Education History
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Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Fu, Y, Burns, R D, Dyer, S, Lopez, X (Accepted, In Press). Associations of 24-hour movement behaviors, parental academic support, and academic achievement in Alaskan adolescents. . (Epub ahead of print) International Journal of Physical Activity and Health.
- Fu Y, Burns RD, Zhang P, Dyer S, Constantino (Accepted, In Press). Association of adolescent bullying victimization with meeting 24-hour movement behavior recommendations: A cross-sectional study using the combined 2015-2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey. (Epub ahead of print) Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise.
- Burns RD, Podlog LW, Bai Y (2022). Enjoyment mediates associations of the physical and family environment with adolescent physical activity: A structural equation modeling approach. J Adolesc Health.
- Burns RD, Sehn AP, Brand C, Castro Silveira JFD, Reuter CP (2022). The moderating influence of home location and school type across time on cardiometabolic risk and active school commuting: A 5-year longitudinal study. . Child Obes, doi:10.1089/chi.2021.0299.
- Bai Y, Burns RD, Gell N, Byun W (2022). A randomized trial to promote physical activity in adult pre-hypertensive and hypertensive patients. . J Sports Sci.
- Ryan Burns (06/13/2022). Enjoyment mediates associations of the physical and family environment with adolescent physical activity: a structural equation modeling approach. J Adolesc Health.
- Bai, Y, Copeland, W E, Burns, R D, Nardone, H, Devadanam, V, Rettew, J, Hudziak, J (2022). Ecological momentary assessed physical activity and wellness behaviors in college students across a school year: A longitudinal naturalistic study. . JMIR Public Health Surveill, 8, e25375.
- Pfledderer CDBai YBrusseau TABurns RDKing Jensen JL (2022). Changes in college students’ health behaviors and substance use after a brief wellness intervention during COVID-19. Prev Med Rep, 26.
- Burns RD, Bai Y, Byun W, Colotti TE, Pfledderer CD, Kwon S, Brusseau TA (2022). Bidirectional relationships of physical activity and gross motor skills before and after summer break: Application of a cross-lagged panel model. J Sport Health Sci, 11(2), 244-251.
- Burns RD, Bai Y, Podlog LW, Brusseau TA, Welk GJ (2022). Associations of physical activity enjoyment and physical education enjoyment with segmented daily physical activity in children: Exploring tenets of the trans-contextual model of motivation. . J Teach Phys Educ.
- Zhang P, Burns RD, Fu Y, Godin S, Li Z, Zhang X (2022). Efficacy of a 4-Week smartphone application intervention on college students’ BMI, physical activity, and motivation. . International Journal of Kinesiology in Higher Education, 6(1), 15-26.
- Fu YBurns RDHsu YWZhang P (2022). Motivation, Segmented Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior, and Weight Status in Adolescents: A Path Analysis. Res Q Exerc Sport, 93(1), 204-209.
- Brusseau TABurns RD (2022). Associations of physical activity, school safety and non-prescription steroid use in adolescents: A structural equation modeling approach. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 19(1).
- Bai YCopeland WEBurns RNardone HDevadanam VRettew JHudziak J (2022). Ecological Momentary Assessment of Physical Activity and Wellness Behaviors in College Students Throughout a School Year: Longitudinal Naturalistic Study. JMIR Public Health Surveill, 8(1).
- Pagano KM, Burns, RD, Galli, N (2021). The influence of social comparisons on body image in men: A scoping review. . New Male Studies: An International Journal, 10(2), 20-44.
- Pfledderer CDBurns RDByun WCarson RLWelk GJBrusseau TA (2021). Parent and Child Perceptions of Barriers to Active School Commuting. J Sch Health, 91(12), 1014-1023.
- Pfledderer CDBurns RDByun WCarson RLWelk GJBrusseau TA (2021). Parent Preferences for Physical Activity in Before and After School Programs in Rural and Suburban Communities: A Discrete Choice Experiment. J Phys Act Health, 18(12), 1479-1489.
- Burns RDPfledderer CDFu Y (2021). Adolescent Health Behaviors and Difficulty Concentrating, Remembering, and Making Decisions. Am J Lifestyle Med, 15(6), 664-672.
- Burns RDByun WFu YMihalopoulos NL (2021). Sexual identity-behavior discordance and meeting 24-hour movement behavior recommendations in adolescents. J LGBT Youth.
- Kwon S, Kim Y, Bai Y, Burns RD, Brusseau TA, Byun W (2021). Validation of the apple watch for estimating moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and activity energy expenditure in school-aged children. Sensors (Basel), 21(19).
