Message from the Chair:
With the appearance of Spring comes the arrival of a brand-new class of EM Residents and Fellows! I am so grateful for the Education and Fellowship teams for the extraordinary efforts that go into application review, interviews and ranking. Year after year, their hard work has consistently resulted in attracting amazing people who come to Utah for training. And, what follows, is one of the most satisfying things imaginable... To watch those around us flourish and grow, become even more accomplished and confident... it truly is part of the heart and soul of what we do. Our Department's commitment to mentorship not only elevates our trainees, but extends to many of our amazing staff who also 'grow up' in our department, starting as HUC's or EMT's and coming back to us as RN's, nursing leaders, APC's, or physicians. This is a joy that cannot be quantified... and is the result of a culture that looks to elevate the people around them. Our ED staff are key to not only training the fantastic nurses and EMT's of tomorrow, but they are also an integral part of our trainee education. Importantly, many of these lessons are centered around effective teamwork and developing a deep appreciation that we cannot do our jobs alone. With the arrival of new friends, also come the impending departure of our graduating residents. The 'happy & sad' months... happy as our seniors take their next steps, but so very sad to see them go. Their final shifts in the Department bring the elation of new opportunity, the satisfaction of being able to rule the board and move the department, but also the humility to recognize the learning curve doesn't flatten anytime soon, at least for those first few years out of training. For this year's graduating seniors, the last few years have been a different journey... years filled with more than the usual amount of uncertainty and change. The chaos has likely caused many of us to reflect on the intensity of what we do every day, yet it has also taught us the importance of what we do each day. For those leaving us, I hope you take with you a greater appreciation of all that surrounds you; your family, friends, colleagues, and the beauty of the place you call home. Additionally, I hope that these experiences will cement in the acknowledgement that challenges can be the source of great opportunity, and that when we work together towards a common goal, we can accomplish very difficulty things. I hope you will all join me in congratulating our departing senior class and welcoming in a new class of bright and talented young physicians! Please read on to enjoy the Departmental highlights from the last few months! -Christy Hopkins, MD Professor and Department Chair |