We invite you to participate in the Mountain West Transforming Care Conference: as an exhibitor or educational supporter! Your involvement in this conference benefits your agency and the professionals in attendance. All opportunities are on a first-come, first-served basis. Your timely action will secure the appropriate exposure and benefits for your organization. The sooner you respond, the more likely the option you want will still be available!
Exhibitors are offered several opportunities in person at the conference venue and listed on our conference app or just a virtual opportunity within the app. MWAETC Commercial Entity Guideline
Booth Price
- In-person for-profit organizations: $500 per booth
- In-person non-profit organizations: $250 per booth
- Virtual only exhibitor non-profit or for-profit: $250 per booth
All Exhibitor Booths Include
- Virtual booth space
- One complimentary conference registration (in person or virtual depending on the option you choose)
- Ability to communicate with attendees in the conference app
- Recognition in the conference program and on the sponsor page of our website
- Opportunity for product or service exposure
In-Person Booths Include Additional Perks
- In person booth space
- Dedicated exhibitor time to interact with attendees in person
- Access to conference provided lunch and snacks
Each support level includes an exhibitor booth. Please let us know if you would prefer an in person or virtual booth.
Corporate Level: $5,000
- One social media call-out
- Listing on conference website 1st tier placement
- Four complimentary conference registrations
Platinum Level: $2,500
- Listing on conference website 2nd tier placement
- Three complimentary conference registrations
Gold Level: $1,250
- Listing on conference website 3rd tier placement
- Two complimentary conference registrations
Silver Level: $1,000
- Listing on conference website 4th tier placement
- One complimentary conference registration
Community Level: $750
- Listing on conference website 5th tier placement
One complimentary registration
Design Your Own Opportunity:
We want to find unique opportunities for you to engage with this conference and our attendees. Examples may include session supporters, lunch supporters, scholarship supporters, etc. Please contact kate.throneburg@hsc.utah.edu for more information.