Publications (2020)
- Azagba S, Latham K, Shan L. (2020). Marijuana use and subsequent cigarette use among U.S. adolescents: A longitudinal study. Addict Behav 102:106194 PMID: 31862682 DOI: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2019.106194
- Azagba S, Shan L, Latham K, Qeadan F. (2020). Trends in cigarette smoking among American Indians and Alaska Natives in the USA: 1992-2015. Cancer Causes Control 31(1):73-82 PMID: 31734765 DOI: 10.1007/s10552-019-01250-7.
- Lei H, Jones RM, Li Y. (2020). Quantifying the relative impact of contact heterogeneity on MRSA transmission in ICUs – a modelling study. BMC Infect Dis 20(1):6 PMID: 31900118 DOI: 10.1186/s12879-019-4738-0
- Byun J, Peterson CM, Backonja U, Taylor RN, Stanford JB, Allen-Brady KL, Smith KR, Buck Louis GM, Schliep KC. (2020) Adiposity and endometriosis severity and typology. J Minim Invasive Gynecol S1553-4650(20)30035-2 PMID: 31927045 DOI: 10.1016/j.jmig.2020.01.002
- Chang CP, La Vecchia C, Serraino D, Olshan AF, Zevallos JP, Morgenstern H, Levi F, Garavello W, Kelsey K, McClean M, Chen C, Shwartz SM, Schantz S, Yu GP, Boffetta P, Hashibe M, Lee YA, Parpinel M, Augustin LSA, Turati F, Zhang ZF, Edefonti V. (2020). Dietary glycaemic index, glycaemic load and head and neck cancer risk: a pooled analysis in an international consortium. Br J Cancer PMID:31929514 DOI: 10.1038/s41416-019-0702-4
- Kim J, Stevens P, Carbone PS, Jones KB. (2020). Health care use and spending of pediatric patients with an intellectual or developmental disability. Med Care PMID: 31934953 DOI: 10.1097/MLR.0000000000001293
- Hoffman KE, Penson DF, Zhao Z, Huang LC, Conwill R, Laviana AA, Joyce DD, Luckenbaugh AN, Goodman M, Hamilton AS, Wu XC, Paddock LE, Stroup A, Cooperberg MR, Hashibe M, O’Neil BB, Kaplan SH, Greenfield S, Koyama T, Barocas DA. (2020). Patient-reported outcomes through 5 years for active surveillance surgery, brachytherapy, or external beam radiation with or without androgen deprivation therapy for localized prostate cancer. JAMA 323(2):149-163 PMID: 31935027 DOI: 10.1001/jama.2019.20675.
- Azagba S, King J, Shan L, Manzione L. (2020). Cigarette smoking behavior among menthol and nonmenthol adolescent smokers. J Adolesc Health S1054-139X(19):30884-5 PMID: 31964612 DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2019.11.307
- Fitch MS, Thiese MS, Wood EM, Kapellusch JM, Hegmann KT. (2020). The coexistence of carpal tunnel syndrome in workers with trigger digit. Hand (N Y) PMID: 31965852 DOI: 10.1177/1558944719893048
- Pohlmann S, Kunz A, Ose D, Winkler E, Brander A, Poss-Doering R, Szecsenyi J, Wensing M. (2020). Digitalizing health services by implementing a personal electronic health record in Germany: Qualitative analysis of fundamental prerequisites from the perspective of selected experts. J Med Internet Res 22(1):e15102 PMID: 32012060 DOI:10.2196/15102
- Rogers CR, Blackburn BE, Huntington M, Curtin K, Thorpe RJ, Rowe K, Snyder J, Deshmukh V, Newman M, Fraser A, Smith K, Hashibe M. (2020). Rural-urban disparities in colorectal cancer survival and risk among men in Utah: A statewide population-based study. Cancer Causes Control PMID:32002718 DOI:10.1007/s10552-020-01268-2
- Azagba S, Shan L, Manzione LC, Latham K, Rogers CR, Qeadan F. (2020). Single cigarette purchasers among adult U.S. smokers. Prev Med Rep PMID: 32021764 DOI: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2020.101055
- Azagba S, Shan L, Latham K, Manzione L. (2020). Trends in binge and heavy drinking among adults in the United States, 2011-2017. Substance Use and Misuse DOI: 10.1080/10826084.2020.1717538
- Kim S, Park J, Chen Y, Rowe K, Snyder J, Fraser A, Smith K, Deshmukh VG, Newman M, Herget K, Porucznik CA, Ose D, Playdon M, Gaffney D, Hashibe M. (2020). Long-term diabetes risk among endometrial cancer survivors in a population-based cohort study. Gynecol Oncol 156(1):185-193 PMID: 31839336 DOI: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2019.10.015.
