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Program Structure Overview

The University of Utah Rehabilitation Psychology Postdoctoral Fellowship Program is a 24-month full-time appointment at the University of Utah, School of Medicine. We anticipate having two fellows at a time – a first year fellow and a second year fellow. The fellow is expected to provide clinical services Monday through Friday during normal business hours, although schedule adjustments may be required to accommodate evening groups, shifted patient care hours, or other program activities. 

The total weekly time commitment is estimated at approx. 40-50 hours per week to the training program. However, completion of clinical and research duties may require additional hours. The fellow may be at the hospital, clinic, or medical center after hours to complete paperwork or research activities, but direct patient care should not be provided when a supervisor is not physically present or available. Telecommuting/remote work is an option at the discretion of the rotating supervisor(s) and University policy.

The fellow should be timely to all meetings and didactics and is responsible for keeping track of their training schedule through shared outlook calendar with primary supervisors and administrative assistant.

The University of Utah Rehabilitation Psychology Postdoctoral Fellowship Program is divided into two core rotations (inpatient and outpatient PM&R) and minor six-month rotations. Fellows will complete a minimum of one minor rotation in neuropsychology (inpatient and/or outpatient) and will have their choice of additional minor rotations (pending supervisor availability). While the program is focused heavily on rehabilitation psychology (up to 70% of clinical treatment time), up to 20% of the fellow’s time will be dedicated to further training in closely related fields of neuropsychology, bariatric health psychology, and primary care psychology. Project/Didactics time (research, program development, teaching, etc.) contributes 10-20% of fellow’s time.

We aim to provide fellows with a depth experience and increasing time to work on appropriate developmental projects. Having more designated and focused training time with areas of emphasis is meant to also help the fellow to develop clinical or research projects. The timing of rotations can sometimes change in order to accommodate a given fellow’s, peer’s, or rotation supervisor’s training and/or scheduling needs.


Minor Rotation Offerings

  • Inpatient Neuropsychology
  • Outpatient Neuropsychology
  • Health Psychology including Bariatric Pre-Surgical Assessment and Outpatient Comprehensive Weight Management
  • Spinal Cord Pre-Surgical Assessment (SCS)
  • Pain Management
  • Primary Care / Mental Health Integration via Department of Family Medicine

Months 1-6

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Outpatient Continuity Clinic

IMRU (Purple/Red)

Didactics/Scholarly Activities

Didactics/Scholarly Activities

SCS Minor Rotation

IMRU (Purple/Red)

IMRU (Purple/Red)

Outpatient Continuity Clinic

IMRU (Purple/Red)

IMRU (Purple/Red)


Months 7-12

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

IMRU (Green/Blue)

Neuropsych Minor Rotation

Didactics/Scholarly Activities

Didactics/Scholarly Activities

Outpatient Continuity Clinic


IMRU (Green/Blue)

Neuropsych Minor Rotation

Outpatient Continuity Clinic

IMRU (Green/Blue)

IMRU (Green/Blue)



Contact Us

Rehabilitation Psychology

Program Coordinator

  • Andi Giardina
  • Email:
  • Phone: (801) 581-6228

Mailing Address

  • 85 N Medical Drive
  • Salt Lake City, UT 84132