Dr. Holowatyj graduated with her PhD in Cancer Biology and a Graduate Certificate in Public Health Practice from the Wayne State University School of Medicine and Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute in Detroit, Michigan. During her doctoral tenure, she was the recipient of national and international awards where her research focused on the intersection of molecular epidemiology and cancer disparities. She also developed a strong expertise in epigenetics and chromatin modifications in tumorigenesis. At the Huntsman Cancer Institute, the focus of her research in Dr. Ulrich’s group was to elucidate the molecular underpinnings (genome, transcriptome, metabolome, microbiome) of young-onset colorectal cancer using data from ColoCare, FOCUS, MetaboCCC, and other international consortia. In addition, her research work aimed to explore the role of folate one-carbon metabolism, NSAID pharmacogenetics, and metabolic syndrome in colorectal cancer prognosis. Andreana was awarded a NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award T32 Post-Doctoral Fellowship Training Grant from the National Human Genome Research Institute Training in Genomic Medicine program. Andreana is also involved with the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), including as an invited panelist at the 2017 AACR Congressional Briefing.