Our Mission
Resident Engagement & Training for Underserved and Rural Needs (RETURN) program aims to enhance the experiences and exposure of GME trainees to rural and underserved healthcare needs in Utah. We work to develop and expand partnerships between residency programs and community partner sites to provide 2-6 week rural/underserved rotations for trainees. RETURN is striving to have 50 residents on 50 rotations in the next few years.
We are proud to share with you, our annual RETURN report summarizing our efforts and results.

Application support- Programs interested in sending trainees on rural/underserved rotations must submit a RETURN application. Your RETURN application will also serve as the GMEC application for a new rotaton(s). Our team is available to help walk you through the application process start to finish. We can also help connect you with rural clinical sites or with resources for the Program letters of Agreement (PLA) process.
Funding - RETURN funds GME residents and fellow's salary & benefits, housing and travel during their approved rural/underserved rotation. The RETURN team will provide housing accomodations for trainees during their rural rotations as well as reimburses for the cost of travel.
Wellness- Our GME wellness team supports our trainees by offering wellness check-ins to prepare for and understand the expectations of upcoming rotations, assess burnout and provide wellness resources.
Resident-as-Teacher online elective- Dr. Kathleen Timme offers a 4 week Trainee-as-Teacher elective experience for residents and fellows, on RETURN rotations, who are interested in improving their teaching skills. This course will feature 4 online modules consisting of a video, podcast episode, and article to review. There will also be "experiential learning" opportunities that involve teaching a patient and teaching your clinical team while receiving valuable real-time feedback. Trainees that complete the elective course will receive a certificate of completion and are offered an additional RETURN rotation opportunity paired with a medical student to apply their new teaching skills.
Participating GME Programs
Community Partner Sites
- Ashley Regional Medical Center
- Mountain West Medical Center
- Uintah Basin Medical Center
- Utah Navajo Health System
- Blanding Family Practice
- Montezuma Creek Community Health Center
- Monument Valley Community Health Center
- St. George Regional Medical Center
Trainee Experience
"I was given a lot of autonomy, which helped me build confidence in my clinical decision-making, and I got to see some unique presentations of illnesses that also taught me a lot. It was a fun and rewarding experience, and I enjoyed working with both physicians and mid level providers at multiple sites." - Dr. Tang, Jan '20
"I enjoyed the challenge and opportunity of leading resuscitations of neonates in a more independent way. I also had the opportunity to perform several in office procedures I had not been exposed to previously (ex. nexplanon placement and removal, Botox injections for migraine headache, IUD insertion/removal). I felt very much appreciated by both patients and colleagues which was motivating. Finally, our clinic hosted a “teddy bear clinic” for children to learn about in office vaccines, procedures, and tools in a fun setting with toys and Disney characters in an effort to assuage fears about coming to see the doctor. It was so cute!" - Dr.Turnage, Sept '20