fine GC, Damme NM, Brown RKJ (2021). SPECT/CT in the Evaluation of Suspected Skeletal Pathology. Tomography, 7(4), 581-605. (Read full article)
- Brown RK, Kaiser A, Evans H (2021). Race, religious identities, and environmental activism. J Prev Interv Community, 1-20. (Read full article)
- Rekhroukh F, Chen W, Brown RK, White AJP, Crimmin MR (2020). Palladium-catalysed C-F alumination of fluorobenzenes: mechanistic diversity and origin of selectivity. Chem Sci, 11(30), 7842-7849. (Read full article)
- Tridandapani S, Bhatti P, Brown RKJ, Krupinski EA, Safdar NM, Siegel EL, Wick CA (2019). Interpreting Radiographs with Concurrently Obtained Patient Photographs. Radiographics, 39(5), 1356-1367. (Read full article)
- Stojanovska J, Tsodikov A, Brown RKJ, Dunnick NR (2018). Adjusted Citation Rate, an Alternative Metric to Measure the Impact of General Radiology Journals. Acad Radiol, 26(8), 1087-1094. (Read full article)
- Kaiser A, Davenport MS, Frey KA, Greenspan B, Brown RKJ (2018). Management of Diabetes Mellitus Before 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose PET/CT: A Nationwide Patient-Centered Assessment of Approaches to Examination Preparation. J Am Coll Radiol, 16(6), 804-809. (Read full article)
- Gaetke-Udager K, Brown RKJ, Centonze CP, Hu EM, Liles AL, Woolen SA, Zhang A, Davenport MS (2019). Advanced Quality Training in Radiology: Inaugural Report of a 2-Year Program. AJR Am J Roentgenol, 1-9. (Read full article)
- Manganaro MS, Millet JD, Brown RK, Viglianti BL, Wale DJ, Wong KK (2018). The utility of bone scintigraphy with SPECT/CT in the evaluation and management of frostbite injuries. Br J Radiol, 92(1094), 20180545. (Read full article)
- Sedig LK, Bailey JJ, Wong KK, Brown RKJ, Kaminski MS, Hutchinson RJ (2018). Do Deauville Scores Improve the Clinical Utility of End-of-Therapy FDG PET Scans for Pediatric Hodgkin Lymphoma? AJR Am J Roentgenol, 212(2), 456-460. (Read full article)
- Heiden BT, Patel N, Nancarrow DJ, Hermann M, Brown RKJ, Orringer MB, Lin J, Chang AC, Carrott PW, Lynch WR, Zhao L, Beer DG, Reddy RM (2018). Positron Emission Tomography 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose Uptake Correlates with KRAS and EMT Gene Signatures in Operable Esophageal Adenocarcinoma. J Surg Res, 232, 621-628. (Read full article)
- Nguyen BJ, Khurana A, Bagley B, Yen A, Brown RKJ, Stojanovska J, Cline M, Goodsitt M, Obrzut S (2018). Evaluation of Virtual Reality for Detection of Lung Nodules on Computed Tomography. Tomography, 4(4), 204-208. (Read full article)
- Expert Panel on Cardiac Imaging, Shah AB, Kirsch J, Bolen MA, Batlle JC, Brown RKJ, Eberhardt RT, Hurwitz LM, Inacio JR, Jin JO, Krishnamurthy R, Leipsic JA, Rajiah P, Singh SP, White RD, Zimmerman SL, Abbara S (2018). ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Chronic Chest Pain-Noncardiac Etiology Unlikely-Low to Intermediate Probability of Coronary Artery Disease. J Am Coll Radiol, 15(11S), S283-S290. (Read full article)
- Expert Panel on Cardiac Imaging, White RD, Kirsch J, Bolen MA, Batlle JC, Brown RKJ, Eberhardt RT, Hurwitz LM, Inacio JR, Jin JO, Krishnamurthy R, Leipsic JA, Rajiah P, Shah AB, Singh SP, Villines TC, Zimmerman SL, Abbara S (2018). ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Suspected New-Onset and Known Nonacute Heart Failure. J Am Coll Radiol, 15(11S), S418-S431. (Read full article)
