Required Activities and Coursework
MDID 6500 Introduction to Global Health Principles (1 credit)
MDID 6510 Preparation for Global Health Service & Learning (1 credit)
MDID 6530 Global Medicine (1 credit)
MDID 6515 Maternal & Newborn Survival: Theory to Practice (3 credits)
PBHLT 5520 Public Health Perspective on Surgery in the Global Context (3 credits)
Independent Learning
Student Global Health Initiative (SGHI) membership and participation for 2 semesters
Submission of a project to the Bench-2-Bedside Competition (B2B) in the Global Health category
International Elective
MDID 6520 Global Health Mentored Scholarly Elective (4 credits; 160 hours effort)
MDID 6540 Global Health Clinical Elective (4 credits; 160 hours effort)
PBHLT 6531 Global Public Health in Ghana (4-5 credits)
Capstone Project
Issues in Clinical Care – White Poster
Medical students enrolled in MDID 6540 Global Health Clinical Elective will prepare and present a poster related to an issue or problem in clinical care as their Graduate Certificate in Global Medicine Capstone Project.
Global Health Research – Scholarly Poster
Medical students enrolled in MDID 6520 Global Health Mentored Scholarly Elective or FPMD 6531 International Field Work in Public Health will prepare and present a scientific poster related to their research as their Graduate Certificate in Global Medicine Capstone Project.