Utah Emergency Medicine Research Undergraduate Experience (U-EMERGE)
The Utah Emergency Medicine Research Undergraduate Experience (U-EMERGE) program was designed with the specific goal of recruiting and training pre-health professional students to serve as Research Assistants (RAs) in the Emergency Department at the University of Utah’s School of Medicine. The program’s objective is to provide students and volunteers with an in-depth understanding of the various aspects of clinical research. This includes conducting literature reviews, navigating research ethics, and mastering data collection techniques. As a hands-on educational experience, the course details the essential duties of an RA. These duties include screening and enrolling participants, as well as gathering data for ongoing research projects in the emergency department. RAs are also responsible for the thorough completion of all study-related documentation and data collection, ensuring strict adherence to each project’s specific protocols.
Applications are currently closed for the Spring 2025 Semester
Applications for the Fall 2025 semester will open May or June 2025
Clinical Shifts: Each RA has a weekly four-hour shift.
- Options: Mon-Sun 8am-12pm, 12pm-4pm, 4pm-8pm, 8pm-12am.
- Make-up shifts: Fri 8pm-12am or Sat 8pm-12am.
For-credit enrollment (optional): To enroll in this course for credit, please contact us for a permission code.
Please note: We only encourage those who need this course to benefit their major to take this course for credit. All RAs will receive volunteer hours no matter.
H EDU5900 – Research Practicum
Credits: 2
Total completions allowed: 2 (for credit)
Total credit allowed: 4
Component: Practicum
Note to volunteers: Although you will not be given a grade for the course, you are held to the same level of responsibility as students receiving course credit. Failure to comply with the requirements outlined in the course syllabus will result in removal from the study/volunteer service for the emergency department.
Attendance & Punctuality: Research Assistants are expected to be punctual for their weekly four-hour shifts and stay on task during their shift. Please arrive 10 minutes early for your shift to receive a hand-off from the previous RA.
We will allow 2 excused absences for exams, weddings, funerals, etc. There will be no unexcused absences, i.e., work, studying for exams, vacations, leaving shifts early without permission, etc. No unexcused absences will be accepted. There will not be any opportunities to make-up unexcused absences after the shift is missed. Make-up shifts are available Friday and Saturday evenings, 8 pm-12 am.
Participation: Research Assistants must actively engage in assignments, conduct hands-on clinical research, and maintain frequent communication with mentors and instructors. Attendance is mandatory for in-person orientation at HELIX building at the beginning of the program. RAs must complete volunteer onboarding requirements, research training, and 2 two-hour shadowing shifts with their "buddy". Outside of shadowing, RAs are required to attend one four-hour shift weekly and complete one research survey per hour during their shifts.
Continued Participation: Continued participation is not guaranteed and anyone can be removed from the program for a number of reasons. The class is competitive and we want to provide an opportunity for participation for as many students as possible. To continue as a research associate will be a privilege awarded to those with the strongest performance based on some of the following factors in the class. We will make determinations based on the extent of the student's involvement (attendance, research logs, follow-up calls, etc), attitude/relationship with staff, and the overall demand for participation in the program. These are some of the criteria that will be considered but is not an exhaustive list.
To apply for the upcoming semester, please email Kate Flynn (kate.flynn@hsc.utah.edu) with the following:
- Resume
- Unofficial transcript
- Short paragraph explaining your interest in emergency medicine research