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Sarah Stone

Sarah Stone, MD

  • About Me

    Sarah grew up in sunny Florida but was anxious to escape the heat and humidity and moved to Virginia to attend the University of Mary Washington for college. There she became interested in molecular microbiology and had the opportunity to participate in an externship at the Virginia state lab in Richmond. She continued to work at the lab after graduating and eventually started volunteering at the Scottish Rite Childhood Language Center where she interacted with children with all sorts of speech and language disorders. This experience was a major part of her inspiration for applying to medical school. Her best memories from Wake Forest in North Carolina were the patients she saw on her neurology rotations and the mentors she worked with. With the mountains nearby, she spent many weekends in Boone hiking and exploring, and when she was in Winston-Salem she spent her free time running and doing yoga. Sarah fell in love with the U of U when she interviewed and loves Salt Lake City!

    Medical Areas of Interest

    Pretty much all of neurology right now but would like to explore stroke, neuro-ophthalmology, and neuro ID further

  • Education history

    University of Mary Washington B.S.
    Wake Forest University School of Medicine M.D.
    University of Utah Neurology