- Chen C, Lohavanichbutr P, Zhang Y, Houck JR, Upton MP, Abedi-Ardekani B, Agudo A, Ahrens W, Alemany L, Anantharaman D, Conway DI, Futran ND, Holcatova I, Gunther K, Hansen BT, Healy CM, Itani D, Kjaerheim K, Monroe MM, Thomson PJ, Witt BL, Nakoneshny S, Peterson LA, Schwartz SM, Zarins KR, Hashibe M, Brennan P, Rozek LS, Wolf G, Dort JC, Wang P. (2020). Prediction of survival of HPV16-negative, p16-negative oral cavity cancer patients using a 13-gene signature: A multicenter study using FFPE samples. Oral Oncol 100:104487 PMID: 31835136 DOI: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2019.104487.
- Jones RM, Bleasdale SC, Maita D, Brosseau LM. (2020). A systematic risk-based strategy to select personal protective equipment for infectious diseases. Am J Infect Control 48(1):46-51 PMID: 31358421 DOI: 10.1016/j.ajic.2019.06.023
- Kerrigan K, Patel SB, Haaland B, Ose D, Chalmers AW, Haydell T, Meropol NJ, Akerley W. (2020). Prognostic significance of patient-reported outcomes in cancer. JCO Oncol Pract PMID 32048943 DOI: 10.1200/JOP.19.00329
- Phan LT, Sweeney DM, Maita D, Mortiz DC, Bleasdale SC, Jones RM, CDC Prevention Epicenters Program. (2020). Respiratory viruses in the patient environment. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol PMIC: 32043434 DOI: 10.1017/ice.2019.299.
- Rodriguez JE, Campbell KM, Patterson B. (2020). Research and Scholarship. Succeeding in Academic Medicine. (pp. 63-77) DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-33267-9_6
- Azagba S, Manzione LC, Shan L. (2020). Response to “Adolescent tobacco use in the current era of multiple products for smoking”. J Adolesc Health 66(2):259 PMID: 31952568 DOI: 10.1016/j.jadonhealth.2019.11.296
- McAdams E, Cross Z, Bosch C, Rodriguez J, Nashelsky J. (2020). Treatments for postmenopausal hypoactive sexual desire disorder. Am Fam Physician 101(3):182-183 PMID: 32003955
- Wolfson M, Wagoner KG, Song EY, Pankratz M, Azagba S. (2020). Methods for population research on substance use and consequences. Handb Exp Pharmacol PMID: 32006257 DOI: 10.1007/164_2019_319
- Azagba S, Manzione L, Shan L, King J. (2020). Trends in smoking behavior among US adolescent cigarette smokers. Pediatrics PMID: 32015140 DOI: 10.1542/peds.2019-3047
- Aylward A, Park J, Abdelaziz S, Hunt JP, Buchmann LO, Cannon RB, Rowe K, Snyder J, Deshmukh V, Newman M, Wan Y, Fraser A, Smith K, Lloyd S, Hitchcock Y, Hashibe M, Monroe MM. (2020). Individualized prediction of late-onset dysphagia in head and neck cancer survivors. Head Neck PMID: 32031294 DOI: 10.1002/hed.26039
- Nicola L, Yang J, Egger MJ, Nygaard IE. (2020). Effects of oxytocin for induction and augmentation of labor on pelvic floor symptoms and support in the postpartum period. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg. PMID: 32097161 DOI:10.1097/SPV.0000000000000848
- Laviana AA, Zhao Z, Huang LC, Koyama T, Conwill R, Hoffman K, Goodman M, Hamilton AS, Wu XC, Paddock LE, Stroup A, Cooperberg MR, Hashibe M, O’Neil BB, Kaplan SH, Greenfield S, Penson DF, Barocas DA. (2020). Development and internal validation of a web-based tool to predict sexual, urinary, and bowel function longitudinally after radiation therapy, surgey, or observation. Eur Urol. PMID: 32098731 DOI: 10.1016/j.eururo.2020.02.007
- Najmabadi S, Schliep KC, Simonsen SE, Porucznik CA, Egger MJ, Stanford JB. (2020). Menstrual bleeding, cycle length, and follicular and luteal phase lengths in women without known subfertility: A pooled analysis of three cohorts. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol PMID: 32104920 DOI: 10.1111/ppe.12644
