Our Well-Being Mission Statement
The OB/GYN Department is committed to promoting the well-being of our faculty, trainees, and staff from a holistic perspective through social activities promoting connection, protected time and resources optimizing mental health and psychological well-being, social advocacy for historically discriminated members of our community, and systematic change to foster collaboration, efficiency, and purpose in our workplace.
Supporting Resident Well-Being and Growth
Our departmental well-being committee works closely with administration to continually improve and evaluate resident well-being throughout the year.
Our residents are excellent teachers! The goal of our residents as teachers series is to share their secrets and help all to feel comfortable teaching in the most common clinical situations. Our well-being curriculum includes monthly sessions for residents facilitated by staff from the School of Medicine’s Resiliency Center, activities during ACOG well-being week, and our annual resident retreat. Check out our other well-being activities on our Instagram page.

Contact Us

Natalie Moore

Tasha Marcus

Abby Watson, MD

Susan Dalton, MD