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Medical Genetics Residency Diversity & Inclusion

The University of Utah Pediatric Genetics Program is committed to building a more welcoming and inclusive residency program. We see undeniable value and necessity in recruiting and supporting a diverse residency workforce. We intend to create an environment where trainees who identify as BIPOC or as part of groups traditionally underrepresented in medicine, feel safe and are empowered to thrive in becoming skilled, impactful pediatricians and advocates. Our current active initiatives include:

  • Our resident-led Antiracism Working Group is supported by faculty, program leadership, and hospital administration and has been hard at work in each of the following domains: Education, Research, Reporting, Recruitment/Retention, Faculty Development, Policing, and Community Outreach. For example, we have:
    • Implemented Identity and Impact orientation workshops for trainees and faculty across the University 
    • Developed quarterly Speak-Up simulations to confront microaggressions and problematic behavior
    • Collaborated on the Longitudinal Social Medicine Curriculum to educate about racism as a current and centuries-old public health crisis  
    • Supported the Longitudinal Cultivating Compassionate Community Curriculum to provide space and support for processing the psychological impacts of racism, and empowering our residency community to reflect and change together 
    • Launched a quarterly grant-funded book club with residents and faculty to discuss anti-racism literature and activism.
    • Connected with pediatric resident liaisons with School of Medicine antiracism group and GME Office
    • Initiated community partnerships, including YWCA, Utah Pride Center, and University of Utah American Indian Resource Center
    • Maintained mutual accountability and progress through monthly meetings with the Pediatric Department Chair and the hospital-wide equity task force
    • Helped our resident recruitment/selection committee to move away from metrics that are inextricably tied to privilege towards a wholistic and value-based review process
    • Collaborated with the hospital safety reporting system to include an option to report discrimination in the workplace

We are working hard on these initiatives, with more to come so that we can actively combat racism at every level. We look forward to advancing this work with each new group of residents!