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The purpose of this project is to construct a longitudinal student-level database for educational and workforce research purposes.

Society demands accountability and effective medical education programs. There is a lack of data on medical learners to answer educational outcome questions. One solution is for education programs to a build longitudinal research database on their learners.

The University of Utah PA program admits 68 students per year educating them in the primary care model. No prior database exists to follow learners and answer educational and workforce research questions.

The study population will be UPAP students matriculated starting in 2019, with approximately 68 students entering each year, the total study population will approach 340 participants within 5 years. Data will be collected from the admissions application, grades throughout training and then surveys will be conducted upon matriculation, at one year, at graduation and then every two years following graduation. The majority of this data is already collected but not available for longitudinal study of learners.

IRB approval May 2019
PI: Jennifer Coombs
Contact for questions regarding this project: Shahpar Najmabadi at

Research Database