About Me
Title: President School of Medicine Alumni Relations Advisory Board
A native to Salt Lake City, Eric completed his undergraduate education at Stanford and returned to Utah to obtain his medical degree at the University of Utah Medical Center. The next 6 years were spent in Seattle continuing his medical education with an Orthopedic Surgery Residency and a Fellowship in Hand & Microsurgery at the University of Washington/ HarborviewMedical. He has published a number of scientific papers and book chapters. Since returning to Utah, his practice has been at St. Mark’s Hospital for the past 22 years. He was also adjunct faculty at the University of Utah, Department of Orthopedics, for 10 years as well as being the Director for the HCA Family Practice Residency Orthopedic rotation. He continues to serve on committees for the American Society for Surgery of the Hand and for the Utah Labor Commission, and recently completed 12 years on the Medical Executive Committee at St. Mark’s Hospital where he also served as Medical Staff President for 2 years.