- Pfledderer CDBurns RDByun WCarson RLWelk GJBrusseau TA (2021). School-based physical activity interventions in rural and urban/suburban communities: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Obes Rev, 22(9).
- Todendi PFBrand CSilveira JFdCBurns RDMartnez JAFiegenbaum MGaya ARRenner JDPReuter CPValim ARdM (2021). Cardiorespiratory fitness and muscular strength moderates the relationship between fndc5 polymorphism and adiposity in children and adolescents. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18(18).
- Todendi PFBrand CSilveira JFdCGaya ARAgostinis-Sobrinho CFiegenbaum MBurns RDValim ARdMReuter CP (2021). Physical fitness attenuates the genetic predisposition to obesity in children and adolescents. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 31(4), 894-902.
- Burns RD, Brusseau TA, Bai Y, Byun W (2021). Segmented school physical activity and weight status in children: Application of compositional data analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18(6), 1-11.
- Kwon SBurns RDKim YBai YByun W (2021). Inter-device agreement between fitbit flex 1 and 2 for assessing sedentary behavior and physical activity. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18(5), 1-11.
- Kwon SWan NBurns RDBrusseau TAKim YKumar SErtin EWetter DWLam CYWen MByun W (2021). The validity of motionsense hrv in estimating sedentary behavior and physical activity under free-living and simulated activity settings. Sensors (Basel), 21(4), 1-18.
- Chase BBrusseau TBurns RHannon JHenderson HKehoe B (2021). Association between health-related fitness, perceived stress, and metabolic syndrome prevalence in a sample of law enforcement officers. Policing, 44(2), 261-274.
- Kim Y, Burns RD, Lee DC, Welk GJ (2021). Associations of movement behaviors and body mass index: comparison between a report-based and monitor-based method using Compositional Data Analysis. Int J Obes (Lond), 45(1), 266-275.
- Podlog LBurns RDimmock JAJackson BHall MSFritz JM (2021). Does motivation mediate the relationship between competence perceptions and patient outcomes among individuals with chronic low back pain? A multiple mediation analysis. Disabil Rehabil, 43(7), 953-959.
- Fu YBurns RDBrusseau TAZhang PConstantino N (2021). Influence of meeting weekday and weekend step count recommendations on weight statusin children. J Sports Sci, 39(7), 808-814.
- Burns RDPfledderer CDFu Y (2021). The neighbourhood social environment correlates with meeting 24-hmovement behaviour recommendations in females: A cross-sectional study using the 2019 national survey of children’s health. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab, 46(4), 408-411.
- Reuter CPBrand Cde Castro Silveira JFde Borba Schneiders LRenner JDPBorfe LBurns RD (2021). Reciprocal longitudinal relationship between fitness, fatness, and metabolic syndrome in brazilian children and adolescents: A 3-year longitudinal study. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 33(2), 74-81.
- Vargos CWilliams SMHenninger MLColeman MMBurns R (2021). The effects of single-sex versus coeducational physical education on american junior high PE students' physical activity levels and self-competence. Biomed Hum Kinet, 13(1), 170-176.
- Putnam TNewton MBrusseau TBurns RZiegenfuss DFranklin J (2021). The Preservice Teacher Competency Performance Scale: A Standards-Based Assessment Scale to Track Teacher Competency During a PETE Preparation Program. J Phys Educ Recreat Dance, 92(6), 28-33.
- Burns RD, Bai Y, Pfledderer CD, Brusseau TA, Byun W (2020). Movement behaviors and perceived loneliness and sadness within alaskan adolescents. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 17(18), 1-13.
- Mattson REBurns RDBrusseau TAMetos JMJordan KC (2020). Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programming and Health Behavior Knowledge. Front Public Health, 8.
- Burns RD, Colotti TE, Pfledderer CD, Fu Y, Bai Y, Byun W (2020). Familial factors associating with youth physical activity using a national sample. Children (Basel), 7(7).
- Podlog L, Heil J, Burns RD, Fawver B, Iriye T, Bergeson S, Williams AM (2020). A cognitive behavioral intervention for collegiate athletes with injuries. . Sport Psychol, 34(2), 111-121.
- Greviskes LEPodlog LBurns RDJackson BDimmock JNewton MDibble LEPillow W (2020). Caring Rehabilitation Climate, the Tripartite Efficacy Framework, and Adherence to Rehabilitation Programs among Individuals with Parkinson's Disease: A Multiple Mediation Analysis. J Geriatr Phys Ther, 43(3), E16-E24.
