Dr. Potter received her PhD in Biobehavioral Health from the Pennsylvania State University, where she was a NIDA T32 predoctoral fellow in the Prevention and Methodology Center Training program. Lindsey also has a master’s degree in Public Health from Drexel University. Her work focuses on exploring how various forms of stigma and discrimination influence processes giving rise to observed health risks; most notably, health behaviors, stress and affective reactions, and social/interpersonal responses. Her work extends the use of novel methodological (e.g., ecological momentary assessment [EMA]) and statistical (e.g., extensions of multilevel modeling, characterizing multidimensional risk categories) approaches to the discovery of how discrimination may contribute to health disparities. At the Huntsman Cancer Institute, Center for HOPE, Lindsey focused on using more advanced mHealth technologies to add to this body of foundational knowledge to inform the development of just-in-time-adaptive interventions and best-practices for the dissemination of basic research findings into real-world settings.