About the inspire study
What is the INSPIRE study?
INSPIRE is a 7-year research study housed in the ELEVATE Center. The goal of the INSPIRE study is to develop and evaluate a dynamic intervention for healthcare provider teams to help them deliver high-quality, respectful care for individuals with substance use disorder who are giving birth.
What will the INSPIRE intervention look like?
The INSPIRE intervention will be developed through a participatory process. We will seek input from community partners and regional hospitals to make sure the intervention meets the needs of stakeholders. We envision that INPSIRE will have multiple learning modules for providers, including both interactive online sessions and in-person team-based simulations. Modules will cover principles of caring for birthing individuals with substance use disorder, bias, burnout, and clinical empathy.
What is the timeline for the study?
2024: Conduct focus group discussions and interviews with providers and patients to identify key components for the INSPIRE intervention.
2025-26: Collaborate with hospitals across Utah to refine the curricular components of INSPIRE.
2026-27: Evaluate INSPIRE using a pre-post design with providers at The University of Utah.
2027-30: Collaborate with hospitals across the state to implement INSPIRE with their teams through robust training-of-trainer programs.
Who are our partners?
We are grateful for the cooperation of 7 hospitals across the state of Utah: University of Utah, Utah Valley, Moab Regional, Central Valley Medical Center, Castleview, Blue Mountain, and San Juan. We are working closely with the Elevate Community Advisory Board to ensure that the INSPIRE intervention meets the needs of providers and patients.
How can you get involved?
To learn more or to get involved in this study, please reach out to us.