- Podlog LWHeil JBurns RDBergeson SIriye TFawver BWilliams AM (2020). A cognitive behavioral intervention for college athletes with injuries. Sport Psychol, 34(2), 111-121.
- Dastous EPodlog LBurns RNewton MFawver B (2020). Perceived competence, achievement goals, and return-to-sport outcomes: A mediation analysis. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 17(9).
- Burns RDBrusseau TAPfledderer CDFu Y (2020). Sports Participation Correlates With Academic Achievement: Results From a Large Adolescent Sample Within the 2017 U.S. National Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Percept Mot Skills, 127(2), 448-467.
- Wahl-Alexander Z, Brusseau TA, Burns RD (2020). Changes in daily step counts and health-related fitness in boys after a residential summer camp. . Schole: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education, 35(2), 75-81.
- Burns RDBai YFu YBrusseau TA (2020). Associations of adolescent lifestyle behaviors with body mass index within a nationally representative sample of US adolescents: a quantile regression analysis. Public Health, 179, 51-58.
- Nam K, Ringenbach SDR, Brusseau TA, Burns RD, Braden BB, Lee CD, Henderson HL (2020). Immediate reinforcement increased duration of time riding the stationary bicycle in children with autism spectrum disorder: a pilot study. Int J Dev Disabil.
- Brusseau TABurns RDFu YGlenn Weaver R (2019). Impact of Year-Round and Traditional School Schedules on Summer Weight Gain and Fitness Loss. Child Obes, 15(8), 541-547.
- Wahl-Alexander Z, Brusseau TA, Burns RD (2019). Physical activity levels and changes in health-related fitness in residential summer camp counselors. . J Park Recreat Admi, 37(4).
- Phillips DSHannon JCGregory BBBurns RD (2019). Effect of vigorous physical activity on executive control in middle-school students. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 16(20).
- Zhang PBurns RDFu YGodin SByun W (2019). Agreement between the apple series 1, lifetrak core C200, and fitbit charge HR with indirect calorimetry for assessing treadmill energy expenditure. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 16(20).
- Phillips DS, Gregory B, Hart JL, Arville P, Dilworth Q, Burns RD (2019). Effect of acute vigorous physical activity on cognitive control in college-aged students. . International Journal of Kinesiology in Higher Education, 3(4), 106-116.
- Burns RD, Byun W, Brusseau TA (2019). Gross motor skills predict classroom behavior in lower income children. . Front Sports Act Living.
- Burns RD (2019). Enjoyment, self-efficacy, and physical activity within parent-adolescent dyads: Application of the actor-partner interdependence model. Prev Med, 126.
- Fu YBurns RDConstantino NFitzsimmons JZhang P (2019). Effect of the Resistance Exercise on Elementary School Students’ Physical Fitness. Journal of Science in Sport and Exercise, 1(2), 184-191.
- Fu YBurns RDGomes ESavignac AConstantino N (2019). Trends in sedentary behavior, physical activity, and motivation during a classroom-based active video game program. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 16(16).
- Burns RD, Li L, Brusseau TA (2019). Cardiorespiratory endurance and mathematics performance: A mediation analysis. International Journal of Kinesiology in Higher Education, 3(4), 117-127.
- Fu Y, Burns RD, Gomes E, Hsu Y, Gao Z (2019). Young children’s school day sedentary behavior and physical activity in interactive versus non-interactive active video game. . Journal of Teaching, Research, and Media in Kinesiology.
- Pfledderer CDBurns RDBrusseau TA (2019). School environment, physical activity, and sleep as predictors of suicidal ideation in adolescents: Evidence from a national survey. J Adolesc, 74, 83-90.
- Yi XFu YBurns RDing M (2019). Weight status, physical fitness, and health-related quality of life among Chinese adolescents: A cross-sectional study. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 16(13).
- Greviskes LEPodlog LNewton MDibble LEBurns RDPillow WHall MSHammer C (2019). Caring Interactions in Secondary Prevention Programs: A Qualitative Inquiry of Individuals with Parkinson's Disease. J Geriatr Phys Ther, 42(3), 167-175.
- Brusseau TABurns RDHannon JC (2019). Trends in Sedentary and Physical Activity Behaviors in Incarcerated Adolescent Boys During a Sports, Play, and Recreation for Kids Program. Am J Health Promot, 33(5), 760-763.
- Burns RDPfledderer CDBrusseau TA (2019). Active transport, not device use, associates with self-reported school week physical activity in adolescents. Behav Sci (Basel), 9(3).
- McKown HB, Brusseau TA, Burns RD, Galli N (2019). The effect of physical education teacher appearance on student physical activity. . The Physical Educator, 76(2).