- McAdams E, Cross Z, Bosch C, Rodriguez JE, Nashelsky J. (2020). Treatments for postmenopausal hypoactive sexual desire disorder. Am Fam Physician 101(3):183-183 PMID: 32003955
- Chang CP, Chen Y, Blackburn B, Abdelaziz S, Rowe K, Snyder J, Dodson M, Deshmukh V, Newman M, Stanford JB, Porucznik CA, Ose J, Fraser A, Smith K, Doherty J, Gaffney D, Hashibe M. (2020). Genitourinary disease risk among ovarian cancer survivors in a population-based cohort study. Gynecol Oncol. PMID: 32122688 DOI:10.1016/j.ygyno.2020.02.028
- Gren LH, Benson LS, Frost CJ. (2020). Global U: Exploring curricular development and outcomes in three University of Utah experiential learning abroad programs. Pedagog Healt. 6(1):36-45 DOI: 10.1177/2373379919895037
- Shan L, Manzione LC, Azagba S. (2020). Psychological well-being and dual-use of cigarettes and e-cigarettes among high school students in Canada. J Affect Disord. PMID: 32090760 DOI: 10.1016/j.jad.2020.01.085
- Manzione LC, Shan L, Azagba S. (2020). Associations between risk perceptions and cigarettes, e-cigarette, and dual-product use among Canadian adolescents. Tob Use Insights. PMID: 32180684 DOI: 10.1177/1179173X20903784
- Stanford J, Schliep KC, Chang CP, O’Sullivan JP, Porucznik CA. (2020). Comparison of woman-picked, expert-picked, and computer-picked peak day of cervical mucus with blinded urine luteinizing hormone surge for concurrent identification of ovulation. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. PMID: 32101336 DOI: 10.1111/ppe.12642
- Phan LT, Sweeney DM, Maita D, Moritz DC, Bleasdale SC, Jones RM, CDC PEP. (2020). Respiratory viruses in the patient environment. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 41(3):259-266 PMID:32043434 DOI: 10.1017/ice.2019.299
- Nelson LF, Yocum VK, Patel KD, Qeadan F, His A, Weitzen S. (2020). Cognitive outcomes of young children after prenatal exposure to medications for opioid use disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA Netw Open. 3(3) PMID: 32186745 DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.1195
- Russo LM, Whitcomb BW, Freeman JR, Mumford SL, Sjaarda LA, Perkins NJ, Schliep KC, Grewal J, Silver RM, Schisterman EF. (2020). Physical activity and incidence of subclinical and clinical pregnancy loss: a secondary analysis in the effects of aspirin in gestation and reproduction randomized trial. Fertil Steril. 113(3):601-608.e1 PMID:32192592 DOI:10.1016/j.fertnstert.2019.10.027
- Bondah EK, Gren LH, Talboys SL. (2020). Prevalence, drinking patterns, and risk factors of alcohol use and early onset among Ghanaian senior high school students. Am J Prev Med Public Health. 6(1): 16-25.
- Qeadan F, Bansal P, Hanson JA, Beswick EJ. (2020). The MK2 pathway is linked to G-CSF, Cytokine production and metastasis in gastric cancer: A novel intercorrelation analysis approach. J Transl Med. 18(1):137 PMID: 32216812 DOI: 10.1186/s12967-020-02294-z
- Ninivaggio CS, Komesu YM, Jeppson PC, Cichowski SB, Qualls C, Qeadan F, Rogers RG, Dunivan GC. (2020). Perineorrhaphy outcomes related to body imagery: A randomized trial of body image perception. Female Pelvic Med Reconstr Surg. PMID: 32205557 DOI: 10.1097/SPV.0000000000000841
- Meinecke A, Allen JA, Lehmann-Willenbrock N. (2020). Research on Managing Groups and Teams: Managing Meetings in Organizations. Vol. 20. Cambridge, MA: Emerald.
