I am from rural Missouri and lived in many small towns most people have never heard of. I went to medical school at ATSU-KCOM and in my 3rd year I moved to Utah for my clinical rotations. I loved it so much here that I decided to stay for residency. I spent two years as a Psychiatry resident and during my off-service rotation on Emergency Medicine, I realized that I had chosen the wrong field. After much consideration, I decided to change paths and I am delighted to continue my career journey at the University of Utah for my Emergency Medicine Residency! I have felt extremely supported by this program and I appreciated how much the faculty really fostered my love for EM and spent time teaching me even though I was an off-service resident. I love nature, hiking with my dog, backpacking, snowboarding, and I throw great Halloween parties. I am married and my husband and I are expecting to start our family in October this year!