- Burns RDFu YZhang P (2019). Resistance training and insulin sensitivity in youth: A meta-analysis. Am J Health Behav, 43(2), 228-242.
- Burns RFu YConstantino N (2019). Measurement agreement in percent body fat estimates among laboratory and field assessments in college students: Use of equivalence testing. PLoS One, 14(3).
- Yi XFu YBurns RBai YZhang P (2019). Body mass index and physical fitness among Chinese adolescents from Shandong Province: A cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 19(1).
- Pfledderer CD, Burns RD, Brusseau TA (2019). Association between access to electronic devices in the home environment and cardiorespiratory fitness in children. Children (Basel), 6(1).
- Fu Y, Burns RD, Clements-Nolle K, Yang, W (2019). Associations between selected dietary behaviors and physical activity in adolescents. . Health Behav Policy Rev, 6(1), 79-87.
- Christensen JCMiller CJBurns RDWest HS (2019). Effect of physical therapy visits on clinical outcomes following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with and without concurrent meniscal repair. J Sport Rehabil, 28(1), 24-32.
- England ABrusseau TBurns RKoester DNewton MThiese MChase B (2019). The cognitive structure of the basketball free throw in adolescent physical education students. Motor Control, 23(4), 472-484.
- Burns RDKim YByun WBrusseau TA (2019). Associations of school day sedentary behavior and physical activity with gross motor skills: Use of compositional data analysis. J Phys Act Health, 16(10), 811-817.
- Burns RFu YBrusseau TClements-Nolle KYang W (2018). Relationships among physical activity, sleep duration, diet, and academic achievement in a sample of adolescents. Prev Med Rep, 12, 71-74.
- Brusseau TBurns R (2018). Children’s weight gain and cardiovascular fitness loss over the summer. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 15(12).
- Fu YBurns R (2018). Gross motor skills and school day physical activity: Mediating effect of perceived competence. J Mot Learn Dev, 6(2), 287-300.
- Burns RFu Y (2018). Testing the motor competence and health-related variable conceptual model: A path analysis. J Funct Morphol Kinesiol, 3(4).
- Brusseau TBurns R (2018). Physical Activity, Health-Related Fitness, and Classroom Behavior in Children: A Discriminant Function Analysis. Res Q Exerc Sport, 89(4), 411-417.
- Fu YBurns RConstantino NZhang P (2018). Differences in Step Counts, Motor Competence, and Enjoyment between an Exergaming Group and a Non-Exergaming Group. Games Health J, 7(5), 335-340.
- Fu YBurns R (2018). Effect of an Active Video Gaming Classroom Curriculum n Health-Related Fitness, School Day Step Counts, and Motivation in Sixth Graders. J Phys Act Health, 15(9), 644-650.
- Brusseau TBurns R (2018). The Physical Activity Leader and Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program Effectiveness. Biomed Hum Kinet, 10(1), 127-133.
- Brusseau TAHannon JCFu YFang YNam KGoodrum SBurns RD (2018). Trends in physical activity, health-related fitness, and gross motor skills in children during a two-year comprehensive school physical activity program. J Sci Med Sport, 21(8), 828-832.
- Daniels PBurns RDBrusseau TAHall MSDavidson LAdams TDEisenman P (2018). Effect of a randomised 12-week resistance training programme on muscular strength, cross-sectional area and muscle quality in women having undergone Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. J Sports Sci, 36(5), 529-535.
- Brusseau T, Burns R, Hannon J (2018). Physical activity and health-related fitness of adolescents within the juvenile justice system. Biomed Res Int, 2018.
- Burns RBrusseau TFu YZhang P (2018). Development of Step-Count Cut Points for School-Day Vigorous Physical Activity. Biomed Res Int, 2018.
- Zhang PFu YBurns RGodin S (2018). Effect of efitbuddy on promoting physical activity and motivation in college students. Journal of Human Sport and Exercise, 13(4), 799-809.
- Kirkham-King M, Brusseau T, Hannon J, Castelli D, Hilton K, Burns R (2017). Elementary physical education: A focus on fitness activities and smaller class sizes are associated with higher levels of physical activity. Prev Med Rep, 8, 135-139.
- Kulinna PRamirez EJahn JCothran DBurns RKloeppel T (2017). Predictors of Native American children's perceived status of health and physical shape. J Appl Biobehav Res, 22(4).
- Burns RDFu YFang YHannon JCBrusseau TA (2017). Effect of a 12-Week Physical Activity Program on Gross Motor Skills in Children. Percept Mot Skills, 124(6), 1121-1133.
