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Hiroaki Ishikawa

Hiroaki Ishikawa, PT, PhD

About Me

Dr. Ishikawa was born in Tokyo, Japan. He received a B.S. degree in Physical Therapy from International University of Health and Welfare (Japan) in 2008. After obtaining a physical therapy license, he started clinical career at Tohoku University Hospital (Japan). He gained clinical experience in orthopaedic field under the direction of Drs. Eiji Itoi (MD, PhD) and Nobuyuki Yamamoto (MD, PhD). In addition to clinical work, he continued to graduate school in 2010 and received a Ph.D. degree in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation from Tohoku University (Japan) under the mentorship of Drs. Shin-Ichi Izumi (MD, PhD) and Takayuki Muraki (PT, PhD) in 2015. He has worked as a research fellow in the ORL since December 2020. His research interests are biomechanics of the shoulder and elbow, and rehabilitation for shoulder disorders and sports injuries. He enjoys travelling, jogging, and skiing in his free time.