- Blank AT, Shaw S, Wakefield CJ, Zhang Y, Liu WJ, Jones KB, Randall RL. (2020). What factors influence patient experience in orthopedic oncology office visits? World J Clin Oncol. 11(3): 136-142 PMID: 32257844 DOI: 10.5306/wjco.v11.i3.136
- Rogers CR, Blackburn BE, Huntington M, Curtin K, Thorpe Jr. RJ, Rowe K, Snyder J, Deshmukh V, Newman M, Fraser A, Smith K, Hashibe M. (2020). Rural-urban disparities in colorectal cancer survival and risk among men in Utah: a statewide population-based study. Cancer Causes Control. 31(3):241-253. PMID: 32002718 DOI: 10.1007/s10552-020-01268-2
- Martinez JA, Qeadan F, Burge MR. (2020). Hypothyroidism, sex, and age predict future thromboembolic events among younger people. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 105(4) PMID:31863093 DOI: 10.1210/clinem/dgz291
- Azagba S, Manzione L. (2020). Retail outlets and point-of-sale marketing of alternative tobacco products: Another threat to tobacco control. J Adolesc Health. 66(4): 385-386. PMID: 32199518 DOI: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2020.01.001
- Thiesset HF, Schliep KC, Stokes SM, Valentin VL, Gren LH, Porucznik CA, Huang LC. (2020). Opioid misuse and dependence screening practices prior to surgery. J Surg Res. 252:200-205. PMID: 32283333 DOI: 10.1016/j.jss.2020.03.015
- Chavez JL, Porucznik CA, Gren LH, Guan J, Joyce E, Brodke DS, Dailey AT, Mahan MA, Hood RS, Lawrence BD, Spiker WR, Spina NT, Bisson EF. (2020). The impact of preoperative mindfulness-based stress reduction on postoperative outcomes in lumbar spine degenerative disease: 3- and 12- month results of a pilot study. World Neurosurg. S1878-8750(20)30657-4.
- Qeadan F, Honda T, Gren LH, Daily-Provost J, Benson LS, VanDerslice JA, Porucznik CA, Waters AB, Lacey S, Shoaf K. (2020). Naive forcast for COVID-19 in Utah based on the South Korea and Italy models – the fluctuation between two extremes. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 17(8):E2750. PMID: 32316165 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17082750.
- VanDerslice J, Taddie MC, Curtin K, Miller C, Yu Z, Hemmert R, Cannon-Albright LA, Neklason DW. (2020). Early life exposures associated with risk of small intestinal neuroendocrine tumors. PLoS One. 15(4):e0231991. PMID: 32324813 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0231991.
- Leiser CL, Taddie M, Hemmert R, Steed RR, VanDerslice JA, Henry K, Ambrose J, O’Neil B, Smith KR, Hanson HA. (2020). Spatial clusters of cancer incidence: analyzing 1940 census data linked to 1966-2017 cancer records. Cancer Cause Control. PMID: 32323050 DOI: 10.1007/s10552-020-01302.