- Brown RKJ, Petty S, OMalley S, Stojanovska J, Davenport MS, Kazerooni EA, Fessahazion D (2018). Virtual Reality Tool Simulates MRI Experience. Tomography, 4(3), 95-98. (Read full article)
- Aiken AH, Rath TJ, Anzai Y, Branstetter BF, Hoang JK, Wiggins RH, Juliano AF, Glastonbury C, Phillips CD, Brown R, Hudgins PA (2018). ACR Neck Imaging Reporting and Data Systems (NI-RADS): A White Paper of the ACR NI-RADS Committee. J Am Coll Radiol, 15(8), 1097-1108. (Read full article)
- Heiden BT, Chen G, Hermann M, Brown RKJ, Orringer MB, Lin J, Chang AC, Carrott PW, Lynch WR, Zhao L, Beer DG, Reddy RM (2018). 18F-FDG PET intensity correlates with a hypoxic gene signature and other oncogenic abnormalities in operable non-small cell lung cancer. PLoS One, 13(7), e0199970. (Read full article)
- Bhatti ZS, Brown RKJ, Kazerooni EA, Davenport MS (2017). Communicating Radiology Test Results: Are Our Phone Calls Excessive, Just Right, or Not Enough? Acad Radiol, 25(3), 365-371. (Read full article)
- Long BD, Stojanovska J, Brown RKJ, Attili AK, Jackson EA, Ognenovski V (2017). Increased Epicardial Fat Volume Is Independently Associated with the Presence and Severity of Systemic Sclerosis. Acad Radiol, 24(12), 1473-1481. (Read full article)
- Expert Panel on Cardiac Imaging and Vascular Imaging, Leipsic JA, Blanke P, Hanley M, Batlle JC, Bolen MA, Brown RKJ, Desjardins B, Eberhardt RT, Gornik HL, Hurwitz LM, Maniar H, Patel HJ, Sheybani EF, Steigner ML, Verma N, Abbara S, Rybicki FJ, Kirsch J, Dill KE (2017). ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Imaging for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement. J Am Coll Radiol, 14(11S), S449-S455. (Read full article)
- Expert Panel on Cardiac Imaging, Vogel-Claussen J, Elshafee ASM, Kirsch J, Brown RKJ, Hurwitz LM, Javidan-Nejad C, Julsrud PR, Kramer CM, Krishnamurthy R, Laroia AT, Leipsic JA, Panchal KK, Shah AB, White RD, Woodard PK, Abbara S (2017). ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Dyspnea-Suspected Cardiac Origin. J Am Coll Radiol, 14(5S), S127-S137. (Read full article)
- Expert Panel on Cardiac Imaging, Woodard PK, Ho VB, Akers SR, Beache G, Brown RKJ, Cummings KW, Greenberg SB, Min JK, Stillman AE, Stojanovska J, Jacobs JE (2017). ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Known or Suspected Congenital Heart Disease in the Adult. J Am Coll Radiol, 14(5S), S166-S176. (Read full article)
- Expert Panels on Cardiac and Thoracic Imaging, Kirsch J, Brown RKJ, Henry TS, Javidan-Nejad C, Jokerst C, Julsrud PR, Kanne JP, Kramer CM, Leipsic JA, Panchal KK, Ravenel JG, Shah AB, Mohammed TL, Woodard PK, Abbara S (2017). ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Acute Chest Pain-Suspected Pulmonary Embolism. J Am Coll Radiol, 14(5S), S2-S12. (Read full article)
- Expert Panel on Cardiac Imaging, Akers SR, Panchal V, Ho VB, Beache GM, Brown RKJ, Ghoshhajra BB, Greenberg SB, Hsu JY, Kicska GA, Min JK, Stillman AE, Stojanovska J, Abbara S, Jacobs JE (2017). ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Chronic Chest Pain-High Probability of Coronary Artery Disease. J Am Coll Radiol, 14(5S), S71-S80. (Read full article)
- Davenport MS, Parikh KR, Mayo-Smith WW, Israel GM, Brown RK, Ellis JH (2016). Effect of Fixed-Volume and Weight-Based Dosing Regimens on the Cost and Volume of Administered Iodinated Contrast Material at Abdominal CT. J Am Coll Radiol, 14(3), 359-370. (Read full article)
- Kraft C, Millet JD, Agarwal S, Wang SC, Chung KC, Brown RK, Levi B (2016). SPECT/CT in the Evaluation of Frostbite. J Burn Care Res, 38(1), e227-e234. (Read full article)
