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Sylvia Tawiah-Eshun

Sylvia Tawiah-Eshun, MB ChB

  • About Me

    After completing medical school, Sylvia worked as a clinician in her home country, Ghana. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she worked in molecular science to help develop and validate cheaper diagnostic testing for SARS-COV-2, evaluate the anti-viral efficacy of specific medications against COVID-19, and conduct nationwide seroprevalence of COVID-19. She currently works on the quality evaluation of data for healthcare improvement. She has a strong commitment to closing gaps in health disparities, promoting health, and enhancing the well-being of underserved populations. She has served as a co-leader in organizing health outreach programs for underserved populations while she was a medical student and medical practitioner. Currently, she is collaborating on the Advancing Menstrual Equity project at the Yale School of Public Health. Outside of schoolwork and research, Sylvia enjoys watching fantasy movies and series. She aims to be a fitness enthusiast by the end of 2024.