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Global Health Education


About Us

Welcome to the office of the Assistant Dean of Global Health Education at the University of Utah School of Medicine. Our office serves as a comprehensive resource to meet the global health education needs of medical students. We offer a wide array of services and education activities, including:

  • Graduate Certificate in Global Medicine
  • Mentorship and career planning
  • Elective global health courses at the University of Utah School of Medicine
  • Elective clinical clerkships and research courses at our international partner sites (for University of Utah medical students)
  • Elective clinical clerkships at the University of Utah (for medical students from our international partner sites)
  • International travel assistance & planning for medical students

Please stop by our office or contact us to discuss your global health education needs.

Contact Us

Office of Assistant Dean of
Global Health Education
U of U School of Medicine

27 South Mario Capecchi Drive RM 230
Salt Lake City, UT 84112

student checking heart
university trip to Ghana
medical students with locals
newborn resuscitation
student in Ghana

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Your gift will have a profound impact on promoting global health education & training among medical students from Utah and our international partner sites.

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