- Millet JD, Brown RK, Levi B, Kraft CT, Jacobson JA, Gross MD, Wong KK (2016). Frostbite: Spectrum of Imaging Findings and Guidelines for Management. Radiographics, 36(7), 2154-2169. (Read full article)
- Domina JG, Bhatti ZS, Brown RKJ, Kazerooni EA, Kasotakis MJ, Khalatbari S (2016). JOURNAL CLUB: Patient Perception of Radiology and Radiologists: A Survey Analysis of Academic and Community Institutions. AJR Am J Roentgenol, 207(4), 811-819. (Read full article)
- Dickerson EC, Alam HB, Brown RK, Stojanovska J, Michigan Radiology Quality Collaborative, Davenport MS (2016). In-Person Communication Between Radiologists and Acute Care Surgeons Leads to Significant Alterations in Surgical Decision Making. J Am Coll Radiol, 13(8), 943-9. (Read full article)
- Parikh KR, Davenport MS, Viglianti BL, Hubers D, Brown RK (2016). Cost-Savings Analysis of Renal Scintigraphy, Stratified by Renal Function Thresholds: Mercaptoacetyltriglycine Versus Diethylene Triamine Penta-Acetic Acid. J Am Coll Radiol, 13(7), 801-11. (Read full article)
- Brothers JM, Kidwell KM, Brown RK, Henry NL (2016). Incidental radiologic findings at breast cancer diagnosis and likelihood of disease recurrence. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 155(2), 395-403. (Read full article)
- Hoffmann U, Akers SR, Brown RK, Cummings KW, Cury RC, Greenberg SB, Ho VB, Hsu JY, Min JK, Panchal KK, Stillman AE, Woodard PK, Jacobs JE (2015). ACR Appropriateness Criteria Acute Nonspecific Chest Pain-Low Probability of Coronary Artery Disease. J Am Coll Radiol, 12(12 Pt A), 1266-71. (Read full article)
- Dillman JR, Smith EA, Davenport MS, DiPietro MA, Sanchez R, Kraft KH, Brown RK, Rubin JM (2015). Can Shear-Wave Elastography be Used to Discriminate Obstructive Hydronephrosis from Nonobstructive Hydronephrosis in Children? Radiology, 277(1), 259-67. (Read full article)
- Patel R, Saad H, Srinivasan A, Brown RK (2015). Utility of (99m)Tc RBC Scintigraphy in Diagnosing Parotid Venous Malformations. Clin Nucl Med, 40(7), e372-4. (Read full article)
- Wale DJ, Wong KK, Savas H, Kandathil A, Piert M, Brown RK (2015). Extraosseous Findings on Bone Scintigraphy Using Fusion SPECT/CT and Correlative Imaging. AJR Am J Roentgenol, 205(1), 160-72. (Read full article)
- Patel J, Brown RK, Bradford CR, Srinivasan A (2015). Incidental masticator space lesion in a teenager. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, 141(6), 577-8. (Read full article)
- Thomas AC, Brown RK, Begum R, Srinivasan A, Bohnen NI, Frey KA (2015). Autoimmune limbic encephalitis detected on FDG brain scan performed for the evaluation of dementia. Clin Nucl Med, 40(4), 358-9. (Read full article)
- Murthy VL, Brown RK, Corbett JR (2013). Metastatic renal cell carcinoma avid for 82Rb but not 18F-FDG. Clin Nucl Med, 39(10), 908-9. (Read full article)
- Chen P, Marentis T, Brown RK (2014). Diffuse liver uptake on (99m)Tc-MDP bone scan secondary to severe hepatic failure. Clin Nucl Med, 39(7), 658-9. (Read full article)
- Brown RK, Bohnen NI, Wong KK, Minoshima S, Frey KA (2014). Brain PET in suspected dementia: patterns of altered FDG metabolism. Radiographics, 34(3), 684-701. (Read full article)
- Yuan ST, Brown RK, Zhao L, ten Haken RK, Gross M, Cease KB, Schipper M, Stanton P, Yu J, Kong FM (2014). Timing and intensity of changes in FDG uptake with symptomatic esophagitis during radiotherapy or chemo-radiotherapy. Radiat Oncol, 9(1), 37. (Read full article)
