Introduction to the Longitudinal Integrated Curriculum (LIC)
1.1 Preceptor's Guide to the LIC Year
For helpful information regarding precepting students, please review the preceptor handbook.
1.2 Understanding the LIC
Please view the video below to learn more about the following:
- What is an LIC?
- LIC basic components and structure
- Strengths of the LIC
- Basic preceptor expectations
1.3 LIC Specific Resources
- Evaluation forms & examples: You can view the evaluation forms for the year here and the evaluation rubric review here.
- Case log: For a comprehensive list of core diagnoses students should experience over the year review here.
- TeamUp instructions: For instructions on how to utilize the scheduling platform TeamUp please review here.
1.4 Preceptor Pearls - General Approach for Feedback
- You can view this preceptor pearl about approaching how to provide feedback with specific examples here or by clicking the button below.
- This was developed by Dr. Andrew Chang, MD a primary care physician in the department of Internal Medicine and current LIC preceptor and Dr. Katherine Anderson, MD the Division Chief of the Division of Medical Education and physician in the department of Internal Medicine.