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  1. Raphael KL, Wei G, Baird BC, Greene T, Beddhu S.  Higher serum bicarbonate levels within the normal range are associated with better survival and renal outcomes in African Americans.  Kidney Int 79(3):356-52, 2011.
  2. Raphael KL, Zhang Y, Wei G, Greene T, Cheung AK, Beddhu S.  Serum bicarbonate and mortality in adults in NHANES III.  Nephrol Dial Transplant.  2013 Jan 24 [Epub ahead of print].
  3. Raphael KL, Cheung AK.  Implications of the frequent hemodialysis network-daily trial.  Semin Dial 24(6):621-8, 2011.
  4. Raphael KL, Wei G, Baird BC, Greene T, Beddhu S.  Cognitive function and the risk of death in chronic kidney disease.  Am J Neph 35(1):49-57, 2012.
  5. Raphael KL, Strait K, Stricklett PK, Miller RL, Nelson RD, Piontek KB, Germino GG, Kohan DE.  Inactivation of Pkd1 in principal cells causes a more severe cystic kidney disease than in intercalated cells. Kidney International 75(6):626-33, 2009.
  6. Raphael KL, Strait KA, Stricklett PK, Baird BC, Piontek K, Germino GG, Kohan DE.  Effect of pioglitazone on survival and renal function in a mouse model of polycystic kidney disease.  American Journal of Nephrology 30:468-473, 2009.
  7. Damera S, Raphael KL, Baird BC, Cheung AK, Greene T, Beddhu S.  Serum alkaline phosphatase levels associate with elevated serum C-reactive protein in chronic kidney disease.  Kidney Int 79(2):228-33, 2011.
  8. Krishnamurthy VM, Wei G, Baird BC, Murtaugh M, Chonchol MB, Raphael KL, Greene T, Beddhu S.  High dietary fiber intake is associated with decreased inflammation and all-cause mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease.  Kidney Int 81(3):300-306, 2012
  9. Krishnamurthy VR, Baird BC, Wei G, Greene T, Raphael K, Beddhu S.  Associations of serum alkaline phosphatase with metabolic syndrome and mortality.  Am J Med 124(6):566.e1-7, 2011.
  10. Roos KP, Strait KA, Raphael KL, Blount MA, Kohan DE.  Collecting duct-specific knockout of adenylyl cyclist type VI causes a urinary concentration defect in mice.  Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 302(1):F78-84, 2012.
  11. Filipowicz R, Greene T, Wei G, Cheung AK, Raphael KL, Baird BC, Beddhu S.  Associations of serum skeletal alkaline phosphatase with elevated C-reactive protein and mortality.  Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 8(1):26-32, 2013.

Kalani Raphael, MD

Associate Professor, Nephrology & Hypertension