- Arabi M, Brown RK, Dwamena BA, Jakubowski E, Kim K, Alvarez R, Piert M, Frey K (2013). Single-photon emission computed tomography/computed tomography as a problem-solving tool in patients with suspected acute cholecystitis. J Comput Assist Tomogr, 37(6), 844-8. (Read full article)
- Glazer DI, Brown RK, Wong KK, Savas H, Gross MD, Avram AM (2013). SPECT/CT evaluation of unusual physiologic radioiodine biodistributions: pearls and pitfalls in image interpretation. Radiographics, 33(2), 397-418. (Read full article)
- Lobert P, Brown RK, Dvorak RA, Corbett JR, Kazerooni EA, Wong KK (2012). Spectrum of physiological and pathological cardiac and pericardial uptake of FDG in oncology PET-CT. Clin Radiol, 68(1), e59-71. (Read full article)
- Chen PN, Brown RK (2012). False positive GI bleed on Tc-99m RBC scintigraphy due to ileal varices. J Radiol Case Rep, 6(2), 23-8. (Read full article)
- Dvorak RA, Brown RK, Corbett JR (2011). Interpretation of SPECT/CT myocardial perfusion images: common artifacts and quality control techniques. Radiographics, 31(7), 2041-57. (Read full article)
- Gross BH, Brown RK, Kalemkerian GP (2010). Optimal anatomic coverage for CT in staging lung cancer: lessons from PET-CT correlation. Lung Cancer, 73(1), 59-62. (Read full article)
- Djekidel M, Brown RK, Piert M (2011). Benefits of hybrid SPECT/CT for (111)In-oxine- and Tc-99m-hexamethylpropylene amine oxime-labeled leukocyte imaging. Clin Nucl Med, 36(7), e50-6. (Read full article)
- Xiong L, Trout AT, Bailey JE, Brown RK, Kelly AM (2010). Comparison of discrepancy rates in resident and faculty interpretations of on-call PE CT and V/Q scans: is one study more reliable during off hours? J Am Coll Radiol, 8(6), 415-21. (Read full article)
- Kochhar R, Brown RK, Wong CO, Dunnick NR, Frey KA, Manoharan P (2010). Role of FDG PET/CT in imaging of renal lesions. J Med Imaging Radiat Oncol, 54(4), 347-57. (Read full article)
- Hansen N, Brown RK, Khan A, Frey KA, Orringer M (2010). False positive diagnosis of metastatic esophageal carcinoma on positron emission tomography: a case report of cholecystitis simulating a hepatic lesion. Clin Nucl Med, 35(6), 409-12. (Read full article)
- Dillman JR, Wong KK, Brown RK, Frey KA, Strouse PJ (2009). Utility of SPECT/CT with Meckel's scintigraphy. Ann Nucl Med, 23(9), 813-5. (Read full article)
- Davenport MS, Brown RK, Frey KA (2009). Utility of delayed whole-body bone scintigraphy after directed three-phase scintigraphy. AJR Am J Roentgenol, 193(2), 338-42. (Read full article)
- Wilson RL, Brown RK, Reisman D (2008). Surgical resection for metastatic non-small cell lung cancer to the pancreas. Lung Cancer, 63(3), 433-5. (Read full article)
- Elstrom RL, Leonard JP, Coleman M, Brown RK (2008). Combined PET and low-dose, noncontrast CT scanning obviates the need for additional diagnostic contrast-enhanced CT scans in patients undergoing staging or restaging for lymphoma. Ann Oncol, 19(10), 1770-3. (Read full article)
- Dillman JR, Brown RK, Frey KA, Quint DJ (2008). Vertebral body hemangioma visualized on Tc-99m HMPAO-labeled leukocyte SPECT/CT. Clin Nucl Med, 33(8), 587-90. (Read full article)
- Wilson R, Glaros S, Brown RK, Michael C, Reisman D (2008). Complete radiographic response of primary pulmonary angiosarcomas following gemcitabine and taxotere. Lung Cancer, 61(1), 131-6. (Read full article)