- Miller CJChristensen JCBurns RD (2017). Influence of demographics and utilization of physical therapy interventions on clinical outcomes and revision rates following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 47(11), 834-844.
- Burns RFu YHannon JBrusseau T (2017). School physical activity programming and gross motor skills in children. Am J Health Behav, 41(5), 591-598.
- Burns RBrusseau THannon J (2017). Effect of comprehensive school physical activity programming on cardiometabolic health markers in children from low-income schools. J Phys Act Health, 14(9), 671-676.
- Burns RBrusseau T (2017). Muscular strength and endurance and cardio-metabolic health in disadvantaged Hispanic children from the U.S. Prev Med Rep, 5, 21-26.
- Burns RBrusseau THannon J (2017). Multivariate Associations Among Health-Related Fitness, Physical Activity, and TGMD-3 Test Items in Disadvantaged Children From Low-Income Families. Percept Mot Skills, 124(1), 86-104.
- Burns RBrusseau TFu Y (2017). Influence of Goal Setting on Physical Activity and Cardiorespiratory Endurance in Low-Income Children Enrolled in CSPAP Schools. Am J Health Educ, 48(1), 32-40.
- Burns R, Brusseau T, Fu Y, Hannon J (2017). Gross motor skills and cardiometabolic risk in children: A mediation analysis. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 49(4), 746-751.
- Fu YBrusseau THannon JBurns R (2017). Effect of a 12-Week Summer Break on School Day Physical Activity and Health-Related Fitness in Low-Income Children from CSPAP Schools. J Environ Public Health, 2017.
- Brusseau TA, Burns RD, Hannon JC (2016). The effect of body composition, physical activity, and aerobic fitness on the physical activity and fitness knowledge of at-risk inner city children. . The Physical Educator, 73(4), 745.
- Weaver RCrimarco ABrusseau TWebster CBurns RHannon J (2016). Accelerometry-Derived Physical Activity of First Through Third Grade Children During the Segmented School Day. J Sch Health, 86(10), 726-733.
- Brusseau TABurns RDFu Y (2016). Contextual factors related to physical activity during daily middle school physical education. J Sci Med Sport, 19(9), 733-737.
- Burns RDBrusseau TAFang YFu YHannon JC (2016). Waist-to-height ratio, aerobic fitness, and cardiometabolic risk in Hispanic children from low-income U.S. schools. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 28(3), 388-396.
- Fang Y, Burns RD, Hannon JC, Brusseau TA (2016). Factors influencing muscular strength and endurance in disadvantaged children from low- income families. . International Journal of Exercise Science, 9(3), 306-317.
- Fu Y, Burns RD, Brusseau TA, Hannon JC (2016). Comprehensive school physical activity programming and activity enjoyment. Am J Health Behav, 40(4), 496-502.
- Burns RDBrusseau TAFu YHannon JC (2016). Establishing school day pedometer step count cut-points using ROC curves in low-income children. Prev Med, 86, 117-122.
- Fu YGao ZHannon JCBurns RDBrusseau TA (2016). Effect of the SPARK program on physical activity, cardiorespiratory endurance, and motivation in middle-school students. J Phys Act Health, 13(5), 534-542.
- Burns R, Hannon J, Brusseau T, Eisenman P, Shultz B, Saint-Maurice P, Welk G, Mahar M (2016). Development of an aerobic capacity prediction model from one-mile run/walk performance in adolescents aged 13-16 years. J Sports Sci, 34(1), 18-26.
- Smith C, Hannon JC, Brusseau TA, Fu Y, Burns RD (2016). Physical activity patterns during school leisure time in children. . International Journal of Kinesiology & Sports Science, 4(1).
- Burns RDBrusseau TAFu YMyrer RSHannon JC (2016). Comprehensive school physical activity programming and classroom behavior. Am J Health Behav, 40(1), 100-107.
- Brusseau THannon JBurns R (2016). The effect of a comprehensive school physical activity program on physical activity and health-related fitness in children from low-income families. J Phys Act Health, 13(8), 888-894.
- Burns RBrusseau TFang YFu YHannon J (2016). Establishing waist-to-height ratio standards from criterion-referenced BMI using ROC curves in low-income children. J Obes, 2016.
- Burns RD, Brusseau TA, Hannon JC (2015). Prediction of optimal daily step count achievement from segmented school physical activity. . Adv Public Health, 2015, 496248.
- Brusseau TBurns R (2015). Step count and MVPA compendium for middle school physical education activities. Journal of Physical Education and Sport, 15(4), 646-650.
- Burns RBrusseau THannon J (2015). Effect of a comprehensive school physical activity program on school day step counts in children. J Phys Act Health, 12(12), 1536-1542.