- Ahmed J, Wong LP, Chua YP, Channa N, Mahar RB, Yasmin A, VanDerslice JA, Garn JV. (2020). Quantitative microbial risk assessment of drinking water quality to predict the risk of waterborne diseases in primary-school children. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 17(8):E2774. PMID:32316585 DOI: 10.3390/ijerph17082774
- Rolls J, Davis J, Backman R, Wood T, Honda T. (2020). Curricular approaches to transgender health in physician assistant education. Acad Med. PMID:32349019 DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000003464
- Wende AR, Schell JC, Ha CM, Pepin ME, Khalimonchuk O, Schwertz H, Pereira RO, Brhma MK, Tuinei J, Contreras-Ferrat A, Wang L, Andrizzi CA, Olsen CD, Bradley WE, Dell’Italia LJ, Dillmann WH, Litwin SE, Abel ED. (2020). Maintaining myocardial glucose utilization in diabetic cardiomyopathy accelerates mitochondrial dysfunction. Diabetes. PMID: 32366681 DOI: 10.2337/db19-1057
- Contreras G, Lu L, Tamariz L, Rocco MV, Papademetriou V, Kostis JB, Pisoni R, Glasser SP, Sweeney ME, Basile J, Gren LH, Zamanian S, Cushman WC, SPRINT Research Group. (2020). Outcomes in adults with systolic blood pressure between 130 and 139 mmHg in action to control cardiovascular risk in diabetes blood pressure trial and systolic blood pressure intervention trial. J Hypertens. PMID: 32371767 DOI: 10. 1097/HJH.0000000000002437
- Kim J, Stevens P, Carbone PS, Jones KB. (2020). Health care use and spending of pediatric patients with an intellectual or developmental disability. Med Care 58(5):468-473. PMID: 31934953 DOI: 10.1097/MLR.0000000000001293
- Elbarbary M, Honda T, Morgan G, Guo Y, Guo Y, Kowal P, Negin J. (2020). Ambient air pollution exposure association with Anaemia prevalence and Haemoglobin levels in Chinese older adults. Int J Environ Res Public Health 17(9):3209. DOI: http//:doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17093209
- Azagba S, Mensah NA, Shan L, Latham K. (2020). Bullying victimization and e-cigarette use among middle and high school students. J Sch Health. PMID: 32406087 DOI: 10.1111/josh.12902
- Odukoya OO, Manortey S, Takemoto M, Alder S, Okuyemi KS. (2020). Body, soul and spirit, an adaptation of two evidence-based interventions to promote physical activity and healthy eating among adults in churches in Lagos Nigeria: a three-arm cluster randomized controlled pilot trial. Pilot Feasibility Stud. PMID: 32391167 DOI: 10.1186/s40814-020-00600-6.
- Ou JY, Hanson HA, Ramsay JM, Kaddas HK, Pope CA 3rd, Leiser CL, VanDerslice J, Kirchhoff AC. (2020). Fine particulate matter air pollution and mortality among pediatric, adolescent, and young adult cancer patients. Cancer Epidemiol Biomakers Prev. PMID: 32404444 DOI: 10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-19-1363
- Pedersen, K. (2020). A humanitarian in every sense of the world. Newsletter of the Physician Assistant History Society. 14(2): 9-10.
- Azagba S, Latham K, Shan L. (2020). Sociodemographic differences in secondhand smoke exposure in the United States. Health Educ Behav. DOI: 10.1177/1090198120925414
- Ahmed J, Wong LP, Chua YP, Yasmin A, Channa N, VanDerslice JA. (2020). Estimation of Hepatitis A virus infection prevalence through drinking water supply of primary schools of Sindh, Pakistan. Hepat Mon. 20(5) DOI: 10.5812/hepatmon.98412
- Qeadan F, Christensen R. (2020). On the equivalence between the LRT and F-test for testing variance components in a class of linear mixed models. Metrika.
- Rogers CR, *Moore JX, Qeadan F, *Gu LY, *Huntington MS, Holowatyj AN. (2020). Examining factors underlying geographic disparities in early-onset colorectal cancer survival among men in the United States. Am J Cancer Res. 10(5):1592-1607. PMCID: PMC7269786.
- Chang CP, Chen Y, Blackburn B, Abdelaziz S, Rowe K, Snyder J, Dodson M, Deshmukh V, Newman M, Stanford JB, Porucznik CA, Ose J, Fraser A, Smith K, Doherty J, Gaffney D, Hashibe M. (2020). Genitourinary disease risks among ovarian cancer survivors in a population-based cohort study. Gynecol Oncol. 152(2):529-535 PMID: 32122688 DOI: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2020.02.028.
- Hyde MA, Grossman D, Wu YP, Buys S, Gren LH, Hashibe M. (2020). Vitamin D, melanoma risk, and tumor thickness in PLCO cancer screening trial patients. J Am Acad Physician Assist. 33(6):35-41 PMID: 32452960 DOI: 10.1097/01.jaa.0000662388.18867.42.