- Wong KK, Brown RK, Avram AM (2008). Potential false positive Tc-99m sestamibi parathyroid study due to uptake in brown adipose tissue. Clin Nucl Med, 33(5), 346-8. (Read full article)
- Alvarez R, Diehl KM, Avram A, Brown R, Piert M (2007). Localization of splenosis using 99mTc-damaged red blood cell SPECT/CT and intraoperative gamma probe measurements. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging, 34(6), 969. (Read full article)
- Caoili EM, Korobkin M, Brown RK, Mackie G, Shulkin BL (2006). Differentiating adrenal adenomas from nonadenomas using (18)F-FDG PET/CT: quantitative and qualitative evaluation. Acad Radiol, 14(4), 468-75. (Read full article)
- Walsh MA, Morag Y, Brown RK (2006). Incidental detection of an anterior cruciate ligament injury with FDG PET. Clin Nucl Med, 31(9), 543-6. (Read full article)
- Bahn DK, Brown RK, Shei KY, White DB (1990). Sonographic findings of leiomyoma in the seminal vesicle. J Clin Ultrasound, 18(6), 517-9. (Read full article)
- Brown RK, Bahn DK, Walters BL, Karazim JJ, Reidinger AA, Shei KY, Morgan AW, Hurd DB, Gontina H, Kling GA (1990). Nuclear scintigraphy in the evaluation of renal colic. Clin Nucl Med, 15(1), 11-5. (Read full article)
- Hawkins RA, Hall T, Gambhir SS, Busuttil RW, Huang SC, Glickman S, Marciano D, Brown RK, Phelps ME (1988). Radionuclide evaluation of liver transplants. Semin Nucl Med, 18(3), 199-212. (Read full article)
- Bahn DK, Brown RK, Reidinger AA, Duhamel PA, Shei KY, Gontina H, Brenner RM (1988). Renal stone ileus. AJR Am J Roentgenol, 150(1), 145-6. (Read full article)
- Brown RK, Gomes A, King W, Pusey E, Lois J, Goldstein L, Busuttil RW, Hawkins RA (1987). Hepatic hemangiomas: evaluation by magnetic resonance imaging and technetium-99m red blood cell scintigraphy. J Nucl Med, 28(11), 1683-7. (Read full article)
- Lufkin RB, Pusey E, Stark DD, Brown R, Leikind B, Hanafee WN (1986). Boundary artifact due to truncation errors in MR imaging. AJR Am J Roentgenol, 147(6), 1283-7. (Read full article)
- Brown RK, Memsic LD, Busuttil RW, Pusey E, Ray RA, Kangarloo H, Hawkins RA (1986). Accurate demonstration of hepatic infarction in liver transplant recipients. J Nucl Med, 27(9), 1428-31. (Read full article)
- Pusey E, Lufkin RB, Brown RK, Solomon MA, Stark DD, Tarr RW, Hanafee WN (1986). Magnetic resonance imaging artifacts: mechanism and clinical significance. Radiographics, 6(5), 891-911. (Read full article)
- Brown RK, Memsic LD, Pusey EJ, Dietrich RB, Busuttil RW, Hawkins RA, Kangarloo H (1986). Hepatic abscess in liver transplantation. Accurate diagnosis and treatment. Clin Nucl Med, 11(4), 233-6. (Read full article)
- Collins JD, Brown RK, Batra P (1983). Asbestosis and the serratus anterior muscle. J Natl Med Assoc, 75(3), 296-300. (Read full article)
- Brown RK, Huberman RP, Vanley G (1982). Pulmonary features of Kaposi sarcoma. AJR Am J Roentgenol, 139(4), 659-60. (Read full article)
- McLeary RD, Alexander DK, Brown RK (1982). B-scan ultrasound directed pericardiocentesis. A safer approach. Radiology, 144(4), 923. (Read full article)
Case Report
- Hudson A, Brown RKJ, Minoshima S, Dunn D (2022). An Unusual Presentation of Breast Implant Rupture. Clin Nucl Med, 47(3), e271-e273. (Read full article)
- Manoharan P, Cronin PP, Brown RK (2015). Metastatic Head and Neck Cancer Conflated with Pulmonary Embolism and Infarct on PET/CT. Radiol Case Rep, 2(3), 62. (Read full article)
