Global Health Student Research Projects - Ghana
Efficacy of Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Malaria in Children of Rural Ghana
Cultural Norms, Knowledge, and Attitudes Regarding Abortion in Rural Ghana
The Prevalence and Correlates of Hypertension Among Rural Ghanaian Adults
Verbal autopsy: an analysis of the common causes of childhood death in the Barekese sub-district of Ghana – 2011
Family Planning in a Sub-district near Kumasi, Ghana: Side Effect Fears, Unintended Pregnancies and Misuse of a Medication as Emergency Contraception – 2011
Silent Crisis: Epidemic Hypertension in Rural West Africa
Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews – 2013
Anthropometric Markers of Malnutrition Among Ghanaian Primary School Children in Kumasi, Ghana
Prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease in Rural Ghana
Cultural Norms, Knowledge, and Attitudes Regarding Abortion in rural Ghana
Hygiene Practices and Level of Education in Rural Ghana
Waste, Sanitation and Understanding of Germ Theory in Rural Ghana – 2015
Availability of Essential Drugs and Services for Children and Pregnant Women in the Barekuma Sub-District of Ghana
The Perception and Management of Pain in Rural Ghana
The Prevalence and Correlates of Dyslipidemia Among Rural Ghanaian Adults
Impacts and Challenges of Community Health Planning Services (CHPS) Facilities in Rural Ghana
Chief Complaint-Related Health Seeking Behavior of Adults in Rural Ghana Community: Perceptions and Perspectives
Unintentional Home Poisoning Among Children in Rural Ghana: A Community Survey of Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices
Suboptimal vaccination rates in rural Ghana despite positive caregiver attitudes towards vaccination
Evaluating Elder Health in the Barekuma Sub-district of Ghana
Exploring the indirect determinants of mortality in young children in the Barekese sub-district, Ghana
Micronutrient deficiencies, beliefs about food and attitudes towards supplementation in women of reproductive age in rural Ghanaian communities