Skill Enhancement Program
Corporate Partner Chevron
TIME LINE: Two - Three years

PURPOSE: To assist Indonesian physicians in acquiring knowledge and skills regarding best practices in occupatinal medicine, public health and clinical care. Their expertise in then executed to better serve Chevron's employees, their families and surrounding communities.
OBJECTIVES: To train international general practice physicians with global knowledge and skill to support occupational and public health programs in Indonesia.
- Health care quality improvement meetings
- Course offerings provided by the Divisions of Public Health, Family Medicine, Physician Assistant, and Occupational and Environmental Health
- Clinical experiences at University of Utah Health Care facilities
The creation of "Healthy Indonesia 2010" forces the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare to forge collaborative relationships with others. As health is a shared responsibility, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare must involve all strata of the community, all related government departments and agencies, and the private sector. In the effort to achieve "Healthy Indonesia 2010," the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare must also be proactive and forward-thinking.
The 'Healthy Indonesia 2010' goals are:
- To initiate and lead a health orientation of the national development
- To maintain and enhance individual, family, and public health along with improving the environment
- To maintain and enhance quality, accessible, and affordable health services
- To promote public self-reliance in achieving government health