- Saint-Maurice PWelk GBurns RPlowman SCorbin CHannon J (2015). The criterion-referenced validity of the FITNESSGRAM Trunk-Extension test. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 55(10), 1252-1263.
- Burns RDBrusseau TAFu YHannon JC (2015). Predictors and trends of gross motor skill performance in at-risk elementary school-aged children. Percept Mot Skills, 121(1), 284-299.
- Burns RDHannon JCBrusseau TAEisenman PASaint-Maurice PFWelk GJMahar MT (2015). Cross-validation of aerobic capacity prediction models in adolescents. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 27(3), 404-411.
- Burns RDBrusseau TAHannon JC (2015). Physical activity trajectories during daily middle school physical education. J Phys Act Health, 12(7), 982-989.
- Burns RDBrusseau TAFang YMyrer RSFu YHannon JC (2015). Predictors and grade level trends of school day physical activity achievement in low-income children from the U.S. Prev Med Rep, 2, 868-873.
- Burns RD, Hannon JC, Allen B, Brusseau TA (2014). Convergent validity of the one-mile run and PACER VO2 max prediction models in middle school students. . Sage Open, 4(1), 1-8.
- Allen BHannon JBurns RWilliams S (2014). Effect of a core conditioning intervention on tests of trunk muscular endurance in school-aged children. J Strength Cond Res, 28(7), 2063-2070.
- Burns RHannon JBrusseau TShultz BEisenman P (2013). Indices of abdominal adiposity and cardiorespiratory fitness test performance in middle-school students. J Obes, 2013.
- Pfledderer CD, Kwon S, Strehli I, Byun W, Burns RD (2022). The Effects of Playground Interventions on Accelerometer-Assessed Physical Activity in Pediatric Populations: A Meta-Analysis. [Review]. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 19(6).
- Strehli IBurns RDBai YZiegenfuss DHBlock MEBrusseau TA (2021). Mind–body physical activity interventions and stress-related physiological markers in educational settings: A systematic review and meta-analysis. [Review]. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18(1), 1-24.
- Burns RDBai YBrusseau TA (2020). Physical Activity and Sports Participation Associates with Cognitive Functioning and Academic Progression: An Analysis Using the Combined 2017–2018 National Survey of Children’s Health. [Review]. J Phys Act Health, 17(12), 1197-1204.
- Burns RDBai YFu YPfledderer CDBrusseau TA (2019). Parent engagement and support, physical activity, and academic performance (PESPAAP): A proposed theoretical model. [Review]. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 16(23).
- Burns R (2019). Energy balance-related factors associating with adolescent weight loss intent: Evidence from the 2017 National Youth Risk Behavior Survey. [Review]. BMC Public Health, 19(1).
- Burns RBrusseau TFu Y (2018). Moderators of school-based physical activity interventions on cardiorespiratory endurance in primary school-aged children: A meta-regression. [Review]. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 15(8).
- Burns RFu YPodlog L (2017). School-based physical activity interventions and physical activity enjoyment: A meta-analysis. [Review]. Prev Med, 103, 84-90.
Book Chapter
- Brusseau TABurns RD (2020). Introduction to multicomponent school-based physical activity programs. In Brusseau TA|Burns RD (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Youth Physical Activity (pp. 557-576).
- Burns RD (2020). Public Health Implications of the Dose–Response Association Between Physical Activity and Cardiometabolic Health in Young Adults. J Adolesc Health, 67(2), 155-156.
- Bai Y, Burns RD, Byun W (2022). Psychosocial and environmental correlates of adolescent physical activity during COVID-19. [Abstract]. 44, S64-S65.
- Burns RD, Bai Y, Welk GJ, Byun W, Brusseau TA (2022). Physical activity-physical education enjoyment discordance and segmented physical activity. [Abstract]. 93, A58-A58.
- Burns RD, Byun W, Fu Y, Mihalopoulos N (2022). Adolescent sexual identity-behavior discordance and prevalence of 24-hour movement behaviors. [Abstract]. 93, A34–A35.
- Fu Y, Burns RD, Zhang P, Dyer S, Yang S, Constantino N (2022). Associations of adolescent bullying victimization with meeting 24-hour movement behaviors. [Abstract]. 93, A36-A36.
- Dyer S, Burns RD, Constantino N, Zhang P, Fu Y (2022). Trends in physical activity during a 5-week outdoor adventure camp. [Abstract]. 93, A68-A69.
- Tobin S, Halliday TM, Burns RD, Qeadan F, Baron KG (2021). Factors influencing physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic in adults from Utah. [Abstract]. 53(8S), 207-207.
