What is Involved
If you agree to be in the study you will be asked to complete an enrollment survey online. On a weekly basis we will ask you to fill out a short survey via text message. During the study you’ll be asked to occasionally fill out surveys about influenza vaccination and COVID-19 vaccination. At the end of the study, we will ask you to complete an end-of-study survey.
Nasal Swabs:
We will provide you with a nasal swab kit and ask you to self-swab on a weekly basis (just the tip of your nose). Our study staff will pick up the specimens from your preferred location (i.e. home, workplace). The specimens will be sent to a CDC designated laboratory for analysis and you will be emailed your results. If you are positive for COVID-19, the Utah Department of Health mandates that we report all positive results to them.
Weekly Nasal Swab Kit
Blood Samples:
We will ask you to get your blood drawn for our study at the beginning, middle, and end of the study. Additional blood draws may be asked of you depending on COVID-19 infection and COVID-19 vaccine status.
We will ask for permission to look at medical records.