- Kagabo R, Okuyemi K, Eden E, Kappellusch J, Murtaugh MA, Hegmann KT, Thiese MS. (2020). Psychosocial factors and tobacco use among commercial truck drivers. J Occup Environ Med. 62(6): 439-444 PMID: 32502084 DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000001858
- Crew EC, Baron KG, Grandner MA, Levers-Landis CE, McCrae CS, Nadorff MR, Nowakowski S, Margolies SO, Hansen K. (2020). The society of behavioral sleep medicine (SBSM) COVID-19 task force: Objectives and summary recommendations for managing sleep during a pandemic. Behav Sleep Med. PMID: 32538157 DOI: 10.1080/15402002.2020.1776288
- Nagelhout ES, Lensink R, Zhu A, Parsons BG, Haaland B, Hashibe M, Grossman D, VanDerslice J, Gren LH, Jensen JD, Wu YP. (2020). Higher ultraviolet radiation exposure among rural-dwelling versus urban-dwelling adults and children: Implications for skin cancer prevention. J Community Health. PMID: 32542551 DOI: 10.1007/s10900-020-00860-6
- Lambert SL, Jones KB. (2020). SKP2 my lou, my darling. Cancer Res 80(12):2437-2438. PMID: 32540853 DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-20-1046
- Rolls J, Davis J, Backman R, Wood T, Honda T. (2020). Curricular approaches to transgender health in physician assistant education. Acad Med. PMID: 32349019 DOI: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000003464
- Baker J, Rolls J. (2020). Update on HIV prevention and preexposure prophylaxis. J Am Acad Phys 33(6):12-17. DOI: 10.1097/01.JAA.0000662360.74992.67
- Najmabadi S, Honda TJ, Hooker RS. (2020). Collaborative practice trends in US physician office visits: An analysis of the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS), 2007-2016. BMJ Open 10(6):e035414. PMID: 32565462 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-035414
- Thiese MS, Lu ML, Merryweather A, Tang R, Ferguson SA, Malloy EJ, Marras WS, Hegmann KT, Kapellusch J. (2020). Psychosocial factors and low back pain outcomes in a pooled analysis of low back pain studies. J Occup Environ Med. PMID: 32568818 DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000001941
- Reisz PA, Laviana AA, Zhao Z, Huang LC, Koyama T, Conwill R, Hoffman K, Goodman M, Hamilton AS, Wu XC, Paddock LE, Stroup A, Cooperberg MR, Hashibe M, O’Neil BB, Kaplan SH, Greenfield S, Penson DF, Barocas DA. (2020). Assessing the quality of surgical care for clinically localized prostate cancer: Results from the CEASAR study. J Urol. PMID: 32568605 DOI: 10.1097/JU.0000000000001198
- Bravi F, Lee A, Hashibe M, Boffetta P, Conway DI, Ferraroni M, Vecchia CL, Edefonti V, INHANCE Consotium Investigators. (2020). Lessons learned from the INHANCE consortium: An overview of recent results on head and neck cancer. Oral Dis. PMID: 32569410 DOI:10.1111/odi.13502
- Morgan N, Christensen K, Skedros G, Kim S, Schliep K. (2020). Life stressors, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, and preterm birth. J Psychosom Obstet Gynaecol. PMID: 32567962 DOI: 10.1080/0167482X.2020.1778666
- King JL, Shan L, Azagba S. (2020). Association between purchasing behaviors and cigar use: A longitudinal analysis of waves 1-3 of the population assessment of tobacco and health (PATH) study. PLoS One 15(6):e0235496. PMID: 32598379 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0235496
- Bismark O, Owusu-Ofori A, Anson D, Buxton R, Benson S, Ose-Akoto A, Owiredu EW, Adjei C, Amuzu EX, Boaheng JM, Dickerson T. (2020). Point prevalence of asymptomatic Plasmodium infection and the comparison of microscopy, rapid diagnostic test and nested PCR for the diagnosis of asymptomatic malaria among children under 5 years in Ghana. PLoS One. 15(7):E0232874. doi: 10.1371/journal/pone.0232874.