- Bai Y, Burns RD, Gell N, Tang S, Wetter, D (2021). Effect of a lifestyle intervention to promote physical activity in adult pre-hypertensive and hypertensive patients. [Abstract]. 53(8S), 235-235.
- Burns RD, Brusseau TA, Fu Y, Bai Y, Byun W (2021). Segmented school physical activity and weight status in children: Application of compositional data analysis. [Abstract]. 53(8S), 184-184.
- Pfledderer CD, Burns RD, Byun W, Carson RL, Welk GJ, Brusseau TA (2021). School-based physical activity interventions in rural and urban/suburban communities: A systematic review and meta-analysis. [Abstract]. 92, A-13-A-129.
- Strehli I, Burns RD, Bai Y, Ziegenfuss DH, Block M, Brusseau TA (2021). Mind-body physical activity interventions and stress-related physiological markers in educational settings: Systematic review and meta-analysis. [Abstract]. 92, A-13=A-129.
- Burns RD, Colotti TE, Pfledderer CD, Fu Y, Bai Y, Byun W (2021). Familial factors associating with physical activity in children and adolescents: An analysis using the combined 2017-2018 National Survey of Children’s Health. [Abstract]. 92, A-13-A-129.
- Burns RD, Pfledderer CD, Fu Y, Colotti TE, Byun W, Bai Y, Brusseau TA (2021). Bidirectional relationships of physical activity and gross motor skills before and after summer break: Application of a cross-lagged panel model. [Abstract]. 92, A-13-A-129.
- Bai Y, Burns RD, Copeland W, Adams Z, Lerner M, Rettew J, Hudziak J (2020). Physical activity and its association with other wellness and risk behaviors from a college sample. [Abstract]. 52(S5), S215.
- Brusseau TA, Burns RD, Fu Y (2020). Relating lifestyle factors to adolescent non-prescription steroid use. [Abstract]. 52(S5), S95.
- Burns RD, Bai Y, Fu Y, Brusseau TA (2020). Associations of lifestyle behaviors with body mass index in adolescents: A Quantile regression analysis. [Abstract]. 52(S5), S342-S343.
- Fu Y, Burns RD, Zhang P, Hsu Y-W, Constantino N (2020). Motivation, segmented physical activity, sedentary behavior, and weight status in adolescents: A path analysis. [Abstract]. 52(S5), S218.
- Pfledderer CD, Hu Q, McCarty RL, Burns RD (2020). Lifestyle characteristics as predictors of adolescent sleep duration: Evidence from a national survey. [Abstract]. 52(S5), S527.
- Leinweber S, Williams SM, Jones EM, Henninger ML, Burns R (2020). PA and skill levels in coed and same-sex PE during invasion games [Abstract]. 91, A-102.
- Strehli I, Kwon S, Pfledderer C, Burns RD (2020). Effect of playground interventions on accelerometer-assessed physical activity in pediatric populations. [Abstract]. 91, A-50.
- Pfledderer CD, Burns RD, Byun W, Carson RL, Welk GJ, Brusseau TA (2020). Parent and child perceptions of barriers to school active commuting. [Abstract]. 91, A-50.
- Burns RD (2020). Enjoyment, self-efficacy, and physical activity within parent-adolescent dyads. [Abstract]. 91, A-29.
- Burns RD, Fu Y, Brusseau TA (2020). Sports participation independently associates with academic achievement among adolescents. [Abstract]. 91, A-50.
- Fu Y, Burns RD, Gomes E, Hsu Y-WJ (2020). Young children’s school day sedentary behavior and physical activity in interactive versus traditional active video game. [Abstract]. 91, A-50.
- Fu Y, Burns RD, Gomes E, Savignac A (2020). Trends in sedentary behavior, physical activity, and motivation during a classroom-based Active Video Game program. [Abstract]. 91, A-50.
- Burns RD, Kim Y, Byun W, Brusseau TA (2019). Associations among school day sedentary behavior, physical activity, and motor skills: A compositional data analysis. [Abstract]. 49(S5), S289.
- Williams S, Hannon JC, Burns RD (2019). Junior high PE students’ tactical knowledge in four sport units. [Abstract]. 90(S1), A-118.
- Putnam T, Burns RD, Brusseau TA, Henderson H, Ziegenfuss D, French R (2019). A needs assessment to determine how PETE University faculty evaluate pre-service teacher competency. [Abstract]. 90(S1), A-145.
- Zhang P, Fu Y, Burns RD, Brett C (2019). Associations among assessments of body composition with cardiorespiratory endurance, in adolescents. [Abstract]. 90(S1), A-21.
