Creating the Next Generation of
Orthopaedic Leaders
Our full educational experience provides one of the most diverse learning opportunities in orthopaedics. This experience is possible because of our nationally recognized faculty, the faculty’s dedication to teaching, and all five training facilities which are located within the confines of Salt Lake City. These facilities, all located within a one mile radius, include University of Utah Hospital, Primary Children's Hospital, Shriners Hospital for Children, The Huntsman Cancer Institute and the Veteran Affairs Medical Center. It is rare to find a program that offers such an immense compilation of all specialties centrally located for residents.
Clinical Training
Each resident is selected because he or she has demonstrated outstanding promise and, therefore, justifies a five-year commitment of the facilities at the University of Utah and its affiliated hospitals and educators. Residents are given a broad exposure to outpatient clinics, the operating room and the emergency department. Clinical responsibility is given in accordance with the resident's ability to assume it. Supervision is always provided, but on an individual and graduated basis. Our educational experience leads to eligibility for certification by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery.
In addition to clinical education our program offers faculty lead weekly didactic conferences. Along with cadaver sessions, trauma series, and specialty conferences our formal didactic curriculum presents all aspects of orthopaedic surgery to residents. An approved clinical or basic science research project is required prior to graduation.

Program Highlights
- Graduate Performance
- All pass Part 1 (1st attempt for 20 straight years!)
- 30% academic faculty positions over last 15 years
- Resident Performance
- 95th percentile OITE nationally
- >40 Publications in last academic year
- Program Quality
- >90% top fellowship choice last 3 years
- Wellness Scores significantly higher than GME average
- Case Volumes ~75th percentile
Residents are required to attend outside conferences during PGY-2 through PGY-5 years. Attendance at conferences is covered by an educational stipend:
PGY-2: AO Fracture Basic
PGY-3: Non-industry educational course
PGY-4: Subspecialty Society course
PGY-5: American Academic of Orthopaedic Surgery Annual Meeting
Every year the department hosts an Alumni Reception at AAOS. All resident alumni are invited to attend and reconnect at the reception.
Program Benefits
In addition to the GME benefits standard to all residents at the University of Utah, the department also provides:
- Resident Academic Fund
- The department will pay for residents to present podium presentations of research completed at the University of Utah, one-time per project, at major national or society meetings
- Travel stipends are available for humanitarian work in underserved areas and for the PGY-5 elective time
- Residents have access to research funding through the Sherman S. Coleman Resident Research Fund