- Turgeon DK, Brenner D, Brown RK, Dimagno MJ (2008). Possible Role of Meckel's Scan Fused with SPECT CT Imaging: Unraveling the Cause of Abdominal Pain and Obscure-Overt Gastrointestinal Bleeding. Case Rep Gastroenterol, 2(1), 83-90. (Read full article)
- Santoro C, Babanova S, Cristiani P, Artyushkova K, Atanassov P, Bergel A, Bretschger O, Brown RK, Carpenter K, Colombo A, Cortese R, Erable B, Harnisch F, Kodali M, Phadke S, Riedl S, Rosa LFM, Schrder U (2021). How Comparable are Microbial Electrochemical Systems around the Globe? An Electrochemical and Microbiological Cross-Laboratory Study. [Letter to the editor]. ChemSusChem, 14(11), 2267. (Read full article)
- Brown RK, Parikh KR, Davenport MS (2016). Authors' Reply. [Letter to the editor]. J Am Coll Radiol, 14(2), 146-147. (Read full article)
- Santoro C, Babanova S, Cristiani P, Artyushkova K, Atanassov P, Bergel A, Bretschger O, Brown RK, Carpenter K, Colombo A, Cortese R, Erable B, Harnisch F, Kodali M, Phadke S, Riedl S, Rosa LFM, Schrder U (2021). How Comparable are Microbial Electrochemical Systems around the Globe? An Electrochemical and Microbiological Cross-Laboratory Study. ChemSusChem (14(11), pp. 2313-2330). Germany. (Read full article)
- Expert Panel on Cardiac Imaging, Rajiah P, Kirsch J, Bolen MA, Batlle JC, Brown RKJ, Francois CJ, Galizia MS, Hanneman K, Inacio JR, Johri AM, Lee DC, Singh SP, Villines TC, Wann S, Zimmerman SL, Abbara S (2021). ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Nonischemic Myocardial Disease with Clinical Manifestations (Ischemic Cardiomyopathy Already Excluded). J Am Coll Radiol (18(5S), pp. S83-S105). United States. (Read full article)
- Expert Panel on Cardiac Imaging, Ghoshhajra BB, Hedgire SS, Hurwitz Koweek LM, Beache GM, Brown RKJ, Davis AM, Hsu JY, Johnson TV, Kicska GA, Kligerman SJ, Litmanovich D, Maroules CD, Meyersohn N, Rabbat MG, Villines TC, Wann S, Abbara S (2021). ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Asymptomatic Patient at Risk for Coronary Artery Disease: 2021 Update. J Am Coll Radiol (18(5S), pp. S2-S12). United States. (Read full article)
- Expert Panel on Cardiac Imaging, Malik SB, Hsu JY, Hurwitz Koweek LM, Ghoshhajra BB, Beache GM, Brown RKJ, Davis AM, Johri AM, Kligerman SJ, Litmanovich D, Mace SE, Maroules CD, Meyersohn N, Villines TC, Wann S, Weissman G, Abbara S (2021). ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Infective Endocarditis. J Am Coll Radiol (18(5S), pp. S52-S61). United States. (Read full article)
- Expert Panel on Cardiac Imaging, Beache GM, Mohammed TH, Hurwitz Koweek LM, Ghoshhajra BB, Brown RKJ, Davis AM, Heitner J, Hsu JY, Johri AM, Khosa F, Kligerman SJ, Litmanovich D, Maroules CD, Meyersohn N, Tomaszewski CA, Villines TC, Wann S, Abbara S (2020). ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Acute Nonspecific Chest Pain-Low Probability of Coronary Artery Disease. J Am Coll Radiol (17(11S), pp. S346-S354). United States. (Read full article)
- Expert Panel on Cardiac Imaging, Batlle JC, Kirsch J, Bolen MA, Bandettini WP, Brown RKJ, Francois CJ, Galizia MS, Hanneman K, Inacio JR, Johnson TV, Khosa F, Krishnamurthy R, Rajiah P, Singh SP, Tomaszewski CA, Villines TC, Wann S, Young PM, Zimmerman SL, Abbara S (2020). ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Chest Pain-Possible Acute Coronary Syndrome. J Am Coll Radiol (17(5S), pp. S55-S69). United States. (Read full article)
- Francis IR, Brown RK, Avram AM (2005). The clinical role of CT/PET in oncology: an update. Cancer Imaging (5 Spec No A, pp. S68-75). England. (Read full article)