- Brusseau TA, Burns RD (2019). Weight gain and fitness loss of children over the summer. [Abstract]. 90(S1), A-33.
- Burns RD, Fu Y, Brusseau TA, Yang W, Clements-Nolle K (2019). Relationships among physical activity, sleep duration, and academic achievement in a representative sample of adolescents [Abstract]. 90(S1), A-145.
- Fu Y, Burns RD, Yang W, Clements-Nolle K (2019). Associations between selected dietary behaviors and physical activity in adolescents. [Abstract]. 90(S1), A-33.
- Ryan Burns (04/17/2019). Relationships among physical activity, sleep duration, and academic achievement in a representative sample of adolescents. [Abstract]. Res Q Exerc Sport.
- Fu Y, Burns RD, Brusseau TA, Constantino N (2018). A cluster analysis and validation of health-related fitness tests in college students. [Abstract]. 50(5S), 406-407.
- Brusseau TA, Burns RD (2018). Development of step count count points for school day sedentary behavior. [Abstract]. 50(5S), 291.
- Zhang P, Fu Y, Burns RD, Godin S (2018). Effect of a smartphone-based intervention on adults’ physical activity, self-efficacy, and enjoyment. [Abstract]. 50(5S), 51-52.
- Fu Y, Burns RD, Constantino N, Zhang P (2018). Effect of exergaming program on physical activity, motor skill, and enjoyment in preschool children. [Abstract]. 89, A4-A207.
- Constantino N, Rodrigues K, Fu Y, Burns RD (2018). Effect of AVG on youth's physical activity, fitness, and motivation. [Abstract].
- Fu Y, Rodriguez K, Burns RD (2018). Physical activity and motor skills: Mediating effect of perceived competence. [Abstract]. 89, A4-A207.
- McKown H, Brusseau TA, Burns RD, Galli N (2018). Relationship between teacher appearance and student physical activity in elementary physical education. [Abstract]. 89, A4-A207.
- Mattson RE, Brusseau TA, Burns RD, Metos JM, Jordan KC (2018). Changes in physical activity/nutrition knowledge and enjoyment in CSPAP schools. [Abstract]. 89, A4-A207.
- Brusseau TA, Hannon JC, Burns RD (2018). Director of physical education and changes in physical activity from a CSPAP. [Abstract]. 89, A4-A207.
- Brusseau TA, Hannon JC, Burns RD (2018). Effect of SPARK on segmented physical activity in incarcerated adolescents. [Abstract]. 89, A4-A207.
- Burns RD, Brusseau TA (2018). Trends in estimated aerobic capacity over a two-year CSPAP. [Abstract]. 89, A4-A207.
- Burns RD, Fu Y (2018). Meta-Analysis of school-based physical activity interventions on physical activity enjoyment. [Abstract]. 89, A4-A207.
- Fu Y, Brusseau TA, Burns RD (2018). Trends in physical activity enjoyment in CSPAP schools. [Abstract]. 89, A4-A207.
- Brusseau TA, Burns RD (2017). School day physical activity and classroom behavior in disadvantaged children. [Abstract]. 49(5S), 893.
- Phillips DS, Gregory B, Hart JL, Dilworth Q, Arville P, Burns RD (2017). Effect of physical activity on cognitive control in college-aged students. [Abstract]. 49(5S), 211.
- Burns RD, Brusseau TA (2017). Muscular strength and endurance and cardio-metabolic health in low-income Hispanic children. [Abstract]. 49(5S), 969.
- Fu Y, Brusseau TA, Hannon JC, Fang Y, Burns RD (2017). Effect of CSPAP on disadvantaged children’s enjoyment over one year [Abstract]. 88, A33.
- King MK, Brusseau TA, Burns RD (2017). Contextual factors related to MVPA during elementary physical education. [Abstract].
- Brusseau TA, Burns RD, Hannon JC (2017). Effect of CSPAP on TGMD-3 scores in disadvantaged children. [Abstract]. 88, A53-A54.
- Burns RD, Brusseau TA, Fu Y, Hannon JC (2017). Effect of CSPAP on cardio-metabolic health markers in disadvantaged children. [Abstract]. 88, A75.
- Burns RD, Fu Y, Brusseau TA (2017). Physical activity leader goal setting during a CSPAP intervention. [Abstract]. 88, A97.
- Brusseau TA, Burns RD, Fang Y, Fu Y, Goodrum S, Norris N, Hannon JC (2017). Findings and lessons learned from a 2-year Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program. [Abstract]. 88, A6.