- Ali B, Shetty A, Qeadan F, Demas C, Schwartz JD. Sternoclavicular joint infections: Improved outcomes with myocutaenous flaps. (2020). Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 32(2):369-376. PMID: 31866574. Doi: 10.1053/j.semtevs.2019.12.007
- Elbarbary M, Honda T, Morgan G, Kelly P, Guo Y, Negin J. (2020). Ambient air pollution exposure association with diabetes prevalence and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels in China. Cross-sectional analysis from the WHO study of AGEing and adult health wave 1. J Environ Sci Health A Tox Hazard Subst Environ Eng. PMID: 32615056 DOI: 10.1080/10934529.2020.1787011.
- Jones RM. (2020). Relative contributions of transmission routes for COVID-19 among healthcare personnel providing patient care. J Occup Environ Hyg. 1-8. PMID: 32643585 DOI: 10.1080/15459624.2020.1784427
- Weis A, Pohlmann S, Poss-Doering R, Strauss B, Ullrich C, Hofmann H, Ose D, Winkler EC, Szecsenyi J, Wensing M. (2020). Caregivers’ role in using a personal electronic health record: a qualitative study of cancer patients and caregivers in Germany. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 20(1):158. PMID: 32660600 DOI: 10.1186/s12911-020-01172-4
- Azagba S, Shan L, Manzione L. (2020). Associations of home and workplace vaping restrictions with e-cigarette use among U.S. adults. Prev Med. PMID: 32653356 DOI: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2020.106196
- Mudassir Farooqui, Asad Ikram, Sajid Suriya, Sidra Saleem, Syed A. Quadri, Myranda Robinson, Santiago Ortega-Gutierrez, Fares Qeadan, Enrique C. Leira, Surojit Paul, Atif Zafar (2020). Cytokine Registry In Stroke Patients (CRISP): protocol of a prospective observational study. Medicine (Baltimore). 99(28):e20921. PMID: 32664088 DOI:10.1097/MD.00000000000020921
- Azagba S, Qeadan F, Shan L, Latham K, Wolfson M. (2020). E-cigarette use and transition in adult smoking frequency: a longitudinal study. Am J Prev Med. S0749-3797(20)30154-9. PMID: 32684358 DOI: 10.1016/j.amepre.2020.02.024
- Najmabadi S, Honda TJ, Hooker RS. (2020). Collaborative practice trends in US physician office visits: an analysis of the National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS), 2007-2016. BMJ Open 2020. 10(6):1-9. DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-035414.
- Kotlyar M, Shanley R, Dufresne SR, Corcoran GA, Okuyemi KS, Mills AM, Hatsukami DK. (2020). Effects on time to lapse of switching menthol smokers to non-menthol cigarettes prior to a cessation attempt: a pilot study. Tob Control. PMID: 32719011 DOI: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2020-055689.
- Curran RL, Lippman JM, Raber H, Gondor K, Li M, Fortenberry KT. (2020). Diabetic nephropathy screening in a residency clinic: improvements also reveal limits of healthcare effectiveness data and information set (HEDIS) metric. Clin Diabetes. 38(3):287-290. PMID: 32699478 DOI: 10.2337/cd19-0049
- Robbins RB, Thiese MS, Ott U, Wood EM, Effiong A, Murtaugh M, Kapellusch J, Cheng M, Hegmann K. (2020). Metabolic syndrome in commercial truck drivers: prevalence, associated factors, and comparison with the general population. J Occup Environ Med. 62(7):453-459. PMID: 32730019 DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000001863
- Holowatyj AN, Viskochil R, Ose D, Tingey B, Haaland B, Wilson D, Larson M, Feltz S, Lewis MA, Colman H, Ulrich CM. (2020). Diabetes, body fatness, and insulin prescription among adolescents and young adults with cancer. J Adolesc Young Adult Oncol. PMID: 32749900 DOI: 10.1089/jayao.2020.0071
- Huelster HL, Laviana AA, Joyce DD, Huang LC, Zhao Z, Koyama T, Hoffman KE, Conwill R, Goodman M, Hamilson AS, Wu XC, Paddock LE, Stroup A, Cooperberg M, Hashibe M, O’Neil BB, Kaplan SH, Greenfield S, Penson DF, Barocas DA. (2020). Radiotherapy after radical prostatectomy: effect of timing of postprostatectomy radiation on functional outcomes. Urol Oncol. PMID: 32736934 DOI: 10.1016/j.urolonc.2020.06.022
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