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Department of Emergency Medicine

ER Research Associate Information


  • University of Utah Student (must be enrolled in classes through duration of program)
  • Student or volunteer
    • You can register for the 2 credit-course offered through the University of Utah.
    • You can be a volunteer through the volunteer department at the U of U Hospital.
      • The RA will be held to the same standards and be expected to do all the same  
    • All meetings and assignments are MANDATORY FOR ALL RAs, regardless of student or volunteer status.



  • Must apply via application, Application due to Margaret Carlson at
  • Accept new applicants each semester
    • Spring deadline = Nov 1st
    • Fall deadline = June 15th


Weekly Research Shift:

-Shifts: Associates will be expected to work one four-hour shift per week. Turning in research logs at the end of each shift is required for both students and volunteers.

-Attendance: Each research associate is required to attend all meetings and their weekly shift, scheduled at the beginning of the semester.


-There will be no unexcused absences; i.e.: work, studying for exams, vacations, leaving shift early without permission, etc. There will not be any opportunities to make-up unexcused absences after the shift is missed.

-An unexcused absence results in an automatic fail and removal from the course for students and removal from the program for volunteers.

-You are allowed two excused absences; i.e., weddings, funerals, exams, etc.

-You can only make up a shift if you let Margaret know ahead of time that you will be absent for one of the reasons mentioned above. Friday and Saturday evenings from 8pm to midnight are blocked off as specific make-up shift times.



Austin Stevens
Director, Research & Science